• Ponencia

      A symbolic-numeric dynamic geometry environment for the computation of equidistant curves 

      Abánades Astudillo, Miguel Ángel; Botana Ferreiro, Francisco (2013)
      A web-based system that determines point/curve and curve/curve bisectors in a dynamic geometry system in a completely ...
    • Ponencia

      Abstract Voronoi diagrams 

      Klein, Rolf (2013)
      Abstract Voronoi diagrams are a unifying framework that covers many types of concrete Voronoi diagrams. This talk reports on the state of the art, including recent progress.
    • Ponencia

      An algorithm that constructs irreducible triangulations of once-punctured surfaces 

      Chávez de Diego, María José; Lawrecenko, Serge; Portillo Fernández, José Ramón; Villar Liñán, María Trinidad (2013)
      A triangulation of a surface is irreducible if there is no edge whose contraction produces another triangulation of the ...
    • Ponencia

      Computing the stretch of an embedded graph 

      Cabello Justo, Sergio; Chimani, Markus; Hliněný, Petr (2013)
      Let G be a graph embedded in an orientable surface Σ, possibly with edge weights, and denote by len(γ) the length (the ...
    • Ponencia

      Continuous surveillance of points by rotating floodlights 

      Bereg, Sergey; Díaz Báñez, José Miguel; Fort i Masdevall, Marta; Lopez, Mario A.; Pérez Lantero, Pablo; Urrutia Galicia, Jorge (2013)
      Let P and F be sets of n ≥ 2 and m ≥ 2 points in the plane, respectively, so that P∪F is in general position. We study the ...
    • Ponencia

      Distance domination, guarding and vertex cover for maximal outerplanar graphs 

      Canales Cano, Santiago; Hernández Peñalver, Gregorio; Oliveira Martins, Ana Mafalda de; Matos. Inês (2013)
      In this paper we de ne a distance guarding concept on plane graphs and associate this concept with distance domination and ...
    • Ponencia

      Drawing the double circle on a grid of minimum size 

      Bereg, Sergey; Fabila Monroy, Ruy; Flores Peñaloza, David; Lopez, Mario A.; Pérez Lantero, Pablo (2013)
      In 1926, Jarník introduced the problem of drawing a convex n-gon with vertices having integer coordinates. He constructed ...
    • Ponencia

      Empty convex polytopes in random point sets 

      Balogh, József; González Aguilar, Hernán; Salazar Anaya, Gelasio (2013)
      Given a set P of points in Rd, a convex hole (alternatively, empty convex polytope) of P is a convex polytope with vertices ...
    • Ponencia

      Equipartitioning triangles 

      Ramos Alonso, Pedro Antonio; Steiger, William (2013)
      An intriguing conjecture of Nandakumar and Ramana Rao is that for every convex body K ⊆ R2, and for any positive integer ...
    • Ponencia

      Finding a widest empty 1-corner corridor 

      Díaz Báñez, José Miguel; López, Mario A.; Sellarès Chiva, Joan Antoni (2004)
      Given a set of n points in the plane, we consider the problem of computing a widest empty 1-corner corridor. We star giving ...
    • Ponencia

      Flips in combinatorial pointed pseudo-triangulations with face degree at most four 

      Aichholzer, Oswin; Hackl, Thomas; Orden Martín, David; Pilz, Alexander; Saumell Mendiola, María; Vogtenhuber, Birgit (2013)
      In this paper we consider the flip operation for combinatorial pointed pseudo-triangulations where faces have size 3 or ...
    • Ponencia

      Guarding the vertices of thin orthogonal polygons is NP-hard 

      Nunes Gomes Tomás, Ana Paula (2013)
      An orthogonal polygon of P is called “thin” if the dual graph of the partition obtained by extending all edges of P towards ...
    • Ponencia

      Improved enumeration of simple topological graphs 

      Kynčl, Jan (2013)
      A simple topological graph T = (V (T ), E(T )) is a drawing of a graph in the plane where every two edges have at most one ...
    • Ponencia

      Metaheuristic approaches for the minimum dilation triangulation problem 

      Dorzán, María Gisela; Leguizamón, Mario Guillermo; Mezura Montes, Efrén; Hernández Peñalver, Gregorio (2013)
      We focus on the development of approximated algorithms to find high quality triangulations of minimum dilation because the ...
    • Ponencia

      Monotone crossing number of complete graphs 

      Balko, Martin; Fulek, Radoslav; Kynčl, Jan (2013)
      In 1958, Hill conjectured that the minimum number of crossings in a drawing of Kn is exactly Z(n) = 1/4 n-1/2/2 n−2/2 ...
    • Ponencia

      Note on the number of obtuse angles in point sets 

      Fabila Monroy, Ruy; Huemer, Clemens; Tramuns Figueras, Eulàlia (2013)
      In 1979 Conway, Croft, Erd\H{o}s and Guy proved that every set SS of nn points in general position in the plane determines ...
    • Ponencia

      On 4-connected geometric graphs 

      García Olaverri, Alfredo; Huemer, Clemens; Tejel Altarriba, Francisco Javier; Valtr, Pavel (2013)
      Given a set S of n points in the plane, in this paper we give a necessary and sometimes sufficient condition to build a 4-connected non-crossing geometric graph on S.
    • Ponencia

      On making a graph crossing-critical 

      Hernández Vélez, César Israel; Leaños Macías, Jesús (2013)
      A graph is crossing-critical if its crossing number decreases when we remove any of its edges. Recently it was proved that ...
    • Ponencia

      On the barrier-resilience of arrangements of ray-sensors 

      Kirkpatrick, David; Yang, Boting; Zilles, Sandra (2013)
      Given an arrangement A of n sensors and two points s and t in the plane, the barrier resilience of A with respect to s and ...
    • Ponencia

      On the enumeration of permutominoes 

      Nunes Gomes Tomás, Ana Paula (2013)
      Although the exact counting and enumeration of polyominoes remain challenging open problems, several positive results were ...