Mostrando ítems 61-80 de 510

    • Artículo

      Monsters in Hardy and Bergman spaces 

      Bernal González, Luis; Calderón Moreno, María del Carmen (Taylor & Francis, 2002)
      A monster in the sense of Luh is a holomorphic function on a simply connected domain in the complex plane such that it and ...
    • Artículo

      Families of strongly annular functions: linear structure 

      Bernal González, Luis; Bonilla Ramírez, Antonio Lorenzo (Springer, 2013-01)
      A function f holomorphic in the unit disk D is called strongly annular if there exists a sequence of concentric circles ...
    • Artículo

      Backward Φ-shifts and universality 

      Bernal González, Luis (Elsevier, 2005-06-01)
      In this paper we consider spaces of sequences which are valued in a topological space E and study generalized backward ...
    • Artículo

      Interpolation by hypercyclic functions for differential operators 

      Bernal González, Luis (Elsevier, 2009-04)
      We prove that, given a sequence of points in a complex domain Ω without accumulation points, there are functions having ...
    • Artículo

      Hypercyclic sequences of differential and antidifferential operators 

      Bernal González, Luis (Elsevier, 1999-02)
      In this paper, we provide some extensions of earlier results about hypercyclicity of some operators on the Fréchet space ...
    • Artículo

      Universal transforms of the geometric series under generalized Riesz methods 

      Bernal González, Luis; Calderón Moreno, María del Carmen; Luh, Wolfgang (Springer, 2004-03)
      In this paper generalized Riesz methods (R, p, M) of summability are considered. We prove that, to each open set O ⊂ C ...
    • Artículo

      Linear subsets of nonlinear sets in topological vector spaces 

      Bernal González, Luis; Pellegrino, Daniel M.; Seoane Sepúlveda, Juan Benigno (American Mathematical Society, 2014-01)
      For the last decade there has been a generalized trend in Mathematics on the search for large algebraic structures (linear ...
    • Artículo


      Bernal González, Luis; Prado Tendero, José Antonio (Cambridge University Press, 2005-02)
      Inspired by a statement of W. Luh asserting the existence of entire functions having together with all their derivatives ...
    • Artículo

      Algebraic genericity of strict-order integrability 

      Bernal González, Luis (Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics, 2010)
      We provide sharp conditions on a measure µ defined on a measurable space X guaranteeing that the family of functions in ...
    • Artículo

      Linear Kierst-Szpilrajn theorems 

      Bernal González, Luis (Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics, 2005)
      We prove in this paper the following result which extends in a somewhat ‘linear’ sense a theorem by Kierst and Szpilrajn ...
    • Artículo

      Dense linear manifolds of monsters 

      Bernal González, Luis; Calderón Moreno, María del Carmen (Elsevier, 2002-12)
      In this paper the new concept of totally omnipresent operators is introduced. These operators act on the space of holomorphic ...
    • Artículo

      Nowhere hölderian functions and Pringsheim singular functions in the disc algebra 

      Bernal González, Luis; Bonilla Ramírez, Antonio Lorenzo; López-Salazar Codes, Jerónimo; Seoane Sepúlveda, Juan Benigno (Springer, 2019-04)
      We prove the existence of dense linear subspaces, of infinitely generated subalgebras and of infinite dimensional Banach ...
    • Artículo

      Boundary-chaotic behaviour of continuous functions under the action of operators 

      Bernal González, Luis; Calderón Moreno, María del Carmen (Cambridge University Press, 2003-06)
      In this paper we introduce two classes of operators on spaces of continuous functions with values in F-spaces under the ...
    • Artículo

      Sequences of differential operators: exponentials, hypercyclicity and equicontinuity 

      Bernal González, Luis; Prado Tendero, José Antonio (Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics, 2001)
      In this paper, an eigenvalue criterion for hypercyclicity due to the first author is improved. As a consequence, some new ...
    • Artículo

      Common hypercyclic functions for multiples of convolution and non-convolution operators 

      Bernal González, Luis (American Mathematical Society, 2009-11)
      We prove the existence of a residual set of entire functions, all of whose members are hypercyclic for every nonzero scalar ...
    • Artículo

      Existence and nonexistence of hypercyclic semigroups 

      Bernal González, Luis; Grosse-Erdmann, Karl-Goswin (American Mathematical Society, 2007-03)
      In these notes we provide a new proof of the existence of a hypercyclic uniformly continuous semigroup of operators on any ...
    • Artículo

      Hypercyclic subspaces in Fréchet spaces 

      Bernal González, Luis (American Mathematical Society, 2006-07)
      In this note, we show that every infinite-dimensional separable Fr´echet space admitting a continuous norm supports an ...
    • Artículo

      Infinite dimensional holomorphic non-extendability and algebraic genericity 

      Bernal González, Luis; Calderón Moreno, María del Carmen; Seoane Sepúlveda, Juan Benigno (Elsevier, 2017-01-15)
      In this note, the linear structure of the family He(G) of holomorphic functions in a domain G of a complex Banach space ...
    • Artículo

      Non-Lipschitz differentiable functions on slit domains 

      Bernal González, Luis; Jiménez Rodríguez, Pablo; Muñoz Fernández, Gustavo Adolfo; Seoane Sepúlveda, Juan Benigno (Springer, 2017-05)
      It is proved the existence of large algebraic structures –including large vector subspaces or infinitely generated free ...
    • Artículo

      Boundary-nonregular functions in the disc algebra and in holomorphic Lipschitz spaces 

      Bernal González, Luis; Bonilla Ramírez, Antonio Lorenzo; López-Salazar Codes, Jerónimo; Seoane Sepúlveda, Juan Benigno (Springer, 2018-06)
      We prove in this paper the existence of dense linear subspaces in the classical holomorphic Lipschitz spaces in the disc ...