Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Article

      B.-Y. Chen's inequality for submanifolds of generalized space forms 

      Alegre Rueda, Pablo Sebastián; Carriazo Rubio, Alfonso; Kim, Young Ho; Yoon, Dae Won (Indian National Science Academy, 2007-06)
      In this article, we investigate sharp inequalities involving δ-invariants for submanifolds in both generalized complex space forms and generalized Sasakian space forms, with arbitrary codimension.
    • Article

      Some inequalities on totally real submanifolds in locally conformal Kaehler space forms 

      Carriazo Rubio, Alfonso; Kim, Young Ho; Yoon, Dae Won (Korean Mathematical Society, 2004)
      In this article, we establish sharp relations between the sectional curvature and the shape operator and also between the ...
    • Article

      The contact Whitney sphere 

      Blair, David E.; Carriazo Rubio, Alfonso (Università del Salento, 2001)
      In this paper, we introduce the contact Whitney sphere as an imbedding of the n-dimensional unit sphere as an integral ...