• Artículo

      A characterization of constant mean curvature surfaces in homogeneous 3-manifolds 

      Fernández Delgado, Isabel; Mira, Pablo (Elsevier, 2007)
      It has been recently shown by Abresch and Rosenberg that a cer- tain Hopf differential is holomorphic on every constant ...
    • Artículo

      A combinatorial method for computing Steenrod squares 

      González Díaz, Rocío; Real Jurado, Pedro (Elsevier, 1999)
      We present here a combinatorial method for computing Steenrod squares of a simplicial set X. This method is essentially ...
    • Artículo

      A Hopf theorem for open surfaces in product spaces 

      Carmo, Manfredo do; Fernández Delgado, Isabel (De Gruyter, 2009)
      Hopf’s theorem has been recently extended to compact genus zero surfaces with constant mean curvature H in a product ...
    • Artículo

      A linear mixed finite element scheme for a nematic Ericksen-Leslie liquid crystal model 

      Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Gutiérrez Santacreu, Juan Vicente (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 2013-09)
      In this work we study a fully discrete mixed scheme, based on continuous finite elements in space and a linear semi-implicit ...
    • Artículo

      A reduced discrete inf-sup condition in Lp for incompressible flows and application 

      Chacón Rebollo, Tomás; Girault, Vivette; Gómez Mármol, María Macarena; Sánchez Muñoz, Isabel María (EDP Sciences, 2015)
      In this work, we introduce a discrete specific inf-sup condition to estimate the Lp norm, 1 <p< +∞, of the pressure in a ...
    • Artículo

      A sufficient degree condition for a graph to contain all trees of size k 

      Balbuena, Camino; Márquez Pérez, Alberto; Portillo Fernández, José Ramón (Springer, 2011)
      The Erdös–Sós conjecture says that a graph G on n vertices and number of edges e(G) > n(k − 1)/2 contains all trees of ...
    • Artículo

      A theorem of H. Hopf and the Cauchy-Riemann inequality II 

      Alencar, Hilário; Carmo, Manfredo do; Fernández Delgado, Isabel; Tribuzy, Renato (Springer, 2007)
      This is a sequel to “A theorem of H. Hopf and the Cauchy-Riemann inequality” [AdCT]. Here the result of the previous paper ...
    • Artículo

      Algebra structure for Lp of a vector measure 

      Delgado Garrido, Olvido; Miana, Pedro J. (Elsevier, 2009)
      In this paper, we present new results about the space Lp (ν) for ν being a vector measure defined in the Borel σ -algebra ...
    • Artículo

      An application of mixture distributions in modelization of length of hospital stay 

      Atienza Martínez, María Nieves; García Heras, Joaquín; Muñoz Pichardo, Juan Manuel; Villa Caro, Rafael (Wiley, 2008)
      Length of hospital stay (LOS) is an important indicator of the hospital activity and management of health care. The ...
    • Artículo

      Compact set of invariants characterizing graph states of up to eight qubits 

      Cabello Quintero, Adán; López Tarrida, Antonio José; Moreno, Pilar; Portillo Fernández, José Ramón (American Physical Society, 2009)
      The set of entanglement measures proposed by Hein, Eisert, and Briegel for n-qubit graph states [Phys. Rev. A 69, 062311 ...
    • Artículo

      Complete maximal surfaces in static Robertson–Walker 3-spaces 

      Fernández Delgado, Isabel; Mira, Pablo (Springer, 2007)
      We construct a large family of complete maximal surfaces in the static Robertson–Walker 3-spaces with negative base curvature. These examples provide a wide variety of non-standard foliations of such spaces by entire maximal graphs.
    • Artículo

      Complex interpolation of L-p-spaces of vector measures on delta-rings 

      Campo Acosta, Ricardo del; Fernández Carrión, Antonio; Mayoral Masa, Fernando; Naranjo Naranjo, Francisco José (Elsevier, 2013)
      We apply the Calderón interpolation methods to Banach lattices of p-integrable and weakly p-integrable functions with ...
    • Artículo

      Distinguishing graphs by their left and right homomorphism profiles 

      Garijo Royo, Delia; Goodall, Andrew; Nešetřil, Jaroslav (Elsevier, 2011)
      We introduce a new property of graphs called ‘q-state Potts unique-ness’ and relate it to chromatic and Tutte uniqueness, ...
    • Artículo

      Entanglement in eight-qubit graph states 

      Cabello Quintero, Adán; López Tarrida, Antonio José; Moreno, Pilar; Portillo Fernández, José Ramón (Elsevier, 2009)
      Any 8-qubit graph state belongs to one of the 101 equivalence classes under local unitary operations within the Clifford ...
    • Artículo

      Experimental fully contextual correlations 

      Amselem, Elias; Danielsen, Lars Eirik; López Tarrida, Antonio José; Portillo Fernández, José Ramón; Bourennane, Mohamed; Cabello Quintero, Adán (American Physical Society, 2012)
      Quantum correlations are contextual yet, in general, nothing prevents the existence of even more contextual correlations. ...
    • Artículo

      Extremal K-(s,K-t)-free bipartite graphs 

      Balbuena, Camino; García Vázquez, Pedro; Marcote Ordax, Xavier; Valenzuela Tripodoro, Juan Carlos (Association DMTCS, 2008)
      In this paper new exact values of the Zarankiewicz function z(m, n; s, t) are obtained assuming certain requirements on ...
    • Artículo

      Factorizing operators on Banach function spaces through spaces of multiplication operators 

      Calabuig, J. M.; Delgado Garrido, Olvido; Sánchez Pérez, E. A. (Elsevier, 2010)
      In order to extend the theory of optimal domains for continuous operators on a Banach function space X(μ) over a finite ...
    • Artículo

      Generalized perfect spaces 

      Calabuig, J. M.; Delgado Garrido, Olvido; Sánchez Pérez, E. A. (Elsevier, 2008)
      Given two Banach function spaces X and Y related to a measure μ, the Y-dual space XY of X is defined as the space of the ...
    • Artículo

      Geometric Objects and Cohomology Operations 

      González Díaz, Rocío; Real Jurado, Pedro (Cornell University, 2012)
      Cohomology operations (including the cohomology ring) of a geometric object are finer algebraic invariants than the ...
    • Artículo

      Harmonic maps and constant mean curvature surfaces in H 2 x R 

      Fernández Delgado, Isabel; Mira, Pablo (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007)
      We introduce a hyperbolic Gauss map into the Poincar´e disk for any surface in H2×R with regular vertical projection, and ...