• Artículo

      A Hybrid CMOS-Memristor Neuromorphic Synapse 

      Azghadi, Mostafa, R.; Linares Barranco, Bernabé; Abbott, Derek; Leong, Philip H.W. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2017)
      Although data processing technology continues to advance at an astonishing rate, computers with brain-like processing ...
    • Artículo

      On spike-timing-dependent-plasticity, memristive devices, and building a self-learning visual cortex 

      Zamarreño Ramos, Carlos; Camuñas Mesa, Luis Alejandro; Pérez Carrasco, José Antonio; Masquelier, T.; Serrano Gotarredona, María Teresa; Linares Barranco, Bernabé (Frontiers Media, 2011)
      In this paper we present a very exciting overlap between emergent nanotechnology and neuroscience, which has been discovered ...
    • Artículo

      Plasticity in memristive devices for spiking neural networks 

      Saïghi, Sylvain; Mayr, Christian G.; Serrano Gotarredona, María Teresa; Schmidt, Heidemarie; Lecerf, Gwendal; Tomas, Jean; Grollier, Julie; Boyn, Sören; Vincent, Adrien F.; Querlioz, Damien; La Barbera, Selina; Alibart, Fabien; Vuillaume, Dominique; Bichler, Olivier; Gamrat, Christian; Linares Barranco, Bernabé (Frontiers Media, 2015)
      Memristive devices present a new device technology allowing for the realization of compact non-volatile memories. Some of ...