Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • Article

      Determinig the Specific Status of the Iberian Sturgeons by Means Genetic Analyses of Old Specimens 

      Robles, Francisca; Cano-Roldán, Belén; Ruiz Rejón, Carmelo; Martínez-González, Luís Javier; Álvarez-Cubero, María Jesús; Lorente, José Antonio; Riquelme Cantal, José Antonio; Aguayo de Hoyos, Pedro; Carrasco Rus, Javier; Cortés Sánchez, Miguel; Simón Vallejo, María Dolores; Ruiz Rejón, Manuel; Herrán, Roberto de la (Scientific Research, 2010)
      To clarify the species status of sturgeon from rivers of the Iberian Peninsula, eight molecular markers (4 nuclear and 4 ...