Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Article

      Dense linear manifolds of monsters 

      Bernal González, Luis; Calderón Moreno, María del Carmen (Elsevier, 2002-12)
      In this paper the new concept of totally omnipresent operators is introduced. These operators act on the space of holomorphic ...
    • Article

      Holomorphic T-monsters and strongly omnipresent operators 

      Bernal González, Luis; Calderón Moreno, María del Carmen (Elsevier, 2000-06)
      Assume that G is a nonempty open subset of the complex plane and that T is an operator on the linear space of holomorphic ...
    • Article

      Maximal cluster sets on spaces of holomorphic functions 

      Prado Bassas, José Antonio (Oldenbourg, 2004)
      This is an expository paper where we relate some aspects of the problem of looking for holomorphic functions with maximal ...
    • Article

      Monsters in Hardy and Bergman spaces 

      Bernal González, Luis; Calderón Moreno, María del Carmen (Taylor & Francis, 2002)
      A monster in the sense of Luh is a holomorphic function on a simply connected domain in the complex plane such that it and ...
    • Article

      Strongly omnipresent operators: general conditions and applications to composition operators 

      Bernal González, Luis; Calderón Moreno, María del Carmen; Grosse-Erdmann, Karl-Goswin (Cambridge University Press, 2002-06)
      This paper studies the concept of strongly omnipresent operators that was recently introduced by the first two authors. ...