Now showing items 1-10 of 10

    • Article

      A generalized model of equality measures in network location problems 

      López de los Mozos Martín, María Cruz; Mesa López-Colmenar, Juan Antonio; Puerto Albandoz, Justo (Elsevier, 2008-03)
      In this paper, the concept of the ordered weighted averaging operator is applied to define a model which unifies and ...
    • Article

      A Monte Carlo comparison of three consistent bootstrap procedures 

      Pino Mejías, Rafael; Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores; Enguix González, Alicia (Taylor & Francis, 2009-04)
      Since bootstrap samples are simple random samples with replacement from the original sample, the information content of ...
    • Article

      A unified approach to network location problems 

      Nickel, Stefan; Puerto Albandoz, Justo (John Wiley and Sons, 1999)
      In this paper we introduce a new type of single facility location problems on networks which includes as special cases ...
    • Article

      Binarized support vector machines 

      Carrizosa Priego, Emilio José; Martín Barragán, Belén; Romero Morales, María Dolores (INFORMS (Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences), 2010)
      The widely used Support Vector Machine (SVM) method has shown to yield very good results in Supervised Classification ...
    • Article

      Continuous location problems and Big Triangle Small Triangle: constructing better bounds 

      Blanquero Bravo, Rafael; Carrizosa Priego, Emilio José (Springer, 2009-11)
      The Big Triangle Small Triangle method has shown to be a powerful global optimization procedure to address continuous ...
    • Article

      Detecting relevant variables and interactions in supervised classification 

      Carrizosa Priego, Emilio José; Martín Barragán, Belén; Romero Morales, María Dolores (Elsevier, 2011-08-16)
      The widely used Support Vector Machine (SVM) method has shown to yield good results in Supervised Classification problems. ...
    • Article

      Multivariate explanatory model for sporadic carcinoma of the colon in Dukes’ stages I and IIa 

      Villadiego Sánchez, José María; Ortega Calvo, Manuel; Pino Mejías, Rafael; Cayuela Domínguez, Aurelio; Iglesias Bonilla, Pablo; García de la Corte, Francisco José; Santos Lozano, José Manuel; Lapetra Peralta, José (Ivyspring International Publisher, 2009)
      We obtained before an explanatory model with six dependant variables: age of the patient, total cholesterol (TC), HDL ...
    • Article

      On minimax-regret Huff location models 

      Bello Garboza, Lenys; Blanquero Bravo, Rafael; Carrizosa Priego, Emilio José (Elsevier, 2011-01)
      We address the following single-facility location problem: a firm is entering into a market by locating one facility in a ...
    • Article

      Partial Gröbner bases for multiobjective integer linear optimization 

      Blanco Izquierdo, Víctor; Puerto Albandoz, Justo (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2012)
      This paper presents a new methodology for solving multiobjective integer linear programs (MOILP) using tools from algebraic ...
    • Article

      Reduced bootstrap for the median 

      Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores; Muñoz García, Joaquín; Pino Mejías, Rafael (Academia Sinica (Institute of Statistical Science), 2004-10)
      In this paper we study a modified bootstrap that consists of only considering those bootstrap samples satisfying k1 ≤ νn ...