Tesis (Ingeniería Mecánica y de Fabricación)
Recent Submissions
PhD Thesis
Development of a wearable exoskeleton (exosuit) for lower limb assistance based on simulations
(2024-03-22)In the upcoming years, there will be a significant increase in the world’s older adult population. This demographic shift, ...
PhD Thesis
Modelling and linear stability analysis of highly mobile nonholonomic multibody systems
(2023-11-10)This PhD thesis aims to develop a methodology that contributes to the modelling of nonholonomic multibody systems, the ...
PhD Thesis
Ontology-based engineering supporting the conceptual design of reconfigurable manufacturing systems in the aerospace industry
(2023-11-20)This doctoral dissertation focuses on enhancing the manufacturing system design process in the aerospace industry by ...
PhD Thesis
Formability and failure of polymeric sheets: experimental assessment and medical applications
(2023-06-02)Durante las últimas décadas, el paradigma de la Industria 4.0, que se dirige hacía procesos flexibles, de baja-media ...
PhD Thesis
Test bike bench design for 3d kinematic and kinetic optimisation in cycling
(2023-04-19)The main objective of this thesis was to solve the 3D inverse dynamic problem during cycling. For this purpose, the ...
PhD Thesis
A Novel Synergy-Based Approach for the Design of Cable-Driven Exosuits for Walking Assistance
(2022-11-02)The growing tendency of worldwide societies, but particularly in the West, to aging leads to a growing number of individuals ...
PhD Thesis
Mechanobiology of bone regeneration: distraction osteogenesis and tissue engineering
(2022-10-21)Bone regeneration is the natural process of bone reconstruction during the continuous adult remodeling, fracture healing, ...
PhD Thesis
Stretch and shrink flanging of AA2024-T3 sheet by single point incremental forming
(2021-10-07)Flanging is a forming process widely used to increase the sti ness of sheet parts in industrial applications such as the ...
PhD Thesis
Fast-Ion Transport and Acceleration Induced by Edge Localized Modes in MAST Upgrade and ASDEX Upgrade
(2021-07-16)La fusión nuclear se esboza como una fuente de energía sostenible, de bajas emisiones y que aportará potencia de base al ...
PhD Thesis
Spatial Distribution of Fast Ion Loss Detectors in the ASDEX Upgrade Tokamak
(2021-07-08)To ensure heating efficiency and device integrity in future fusion reactors, suprathermal (fast) ions need to be confined ...
PhD Thesis
Nuevo método de medición de geometría de la vía con un sistema embarcado en un vehículo comercial
(2021-06-07)Esta Tesis presenta la utilización de un conjunto de sensores inerciales, sistemas de visión artificial y un sistema de ...
- PhD Thesis
PhD Thesis
Materiales sinterizados de aluminio aleado mecánicamente
(2002-09)Se ha llevado a cabo un estudio experimental encaminado a conseguir la consolidación de polvo de aluminio aleado mecánicamente ...
PhD Thesis
Wheel-rail contact force measurement. A comparison between distance laser and strain gauges measuring technology
(2019-12-13)The development of this PhD thesis is focus on the wheel/rail contact force measurement on a 1 : 10 scaled railway vehicle. ...
PhD Thesis
Paliativo frente a la fatiga por fretting y análisis del proceso de fatiga en cordones metálicos
(2019)El fallo de cables de acero es comúnmente producido por el fenómeno de la fatiga. Para analizar el fallo por fatiga en ...
PhD Thesis
Análisis del shot peening como paliativo en fatiga por fretting
(2019-06-11)La fatiga por fretting es un tipo especial de fatiga que se produce en las superficies de contacto de uniones mecánicas ...
PhD Thesis
Monitorización de estructuras aeroespaciales y análisis de técnicas de integración de sensores de BRAGG.
(2018-12-19)La presente tesis doctoral tiene como objetivos el estudio y desarrollo de la tecnología de los sensores de Bragg para la ...
PhD Thesis
Analysis of single stage SPIF process applied to the hole flanging operation.
(2018-11-09)Tradicionalmente, las operaciones de rebordeado se llevan a cabo en la industria mediante técnicas de prensado convencionales ...
- PhD Thesis
PhD Thesis
Cirugía reconstructiva de la aorta infrarrenal mediante abordaje laparoscópido: Estudio experimental
(2004)Desde sus inicios, la difusión de la cirugía aórtica mediante abordaje laparoscópico se ha visto muy limitada debida a la ...