Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Presentation

      A Simulator for Confluent P Systems 

      Gutiérrez Naranjo, Miguel Ángel; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús; Riscos Núñez, Agustín (Fénix Editora, 2005)
      Software simulators for P system are nowadays the main tool to carry out experiments in the field of Membrane Computing. ...
    • Presentation

      Simulating Avascular Tumors with Membrane Systems 

      Gutiérrez Naranjo, Miguel Ángel; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús; Romero Campero, Francisco José (Fénix Editora, 2005)
      Tumor growth has received a considerable attention by the scientific community. In the earliest stages of development, ...