Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Dataset

      DATAbase_PlantsCOVID19 [dataset] 

      Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Kaltsidi, M.P.; Nektarios, P.A.; Markakis, G.; Loges, V.; Perini, K.; Fernández Cañero, Rafael (2023-12-19)
      Dataset acquired for the study published in the article: “Particularities of having plants at home during the confinement ...
    • Article

      Particularities of having plants at home during the confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

      Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Kaltsidi, M.P.; Nektarios, P.A.; Markakis, G.; Loges, V.; Fernández Cañero, Rafael (Elsevier, 2021)
      The present study evaluated the role of having plants at home during the confinement period as a result of the COVID-19 ...