• Artículo

      On the centralizer of generic braids 

      González-Meneses López, Juan; Valladares García, Dolores (De Gruyter, 2018-11)
      We study the centralizer of a braid from the point of view of Garside theory, showing that generically a minimal set of ...
    • Artículo

      On the cycling operation in braid groups 

      González-Meneses López, Juan; Gebhardt, Volker (Elsevier, 2008-09-06)
      The cycling operation is a special kind of conjugation that can be applied to elements in Artin’s braid groups, in order ...
    • Artículo

      On the singular braid monoid of an orientable surface 

      Díaz Cantos, Jerónimo; González-Meneses López, Juan; Tornero Sánchez, José María (American Mathematical Society, 2004)
      In this paper we show that the singular braid monoid of an orientable surface can be embedded in a group. The proof is purely topological, making no use of the monoid presentation.
    • Artículo

      On the structure of the centralizer of a braid 

      González-Meneses López, Juan (Elsevier, 2004)
      The mixed braid groups are the subgroups of Artin braid groups whose elements preserve a given partition of the base ...
    • Artículo

      Ordering pure braid groups on compact, connected surfaces 

      González-Meneses López, Juan (University of California, 2002-04)
      We prove that the pure braid groups on compact, connected, orientable surfaces are bi-orderable, and that the pure braid groups on compact, connected non-orientable surfaces have generalized torsion, thus they are not bi-orderable.
    • Artículo

      Polynomial braid combing 

      Flores Díaz, Ramón Jesús; González-Meneses López, Juan (Oxford University Press, 2018)
      We prove that, for n ≥ 3, the minimal dimension of a model of the classifying space of the braid group Bn, and of the pure braid group Pn, with respect to the family of virtually cyclic groups is n.
    • Artículo

      Presentations for the monoids of singular braids on closed surfaces 

      González-Meneses López, Juan (Taylor & Francis, 2002)
      We give presentations, in terms of generators and relations, for the monoids SBn(M) of singular braids on closed surfaces. ...
    • Trabajo Fin de Grado

      El problema de la palabra en los grupos de trenzas 

      Aguilar Martín, Javier (2018-06-18)
      The word problem, the conjugacy problem and the isomorphism problem were three fundamental problems of group theory proposed ...
    • Artículo

      Reducible braids and Garside theory 

      González-Meneses López, Juan; Wiest, Bert (Geometry & Topology Publications, 2011)
      We show that reducible braids which are, in a Garside-theoretical sense, as simple as possible within their conjugacy ...
    • Artículo

      Solving the conjugacy problem in Garside groups by cyclic sliding 

      Gebhardt, Volker; González-Meneses López, Juan (Elsevier, 2010-06)
      We present a solution to the conjugacy decision problem and the conjugacy search problem in Garside groups, which is ...
    • Tesis Doctoral

      Sous-groupes paraboliques et généricité dans les groupes d'Artin-Tits de type sphérique. 

      Cumplido Cabello, María (2018-09-03)
      En la primera parte de esta tesis estudiamos la conjetura de genericidad: En el grafo de Cayley del mapping class group ...
    • Trabajo Fin de Grado

      Teoría de grupos y el Skewb 

      Méndez García-Barroso, Carlos (2020)
      En este trabajo repasaremos algunas definiciones y resultados básicos de la Teoría de Grupos y trataremos de utilizarlos ...
    • Artículo

      The cyclic sliding operation in Garside groups 

      Gebhardt, Volker; González-Meneses López, Juan (Springer, 2010-05)
      We present a new operation to be performed on elements in a Garside group, called cyclic sliding, which is introduced to ...
    • Artículo

      The nth root of a braid is unique up to conjugacy 

      González-Meneses López, Juan (Mathematical Sciences Publishers, 2003-11-01)
      We prove a conjecture due to Makanin: if α and β are elements of the Artin braid group Bn such that α k = β k for some nonzero integer k, then α and β are conjugate. The proof involves the Nielsen-Thurston classification of braids.
    • Artículo

      The root extraction problem for generic braids 

      Cumplido Cabello, María; González-Meneses López, Juan; Silvero Casanova, Marithania (MDPI, 2019-10)
      We show that, generically, finding the k-th root of a braid is very fast. More precisely, we provide an algorithm which, ...
    • Tesis Doctoral

      Trenzas en superficies cerradas 

      González-Meneses López, Juan (2000)
      En este trabajo se estudian las trenzas en superficies cerradas. En primer lugar, se dan nuevas presentaciones de los ...
    • Artículo

      Twisted conjugacy in braid groups 

      González-Meneses López, Juan; Ventura Capell, Enric (Springer, 2014)
      In this note we solve the twisted conjugacy problem for braid groups, i.e. we propose an algorithm which, given two braids ...
    • Artículo

      Vassiliev invariants for braids on surfaces 

      González-Meneses López, Juan; Paris, Luis (American Mathematical Society, 2004)
      We show that Vassiliev invariants separate braids on a closed oriented surface, and we exhibit an universal Vassiliev ...