Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • Article

      Conceptual design of the ITER fast-ion loss detector 

      García Muñoz, Manuel; Kočan, Martin; Ayllón Guerola, Juan Manuel; Bertalot, Luciano; Bonnet, Y.; Casal, Natalia; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; García López, Francisco Javier; González Martín, J.; Jiménez Ramos, María del Carmen; Rodríguez Ramos, M.; Rivero Rodriguez, Juan Francisco; Sanchís Sánchez, Lucía; Vorpahl, Christian; Walsh, Michael J. (American Institute of Physics, 2016)
      A conceptual design of a reciprocating fast-ion loss detector for ITER has been developed and is presented here. Fast-ion ...