• Artículo

      A computational algebraic geometry approach to analyze pseudo-random sequences based on Latin squares 

      Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel; Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Gudiel Rodríguez, Félix (Springer, 2019)
      Latin squares are used as scramblers on symmetric-key algorithms that generate pseudo-random sequences of the same length. ...
    • Artículo

      A computational approach to analyze the Hadamard quasigroup product 

      Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel; Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Gudiel Rodríguez, Félix; Güemes Alzaga, María Belén (American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS), 2023-03-30)
      Based on the binary product described by any Latin square, the Hadamard quasigroup product is introduced in this paper as ...
    • Artículo

      A Mixed Heuristic for Generating Cocyclic Hadamard Matrices 

      Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel; Frau García, María Dolores; Gudiel Rodríguez, Félix; Güemes Alzaga, María Belén; Osuna Lucena, Amparo (Springer, 2018)
      A way of generating cocyclic Hadamard matrices is described, which combines a new heuristic, coming from a novel notion ...
    • Artículo

      A System of Equations for Describing Cocyclic Hadamard Matrices 

      Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Real Jurado, Pedro (Wiley, 2008)
      Given a basis equation image for 2-cocycles equation image over a group G of order equation image, we describe a nonlinear ...
    • Artículo

      Algebra Structures on the Comparison of the Reduced Bar Construction and the Reduced W-Construction 

      Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Real Jurado, Pedro (Taylor and Francis, 2009)
      For a simplicial augmented algebra K, Eilenberg–Mac Lane constructed a chain map . They proved that g is a reduction ...
    • Artículo

      Algebra Structures on the Twisted Eilenberg–Zilber Theorem 

      Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Real Jurado, Pedro (Taylor and Francis, 2007)
      Let G, G′, and G ×τ G′ be three simplicial groups (not necessarily abelian) and C N (G) ⊗ t C N (G′) be the “twisted” ...
    • Artículo

      Algorithms in Algebraic Topology and Homological Algebra: Problem of Complexity 

      Real Jurado, Pedro; Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; González Díaz, Rocío (Springer, 2002)
      This review tackles the problem of the high computational complexity lying in most algorithms in algebraic topology and ...
    • Artículo

      Cartan's contructions and the twisted Eilenberg-Zilber theorem 

      Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Real Jurado, Pedro (De Gruyter, 2010)
    • Artículo

      Cocyclic Hadamard matrices over Latin rectangles 

      Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel; Frau García, María Dolores; Gudiel Rodríguez, Félix; Güemes Alzaga, María Belén (Elsevier, 2019)
      In the literature, the theory of cocyclic Hadamard matrices has always been developed over finite groups. This paper ...
    • Artículo

      Determinants of (–1,1)-matrices of the skew-symmetric type: a cocyclic approach 

      Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Gudiel Rodríguez, Félix (Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2015)
      An n by n skew-symmetric type (−1, 1)-matrix K = [ki,j ] has 1’s on the main diagonal and ±1’s elsewhere with ki,j = ...
    • Artículo

      Embedding cocylic D-optimal designs in cocylic Hadamard matrices 

      Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Gudiel Rodríguez, Félix (International Linear Algebra Society, 2012)
      A method for embedding cocyclic submatrices with “large” determinants of orders 2t in certain cocyclic Hadamard matrices ...
    • Artículo

      Equivalences of Zt×Z22-cocyclic Hadamard matrices 

      Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Gudiel Rodríguez, Félix; Güemes Alzaga, María Belén; Horadam, K.J.; Rao, A. (Cornell University, 2015)
      One of the most promising structural approaches to resolving the Hadamard Conjecture uses the family of cocyclic matrices ...
    • Artículo

      GA Based Robust Blind Digital Watermarking 

      Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Gudiel Rodríguez, Félix; Güemes Alzaga, María Belén; Martín García, Elena; Osuna Lucena, Amparo (Elsevier, 2018)
      A genetic algorithm based robust blind digital watermarking scheme is presented. The experimental results show that our ...
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      Generating binary partial Hadamard matrices 

      Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel; Frau García, María Dolores; Gudiel Rodríguez, Félix; Güemes Alzaga, María Belén; Osuna Lucena, Amparo (Elsevier, 2019)
      This paper deals with partial binary Hadamard matrices. Although there is a fast simple way to generate about a half ...
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      Gröbner bases and cocyclic Hadamard matrices 

      Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel; Frau García, María Dolores; Gudiel Rodríguez, Félix (Elsevier, 2018)
      Hadamard ideals were introduced in 2006 as a set of nonlin-ear polynomial equations whose zeros are uniquely related ...
    • Artículo

      Hadamard Matrices with Cocyclic Core 

      Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Gudiel Rodríguez, Félix; Güemes Alzaga, María Belén; Osuna Lucena, Amparo (MDPI, 2021)
      Since Horadam and de Launey introduced the cocyclic framework on combinatorial designs in the 1990s, it has revealed ...
    • Artículo

      Homological models for semidirect products of finitely generated Abelian groups 

      Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Frau García, María Dolores; Real Jurado, Pedro; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés (2012)
      Let G be a semidirect product of finitely generated Abelian groups. We provide a method for constructing an explicit ...
    • Artículo

      On Cocyclic Hadamard Matrices over Goethals-Seidel Loops 

      Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel; Frau García, María Dolores; Gudiel Rodríguez, Félix; Güemes Alzaga, María Belén; Osuna Lucena, Amparo (MDPI, 2020)
      About twenty-five years ago, Horadam and de Launey introduced the cocyclic development of designs, from which the notion ...
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      On D4t-Cocyclic Hadamard Matrices 

      Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Gudiel Rodríguez, Félix; Güemes Alzaga, María Belén; Osuna Lucena, Amparo (Wiley, 2016)
      In this paper, we describe some necessary and sufficient conditions for a set of coboundaries to yield a cocyclic Hadamard ...
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      On higher dimensional cocyclic Hadamard matrices 

      Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Real Jurado, Pedro (2015)
      Provided that a cohomological model for G is known, we describe a method for constructing a basis for n-cocycles over G, ...