Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Article

      Revisiting Lucius Verus' eastern campaign 

      Rodríguez Pérez, Rafael (Universidad Pablo de Olavide, 2022-03-24)
      After Trajan’s Parthian campaign (115-117 AD), the situation in the Roman Empire’s eastern frontier seems to have been ...
    • Article

      The Meeting between Marius and Mithridates and the Pontic Policy in Cappadocia 

      Ballesteros Pastor, Luis (Mediterranean Civilisations Research Institute, 2004)
      The meeting between Marius and Mithri-dates Eupator prevented a Pontic annexation of Cappdocia. The Roman leader warned ...
    • Article

      The Origins of the Ariobarzanid Dynasty 

      Ballesteros Pastor, Luis (Research Centre for Mediterranean Languages and Cultures of Akdeniz University, 2020)
      The Ariobarzanid kings of Cappadocia belonged to a cadet branch of the Mithridatids of Pontus and the Ariarathids of ...