Now showing items 41-60 of 168

    • Presentation

      Hydrodynamic description for ballistic annihilation systems 

      Garcia de Soria, M. I.; Maynar Blanco, Pablo; Schehr, G.; Barrat, A.; Trizac, E. (American Institute of Physics, 2009)
      The problem of the validity of a hydrodynamic description for a system in which there are no collisional invariants is ...
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      Connection between decoherence and excited state quantum phase transitions 

      Pérez Fernández, Pedro; Relaño, Armando; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Dukelsky, Jorge; García Ramos, José Enrique (American Institute of Physics, 2009)
      In this work we explore the relationship between an excited state quantum phase transition (ESQPT) and the phenomenon of ...
    • Presentation

      Elastic scattering of 6He and 7Be on a 9Be target 

      Pires, K. C. C.; Mukha, I.; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Lichtenthäler, R.; Gómez Camacho, Joaquín José (AIP Conference Proceedings, 2010)
      The elastic scattering data for the 6He+9Be and 7Be+9Be reactions, measured at Elab =16.2 MeV and Elab =23.7 MeV respectively, are presented and analyzed using the optical model and coupled-channels formalisms.
    • Presentation

      Description of analyzing power and (p,n) reaction by a global dispersive coupled-channel optical model potential 

      Sun, W. L.; Hao, L. J.; Soukhovitskii, E. Sh.; Capote, Roberto; Quesada Molina, José Manuel (AIP Publishing, 2010)
      A global dispersive coupled-channel optical model potential is used to analyze the proton elastic/inelastic analyzing ...
    • Presentation

      Astrophysics at n-TOF facility 

      Tagliente, G.; Abbondanno, U.; Aerts, G.; Capote, Roberto; Lozano Leyva, Manuel Luis; Praena Rodríguez, Javier; Quesada Molina, José Manuel; Salgado, J.; Santos, Cayetano; Vaz, P.; Wisshak, Klaus (American Institute of Physics, 2010)
      Heavy elements with Z ≥ 30 are made by neutron capture reactions during stellar He burning and presumably in supernovae. ...
    • Presentation

      GEANT4 application for the simulation of the head of a siemens primus linac 

      Cortés Giraldo, Miguel Antonio; Quesada Molina, José Manuel; Gallardo Fuentes, María Isabel (AIP Publishing, 2010)
      The Monte Carlo simulation of the head of a Siemens Primus Linac used at Virgen Macarena Hospital (Sevilla, Spain) has ...
    • Presentation

      Study of the 18Ne and 11Li nuclei in a three-body model 

      Lay Valera, José Antonio; Jensen, Aksel Stenholm; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías (American Institute of Physics, 2010)
      We investigate the structure of the nuclei 18Ne and 11Li within a three-body model using Faddeev equations with the ...
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      Exotic Nuclei in South America 

      Lichtenthaeler, R.; Lepine-Szily, A.; Guimaraes, V.; Faria, P. N. de; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Rodríguez Gallardo, Manuela (AIP Publishing, 2010)
      The Radioactive Ion Beams in Brasil (RIBRAS) is described. Experiments using radioactive secondary beams of light rare isotopes such as 6He, 7Be, 8Li on several targets have been performed and the results are presented.
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      The 6He Optical Potential at energies around the Coulomb barrier 

      Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Rodríguez Gallardo, Manuela; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías (American Institute of Physics, 2010)
      We present an Optical Model (OM) study of 6He on 208Pb elastic scattering data, measured at laboratory energies around the ...
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      The Research Program at RIBRAS (Radioactive Ion Beams in Brasil)-III 

      Lichtenthaeler, R.; Lepine-Szily, A.; Guimaraes, V.; Faria, P. N. de; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Rodríguez Gallardo, Manuela; Arazi, A. (American Institute of Physics, 2010)
      A part of the research program developed in the RIBRAS facility over the last four years is presented. Experiments using ...
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      Development of a tracking system of exotic nuclear beams for FAIR 

      Fernández Martínez, Begoña; Pancin, Julien; Abou-Haidar, Z.; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Drouart, A.; Kebbiri, Mariam; Riallot, Marc (American Institute of Physics, 2010)
      New accelerators like SPIRAL2 (GANIL, France) or FAIR (GSI, Germany) will be soon constructed, and they will be able to ...
    • Presentation

      Study of Neutron-Induced Fission Cross Sections of U, Am, and Cm at n_TOF 

      Milazzo, P. M.; Abbondanno, U.; Aerts, G.; Alvarez, H.; Andriamonje, S.; Capote del Villar, Ramón; Lozano Leyva, Manuel Luis; Wisshak, K.; Quesada Molina, José Manuel; Guerrero Sánchez, Carlos (AIP Publishing, 2010)
      Neutron induced fission cross sections of several isotopes have been measured at the CERN n_TOF spallation neutron facility. ...
    • Presentation

      Dynamic studies of 11Li and its core 9Li on 208Pb near the Coulomb barrier 

      Cubero, M; Borge, M. J. G.; Acosta, Luis; Alcorta, Martín; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Diget, C.; Galaviz, D.; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Gómez Camacho, Joaquín José; Lay Valera, José Antonio; Madurga, Miguel; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Mukha, I. (American Institute of Physics, 2010)
      We measured the scattering of the halo nucleus 11Li and its core 9Li on the lead target at TRIUMF at energies below and around to the Coulomb barrier. We report here on our preliminary analysis of the inclusive breakup reaction.
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      The neutron time-of-flight facility n-TOF at CERN: Phase II 

      Gunsing, F.; Andriamonje, S.; Andrzejewski, J.; Cortés Giraldo, Miguel Antonio; Praena Rodríguez, Javier; Quesada Molina, José Manuel; Weiß, C. (AIP Publishing, 2011)
      Neutron-induced reactions are studied at the neutron time-of-flight facility n-TOF at CERN. The facility uses 6∼ns wide ...
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      Deteminación del cociente isotópico 240Pu/239Pu en partículas calientes 

      Jiménez Ramos, María del Carmen; Chamizo Calvo, Elena; García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael; García León, Manuel (2011)
      En este trabajo se exponen las principales características de las tres técnicas de medida utilizádas y puestas a punto ...
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      Elastic scattering of Beryllium isotopes near the Coulomb barrier 

      Di Pietro, A.; Amorini, F.; Figuera, Pierpaolo; Fisichella, Maria; Gómez Camacho, Joaquín José; Zadro, M. (AIP Publishing, 2011)
      In this contribution, results of experiments performed with the three Beryllium isotopes 9,10,11Be on a medium mass 64Zn ...
    • Presentation

      Elastic scattering of 9Li on 208Pb at energies around the Coulomb barrier 

      Cubero, M.; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Lay Valera, José Antonio; Acosta, Luis; Alcorta, Martín; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Borge, M. J. G.; Buchmann, L.; Diget, C. A.; Fulton, B.; Gómez Camacho, Joaquín José; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías (American Institute of Physics, 2011)
      We have studied the dynamical effects of the halo structure of 11Li on the scattering on heavy targets at energies around ...
    • Presentation

      Study of the scattering of halo nuclei around the Coulomb barrier 

      Acosta, Luis; Cubero, M.; Escrig, D.; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Lay Valera, José Antonio; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Rodríguez Gallardo, Manuela; Sánchez Benítez, A. M.; Alcorta, Martín; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Andrés Martín, María Victoria; Cortés Giraldo, Miguel Antonio; Espino Navas, José Manuel; Gómez Camacho, Joaquín José (American Institute of Physics, 2011)
      During the past ten years the present collaboration has carried out several experiments related with the study of radioactive ...
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      Recent applications of four-body continuum-discretized coupled-channels calculations to 6He reactions 

      Rodríguez Gallardo, Manuela; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías (AIP Publishing, 2011)
      The four-body continuum-discretized coupled-channels approach using a continuum-bins scheme of discretization for three-body ...
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      Measurement of Pu and U isotopes on the 1 MV AMS system at the Centro Nacional de Aceleradores 

      Chamizo, E.; García León, Manuel; García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael; Hotchkis, M. (2011)
      In the last decade, compact AMS systems have demonstrated their potential to measure actinides (236U, 239,240,244Pu, 237Np). ...