Now showing items 1-20 of 27

    • Presentation

      A New Strategy to Improve the Performance of PDP-Systems Simulators 

      Graciani Díaz, Carmen; Martínez del Amor, Miguel Ángel; Riscos Núñez, Agustín (Springer, 2015)
      One of the major challenges that current P systems simulators have to deal with is to be as efficient as possible. A P ...
    • Presentation

      A Spiking Neural P System Simulator Based on CUDA 

      Cabarle, Francis George C.; Adorna, Henry N.; Martínez del Amor, Miguel Ángel (Springer, 2011)
      In this paper we present a Spiking Neural P system (SNP system) simulator based on graphics processing units (GPUs). In ...
    • Presentation

      Accelerated Simulation of P Systems on the GPU: A Survey 

      Martínez del Amor, Miguel Ángel; Macías Ramos, Luis Felipe; Valencia Cabrera, Luis; Riscos Núñez, Agustín; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús (Springer, 2014)
      The acceleration of P system simulations is required increasingly, since they are at the core of model verification and ...
    • Presentation

      An apparently innocent problem in Membrane Computing 

      Orellana Martín, David; Valencia Cabrera, Luis; Riscos Núñez, Agustín; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática, Universidad de Sevilla, 2019)
      The search for effcient solutions of computationally hard problems by means of families of membrane systems has lead to ...
    • Presentation

      Analysing Gene Networks with PDP Systems. Arabidopsis thaliana, a Case Study 

      Valencia Cabrera, Luis; García Quismondo, Manuel; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús; Su, Yansen; Yu, Hui; Pan, Linqiang (Fénix Editora, 2013)
      Gene Regulatory Networks (GRNs) are a useful tool for biologists to understand the interactions among genes in living ...
    • Presentation

      Analysis of P systems simulation on CUDA 

      Guerrero, Ginés D.; Cecilia, José M.; García Carrasco, José M.; Martínez del Amor, Miguel Ángel; Pérez Hurtado de Mendoza, Ignacio; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús (SARTECO: Sociedad de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores, 2009)
      GPUs (Graphics Processing Unit) have been con- solidated as a massively data-parallel coprocessor to develop many general ...
    • Presentation

      Counting Membrane Systems 

      Valencia Cabrera, Luis; Orellana Martín, David; Riscos Núñez, Agustín; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús (University of Bradford, Faculty of Engineering and Informatics, 2017)
      A decision problem is one that has a yes/no answer, while a counting problem asks how many possible solutions exist ...
    • Presentation

      DCBA: Simulating Population Dynamics P Systems with Proportional Object Distribution 

      Martínez del Amor, Miguel Ángel; Pérez Hurtado de Mendoza, Ignacio; García Quismondo, Manuel; Macías Ramos, Luis Felipe; Valencia Cabrera, Luis; Romero Jiménez, Álvaro; Graciani Díaz, Carmen; Riscos Núñez, Agustín; Colomer, M. Angels; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús (Fénix Editora, 2012)
      Population Dynamics P systems refer to a formal framework for ecological modelling. The semantics of the model associates ...
    • Presentation

      Kernel P Systems: Applications and Implementations 

      Ipate, Florentin; Lefticaru, Raluca; Mierla, Laurentiu; Valencia Cabrera, Luis; Han, Huang; Zhang, Gexiang; Dragomir, Ciprian; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús; Gheorghe, Marian (Springer, 2013)
      This paper explores the modelling capacities of a new class of P systems, called kernel P systems (kP systems). A specific ...
    • Presentation

      Limits on Efficient Computation in P Systems with Symport/Antiport Rules 

      Macías Ramos, Luis Felipe; Song, Bosheng; Song, Tao; Pan, Linqiang; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús (Fenix Editora, 2017)
      Classical membrane systems with symport/antiport rules observe the con- servation law, in the sense that they compute by ...
    • Presentation

      Limits on P Systems with Proteins and Without Division 

      Orellana Martín, David; Valencia Cabrera, Luis; Riscos Núñez, Agustín; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús (Universidad de Sevilla, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática, 2018)
      In the field of Membrane Computing, computational complexity theory has been widely studied trying to nd frontiers of ...
    • Presentation

      Membrane Computing Applications in Computational Economics 

      Sánchez Karhunen, Eduardo; Valencia Cabrera, Luis (Fenix Editora, 2017)
      Major efforts have been made along the last decade on the modelling and simulation of phenomena within areas such as ...
    • Presentation

      Narrowing Frontiers of Efficiency with Evolutional Communication Rules and Cell Separation 

      Orellana Martín, David; Valencia Cabrera, Luis; Song, Bosheng; Pan, Linqiang; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús (Universidad de Sevilla, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática, 2018)
      In the framework of Membrane Computing, several efficient solutions to computationally hard problems have been given. To ...
    • Presentation

      On Efficiency of P Systems with Symport/Antiport and Membrane Division 

      Macías Ramos, Luis Felipe; Song, Bosheng; Song, Tao; Pan, Linqiang; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús (Fenix Editora, 2017)
      Classical membrane systems with symport/antiport rules observe the con- servation law, in the sense that they compute by ...
    • Presentation

      Optimizations in CuSNP Simulator for Spiking Neural P Systems on CUDA GPUs 

      Aboy, Blaine Corwyn D.; Bariring, Edward James A.; Carandang, Jym Paul; Cabarle, Francis George C.; Cruz, Ren Tristan de la; Adorna, Henry N.; Martínez del Amor, Miguel Ángel (IEEE Computer Society, 2019)
      Spiking Neural P systems (in short, SNP systems) are computing models based on living neurons. SNP systems are non-deterministic ...
    • Presentation

      P Systems with Active Cells 

      Orellana Martín, David (Fenix Editora, 2017)
      P systems with active membranes is a widely studied framework within the field of Membrane Computing since the creation ...
    • Presentation

      Population Dynamics P Systems on CUDA 

      Martínez del Amor, Miguel Ángel; Pérez Hurtado de Mendoza, Ignacio; Gastalver Rubio, Adolfo; Elster, Anne C.; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús (Springer, 2012)
      Population Dynamics P systems (PDP systems, in short) provide a new formal bio-inspired modeling framework, which has been ...
    • Presentation

      Restricted Polarizationless P Systems with Active Membranes: Minimal Cooperation Only Inwards 

      Valencia Cabrera, Luis; Orellana Martín, David; Martínez del Amor, Miguel Ángel; Riscos Núñez, Agustín; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús (Fenix Editora, 2017)
      Membrane computing is a computing paradigm providing a class of distributed parallel computing devices of a biochemical ...
    • Presentation

      Restricted Polarizationless P Systems with Active Membranes: Minimal Cooperation Only Outwards 

      Valencia Cabrera, Luis; Orellana Martín, David; Martínez del Amor, Miguel Ángel; Riscos Núñez, Agustín; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús (Fenix Editora, 2017)
      Membrane computing is a computing paradigm providing a class of distributed parallel computing devices of a biochemical ...
    • Presentation

      Searching Partially Bounded Regions with P Systems 

      Christinal, Hepzibah A.; Berciano, Ainhoa; Díaz Pernil, Daniel; Gutiérrez Naranjo, Miguel Ángel (Springer, 2014)
      The problem of automatically marking the interior and exterior regions of a simple curve in a digital image becomes a hard ...