• Ponencia

      Metaheuristic approaches for the minimum dilation triangulation problem 

      Dorzán, María Gisela; Leguizamón, Mario Guillermo; Mezura Montes, Efrén; Hernández Peñalver, Gregorio (2013)
      We focus on the development of approximated algorithms to find high quality triangulations of minimum dilation because the ...
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      Metodología integral de aprendizaje en Teoría de Circuitos 

      Trigo García, Ángel Luis; Burgos Payán, Manuel; Durán Martínez, Mario Javier; Marano-Marcolini, Alejandro; Mauricio Ferramola, Juan Manuel; Ceballos Mannozzi, Sergio Javier; Romero Ramos, Esther; Riquelme Santos, Jesús Manuel; Rosendo Macías, José Antonio; Martínez Ramos, José Luis (Universidad de Sevilla, Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, 2011)
      Se describe un trabajo de innovación educativa basado en la utilización de varias técni­cas docentes que complementan a ...
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      Monotone crossing number of complete graphs 

      Balko, Martin; Fulek, Radoslav; Kynčl, Jan (2013)
      In 1958, Hill conjectured that the minimum number of crossings in a drawing of Kn is exactly Z(n) = 1/4 n-1/2/2 n−2/2 ...
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      Note on the number of obtuse angles in point sets 

      Fabila Monroy, Ruy; Huemer, Clemens; Tramuns Figueras, Eulàlia (2013)
      In 1979 Conway, Croft, Erd\H{o}s and Guy proved that every set SS of nn points in general position in the plane determines ...
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      Un nuevo enfoque para la determinación de horarios de unidades rodantes 

      Canca Ortiz, José David; Dios Rubio, Manuel Alejandro; Algaba Durán, Encarnación; Villa Caro, Gabriel (ADINGOR. Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ingeniería de Organización, 2010)
      El objetivo principal en este trabajo es la programación de horarios de viajes en tren de acuerdo a los deseos de movilidad ...
    • Ponencia

      On 4-connected geometric graphs 

      García Olaverri, Alfredo; Huemer, Clemens; Tejel Altarriba, Francisco Javier; Valtr, Pavel (2013)
      Given a set S of n points in the plane, in this paper we give a necessary and sometimes sufficient condition to build a 4-connected non-crossing geometric graph on S.
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      On making a graph crossing-critical 

      Hernández Vélez, César Israel; Leaños Macías, Jesús (2013)
      A graph is crossing-critical if its crossing number decreases when we remove any of its edges. Recently it was proved that ...
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      On the barrier-resilience of arrangements of ray-sensors 

      Kirkpatrick, David; Yang, Boting; Zilles, Sandra (2013)
      Given an arrangement A of n sensors and two points s and t in the plane, the barrier resilience of A with respect to s and ...
    • Ponencia

      On the enumeration of permutominoes 

      Nunes Gomes Tomás, Ana Paula (2013)
      Although the exact counting and enumeration of polyominoes remain challenging open problems, several positive results were ...
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      On the nonexistence of k-reptile simplices in R3 and R4 

      Kynčl, Jan; Safernova, Zuzana (2013)
      A d-dimensional simplex S is called a k-reptile (or a k-reptile simplex) if it can be tiled without overlaps by k simplices ...
    • Ponencia

      On three parameters of invisibility graphs 

      Cibulka, Josef; Korbelář, Miroslav; Kynčl, Jan; Mészáros, Viola; Stolař, Rudolf; Valtr, Pavel (2013)
      The invisibility graph I(X) of a set X ⊆ Rd is a (possibly infinite) graph whose vertices are the points of X and two ...
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      Phase transitions in the Ramsey-Turán theory 

      Balogh, József (2013)
      Let f(n) be a function and L be a graph. Denote by RT(n, L, f(n)) the maximum number of edges of an L-free graph on n ...
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      El problema del anti-k-centrum en grafos 

      Lozano Palacio, Antonio José; Mesa López-Colmenar, Juan Antonio; Plastria, Frank (Alberto Márquez, 2002)
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      El problema del puente recto maximin 

      Barcia Gómez, José Antonio; Díaz Báñez, José Miguel; Ventura Molina, Inmaculada (Alberto Márquez, 2002)
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      Procedimientos matemáticos y resolución de problemas: una propuesta de libre configuración 

      Jiménez Jiménez, María Nieves; López Vázquez, Jorge Jesús (IX CIEET, 2001)
      Dentro de la enseñanza de las matemáticas no existe únicamente un campo conceptual que sea necesario desarrollar en la ...
    • Ponencia

      Protagonismo del mentor en una actividad tutorial de carácter multidisciplinar en Ingeniería 

      Durán-Barrantes, María de la Montaña; Ager Vázquez, Francisco José; Bachiller-Soler, Alfonso; Bravo-Rodríguez, Juan Carlos; Cordobés Carmona, Felipe; Gasch Illescas, Consolación; Gómez-Alós, Milagros; Jiménez Jiménez, María Nieves; Lebrón Rueda, Esperanza Angustias; López Vázquez, Jorge Jesús; Miró Amarante, Gloria; Morón Romero, María del Carmen; Romero Rodríguez, Soledad; Ruiz Domínguez, Manuela; Sánchez Gómez, Ana Beatriz; Santana Hidalgo, Amalia; Sepúlveda Ferrer, Ranier Enrique (2011-07)
      En la Escuela Politécnica Superior (EPS) de la Universidad de Sevilla se ha trabajado, por tercer curso consecutivo, en ...
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      Reporting flock patterns on the GPU 

      Fort i Masdevall, Marta; Sellarès Chiva, Joan Antoni; Valladares Cereceda, Ignacio (2013)
      In this paper we study the problem of finding flock patterns in a set of trajectories of moving entities. A flock refers ...
    • Ponencia

      Saddle-node bifurcation of canard limit cycles in piecewise linear systems 

      Fernández García, Soledad; Carmona Centeno, Victoriano; Teruel Aguilar, Antonio Esteban (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Oviedo, 2021-06)
      We study saddle-node bifurcations of canard limit cycles in PWL systems by using singular perturbation theory tools. We ...
    • Ponencia

      SensoGraph: Using proximity graphs for sensory analysis 

      Miguel, David N. de; Orden Martín, David; Fernández Fernández, Encarnación; Rodríguez Nogales, José Manuel; Vila Crespo, Josefina (2013)
      Sensory evaluation of foods is as important as chemical, physical or microbiological examinations, being specially relevant ...