Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Article

      Connectivity and stochastic robustness of synchronized multi-drone systems 

      Bereg, Sergey; Díaz Báñez, José Miguel; Horn, Paul; López, Mario Alberto; Urrutia, Jorge (Elsevier, 2024-05-31)
      A set of n drones with limited communication range is deployed to monitor a terrain partitioned into pairwise disjoint and ...
    • Article

      Constrained many-to-many point matching in two dimensions 

      Caraballo de la Cruz, Luis Evaristo; Castro Campos, Rodrigo Alexander; Díaz Báñez, José Miguel; Heredia Velasco, Marco Antonio; Urrutia Galicia, Jorge; Ventura Molina, Inmaculada; Zaragoza Martínez, Francisco Javier (Springer, 2024-01-26)
      In the minimum-weight many-to-many point matching problem, we are given a set R of red points and a set B of blue points ...