Now showing items 141-160 of 199

    • Article

      On the existence of almost contact structure and the contact magnetic field 

      Cabrerizo Jaraíz, José Luis; Fernández Andrés, Manuel; Gómez Casanueva, Juan Salvador (Springer, 2009-10)
      In this short note we give a simple proof of the existence of an almost contact metric structure on any orientable ...
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      On the Freudenthal extensions of proper confluent maps 

      Charatonik, Wlodzimierz J; Fernández Bayort, Tomás; Quintero Toscano, Antonio Rafael (University of Houston, 2012)
      In this paper we study when Freudenthal extensions of proper maps preserve the (weak, semi) confluency. Also the extensions to the Alexandroff one-point compactificaton are considered.
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      On the functoriality of cohomology of categories 

      Muro Jiménez, Fernando (Elsevier, 2006-03)
      In this paper we show that the Baues-Wirsching complex used to define cohomology of categories is a 2-functor from a certain ...
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      On the idempotency of some composite functors 

      Flores Díaz, Ramón Jesús (Springer, 2012-01)
      We present examples of localization functors whose composition with certain cellularization functors is not idempotent, and vice versa.
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      On the locally finite chain algebra of a proper homotopy type 

      Baues, Hans Joachim; Quintero Toscano, Antonio Rafael (Belgian Mathematical Society, 1996)
      In the classical paper [A-H] Adams-Hilton constructed a free chain algebra which is an important algebraic model of a ...
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      On the topology of locally 2-connected Peano continua 

      Chávez de Diego, María José; Fernández Bayort, Tomás; Quintero Toscano, Antonio Rafael; Villar Liñán, María Trinidad (Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium, 2012)
      Several recent results by Thomassen ([23 The locally connected compatc metric spaces embeddable in the plane, Combinatorica ...
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      On totally geodesic invariant submanifolds of an S-manifold 

      Fernández Fernández, Luis Manuel (Real Academia de Ciencias de Zaragoza, 1988)
      In [1] Blair, O.E.: 1970, J. Diff. Geom. 4, (155-167), S-manifolds, which reduce in a special case to Sasakian manifolds, ...
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      On ξ-conformally flat contact metric manifolds 

      Zhen, Guo; Cabrerizo Jaraíz, José Luis; Fernández Fernández, Luis Manuel; Fernández Andrés, Manuel (Indian National Science Academy, 1997-06)
      In this paper, the notion of ξ-conformally flat on a contact metric structure is introduced and it is proved that any ...
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      One-relator groups and proper 3-realizability 

      Cárdenas Escudero, Manuel Enrique; Fernández Lasheras, Francisco Jesús; Quintero Toscano, Antonio Rafael; Repovš, Dušan (European Mathematical Society, 2009)
      How different is the universal cover of a given finite 2-complex from a 3-manifold (from the proper homotopy viewpoint)? ...
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      Optimal inequalities, contact delta-invariants and their applications 

      Chen, Bang-Yen; Martín Molina, Verónica (Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 2013)
      Associated with a k-tuple (n1, . . . , nk) ∈ S(2n + 1) with n ≥ 1, we define a contact δ-invariant, δc (n1, . . . , nk), ...
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      Un paseo fotográfico por la vida de Sophus Lie 

      Núñez Valdés, Juan; Prieto Martín, Alicia; Sánchez Canales, Vanesa (Sociedad Colombiana de Matemáticas, 2010)
      It is quite a lot scarce the literature on the Norwegian mathematician Sophus Lie, in spite of being him, as the great ...
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      Pedro de Lucuce y Ponce y las instituciones matemático-militares españolas del siglo XVIII 

      Ceballos González, Manuel; Núñez Valdés, Juan; Villacampa Gutiérrez, Raquel (Real Sociedad Matemática Española, 2013)
      Dos años después, vuelve a la sección de Historia de La Gaceta de la RSME el tema matemático-militar durante el siglo XVIII ...
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      ¿Perderse en un laberinto? No con las matemáticas 

      Hernández Fernández, Isabel; Mateos Contreras, Consuelo; Núñez Valdés, Juan (Federación Iberoamericana de Sociedades de Educación Matemática, 2010-03)
      En este artículo se sugiere la posibilidad de introducir algunos temas de las Matemáticas de Secundaria o Bachillerato, ...
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      Planteando problemas de forma poética 

      Núñez Valdés, Juan; Paralera Morales, Concepción (Federación Iberoamericana de Sociedades de Educación Matemática, 2012-03)
      En este artículo se plantea la posibilidad de que el profesor de Matemáticas de Secundaria y Bachillerato utilice la poesía ...
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      Polynomial braid combing 

      Flores Díaz, Ramón Jesús; González-Meneses López, Juan (Oxford University Press, 2018)
      We prove that, for n ≥ 3, the minimal dimension of a model of the classifying space of the braid group Bn, and of the pure braid group Pn, with respect to the family of virtually cyclic groups is n.
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      Proper 2–equivalences between infinite ended finitely presented groups 

      Cárdenas Escudero, Manuel Enrique; Fernández Lasheras, Francisco Jesús; Quintero Toscano, Antonio Rafael; Ranja, R. (Mathematical Sciences Publishers, 2023-03-27)
      Recall that two finitely presented groups G and H are “proper 2–equivalent” if they can be realized by finite 2–dimensional ...
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      Una propuesta para utilizar la Historia de las Matemáticas en las clases de Primaria y Secundaria 

      Núñez Valdés, Juan; Rodríguez Arévalo, María Luisa (Asociación de Profesores de Matemáticas de Andalucía, 2012)
      En este artículo, los autores proponen a los profesores de Matemáticas, principalmente de 5º y 6º de Primaria y 1º de ...
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      Pyramidal values 

      Flores Díaz, Ramón Jesús; Molina Ferragut, Elisenda; Tejada Cazorla, Juan Antonio (Springer, 2014-06)
      We propose and analyze a new type of values for cooperative TU-games, which we call pyramidal values. Assuming that the ...
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      Quasi-isometries and proper homotopy: The quasi-isometry invariance of proper 3-realizability of groups 

      Cardenas Escudero, Manuel; Fernández Lasheras, Francisco Jesús; Quintero Toscano, Antonio Rafael; Roy, R. (American Mathematical Society, 2019-04-01)
      We recall that a finitely presented group G is properly 3-realizable if for some finite 2-dimensional CW-complex X with ...
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      ¿Qué ve un poeta en las Matemáticas para llevarlas a su poesía? 

      Paralera Morales, Concepción; Núñez Valdés, Juan (2012)