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dc.contributor.editorVarela Vaca, Ángel Jesúses
dc.contributor.editorCeballos Guerrero, Rafaeles
dc.contributor.editorReina Quintero, Antonia Maríaes
dc.creatorSáez de Cámara, Xabieres
dc.creatorFlores, José Luises
dc.creatorArellano, Cristobales
dc.creatorUrbieta, Aitores
dc.creatorZurutuza, Urkoes
dc.identifier.citationSáez de Cámara, X., Flores, J.L., Arellano, C., Urbieta, A. y Zurutuza, U. (2024). A sumary of: Federated Explainability for Network Anomaly Characterization [Póster]. En Jornadas Nacionales de Investigación en Ciberseguridad (JNIC) (9ª.2024. Sevilla) (484-485), Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática.
dc.description.abstractMachine learning based systems have shown pro mising results for intrusion detection due to their ability to learn complex patterns. In particular, unsupervised anomaly detection approaches offer practical advantages as does not require labeling the training data, which is costly and time consuming. To further address practical concerns, there is a rising interest in adopting federated learning (FL) techniques as a recent ML model training paradigm for distributed settings (e.g., Internet of Things- IoT), thereby addressing challenges such as data privacy, availability and communication cost concerns. However, output generated by unsupervised models provide limited contextual information to security analysts at SOCs, as they usually lack the means to know why a sample was classified as anomalous or cannot distinguish between different types of anomalies, difficulting the extraction of actionable information and correlation with other indicators. Moreover, ML explainability methods have received little attention in FL settings and present additional challenges due to the distributed nature and data locality requirements. We propose a new methodology to characterize and explain the anomalies detected by unsupervised ML-based intrusion detection models in FL settings. We adapt and develop explainability, clustering and cluster validation algorithms to FL settings to mine patterns in the anomalous samples and identify different threats throughout the entire network, demonstrating the results on two network intrusion detection datasets containing real IoT malware, namely Gafgyt and Mirai, and various attack traces. The learned clustering results can be used to classify emerging anomalies, provide additional context that can be leveraged to gain more insight and enable the correlation of the anomalies with alerts triggered by other security
dc.publisherUniversidad de Sevilla. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informáticaes
dc.relation.ispartofJornadas Nacionales de Investigación en Ciberseguridad (JNIC) (9ª.2024. Sevilla) (2024), pp. 484-485.
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subjectFederated Learninges
dc.subjectAnomaly Detectiones
dc.subjectIoT Malwarees
dc.subjectIntrusion Detectiones
dc.titleA sumary of: Federated Explainability for Network Anomaly Characterization [Póster]es
dc.eventtitleJornadas Nacionales de Investigación en Ciberseguridad (JNIC) (9ª.2024. Sevilla)es

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