• Ponencia

      Dynamical weakening of pyroclastic flows by mechanical vibrations 

      Valverde Millán, José Manuel; Soria del Hoyo, Carlos; Roche, Olivier (EDP Sciences, 2017)
      Dynamical weakening of dense granular flows plays a critical role on diverse geological events such as seismic faulting ...
    • Ponencia

      Mechanical Strength of Humidified Glass Beads 

      Soria del Hoyo, Carlos; Valverde Millán, José Manuel; Castellanos Mata, Antonio (AIP Publishing, 2009)
      In this work we measure the mechanical strength of a bed of glass beads that has been previously subjected to a controlled ...
    • Ponencia

      Multi-species simulation of Trichel pulses in oxygen 

      Durán Olivencia, Francisco José; Pontiga Romero, Francisco de Paula; Soria del Hoyo, Carlos; Castellanos Mata, Antonio (2012)
      A multi-species model consisting of seven species has been implemented to simulate the generation and development of ...
    • Ponencia

      Non-linear hybrid kinetic-MHD simulations of ELMs in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak 

      Domínguez-Palacios Durán, Jesús José; González Martín, Javier; García Muñoz, Manuel; Toscano Jiménez, Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora; Futatani, S.; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; Hoelzl, M.; Oyola Domínguez, Pablo; Rivero Rodriguez, Juan Francisco; Soria del Hoyo, Carlos; Suzuki, Y.; Todo, Y. (European Physical Society (EPS), 2019)