Author profile: González-Meneses López, Juan
Institutional data
Name | González-Meneses López, Juan |
Department | Algebra |
Knowledge area | Álgebra |
Professional category | Catedrático de Universidad |
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Publications |
Final Degree Project
Grupos hiperbólicos
Los grupos hiperbólicos son una clase de grupos que poseen propiedades similares a las de los espacios hiperbólicos ... |
Final Degree Project
Clasificación de grupos cristalográficos planos
Crystallographic groups are groups whose elements are isometries of a metric space. These groups are 17 in the Euclidean ... |
Final Degree Project
Teoría de grupos y el Skewb
En este trabajo repasaremos algunas definiciones y resultados básicos de la Teoría de Grupos y trataremos de utilizarlos ... |
The root extraction problem for generic braids
(MDPI, 2019)
We show that, generically, finding the k-th root of a braid is very fast. More precisely, we provide an algorithm which, ... |
On the centralizer of generic braids
(De Gruyter, 2018)
We study the centralizer of a braid from the point of view of Garside theory, showing that generically a minimal set of ... |
PhD Thesis
Sous-groupes paraboliques et généricité dans les groupes d'Artin-Tits de type sphérique.
En la primera parte de esta tesis estudiamos la conjetura de genericidad: En el grafo de Cayley del mapping class group ... |
Final Degree Project
Homología de Khovanov
Knot theory is quite younger compare to other theories in mathematics. Even so, it is an important mathematic theory in ... |
Final Degree Project
El problema de la palabra en los grupos de trenzas
The word problem, the conjugacy problem and the isomorphism problem were three fundamental problems of group theory proposed ... |
A geometric description of the extreme Khovanov cohomology
(Cambridge University Press, 2018)
We prove that the hypothetical extreme Khovanov cohomology of a link is the cohomology of the independence simplicial ... |
Polynomial braid combing
(Oxford University Press, 2018)
We prove that, for n ≥ 3, the minimal dimension of a model of the classifying space of the braid group Bn, and of the pure braid group Pn, with respect to the family of virtually cyclic groups is n. |
PhD Thesis
On some families of links and new approaches to link homologies
Esta tesis se enmarca dentro de la Teoría de Nudos. En los Capítulos 1 y 2 se usan herramientas clásicas para estudiar las ... |
Geometric approaches to braid groups and mapping class groups
(Cellule Mathdoc, 2015)
These are Lecture Notes of a course given by the author at the School Winter Braids, held at the Université de Pau et des ... |
Geometric embeddings of braid groups do not merge conjugacy classes
(Sociedad Matemática Mexicana, 2014)
An embedding of the m-times punctured disc into the n-times punctured disc, for n > m, yields an embedding of the braid ... |
Closures of positive braids and the Morton-Franks-Williams inequality
(Elsevier, 2014)
We study the Morton-Franks-Williams inequality for closures of simple braids (also known as positive permutation braids). ... |
Twisted conjugacy in braid groups
(Springer, 2014)
In this note we solve the twisted conjugacy problem for braid groups, i.e. we propose an algorithm which, given two braids ... |
Generating random braids
(Elsevier, 2013)
We present an algorithm to generate positive braids of a given length as words in Artin generators with a uniform probability. ... |
A geometric characterization of the upper bound for the span of the Jones polynomial
(World Scientific, 2011)
Let D be a link diagram with n crossings, sA and sB its extreme states and |sAD| (resp. |sBD|) the number of simple closed ... |
Basic results on braid groups
(Université Blaise Pascal, 2011)
These are Lecture Notes of a course given by the author at the French-Spanish School Tresses in Pau, held in Pau (France) ... |
Reducible braids and Garside theory
(Geometry & Topology Publications, 2011)
We show that reducible braids which are, in a Garside-theoretical sense, as simple as possible within their conjugacy ... |
On reduction curves and Garside properties of braids
(American Mathematical Society, 2011)
In this paper we study the reduction curves of a braid, and how they can be used to decompose the braid into simpler ones ... |
Solving the conjugacy problem in Garside groups by cyclic sliding
(Elsevier, 2010)
We present a solution to the conjugacy decision problem and the conjugacy search problem in Garside groups, which is ... |
The cyclic sliding operation in Garside groups
(Springer, 2010)
We present a new operation to be performed on elements in a Garside group, called cyclic sliding, which is introduced to ... |
On the cycling operation in braid groups
(Elsevier, 2008)
The cycling operation is a special kind of conjugation that can be applied to elements in Artin’s braid groups, in order ... |
Bi-orderings on pure braided Thompson's groups
In this paper it is proved that the pure braided Thompson’s group BF admits a bi-order, analog to the bi-order of the pure braid groups. |
Conjugacy in Garside groups II: Structure of the ultra summit set
(European Mathematical Society, 2008)
This paper is the second in a series in which the authors study the conjugacy decision problem (CDP) and the conjugacy ... |
Conjugacy in Garside Groups III: Periodic braids
(Elsevier, 2007)
An element in Artin’s braid group Bn is said to be periodic if some power of it lies in the center of Bn. In this paper ... |
Conjugacy in Garside groups I: Cyclings, powers, and rigidity
(European Mathematical Society, 2007)
In this paper a relation between iterated cyclings and iterated powers of elements in a Garside group is shown. This yields ... |
Improving an algorithm to solve multiple simultaneous conjugacy problems in braid groups
(American Mathematical Society, 2005)
There are recent cryptographic protocols that are based on Multiple Simultaneous Conjugacy Problems in braid groups. We ... |
Vassiliev invariants for braids on surfaces
(American Mathematical Society, 2004)
We show that Vassiliev invariants separate braids on a closed oriented surface, and we exhibit an universal Vassiliev ... |
On the structure of the centralizer of a braid
(Elsevier, 2004)
The mixed braid groups are the subgroups of Artin braid groups whose elements preserve a given partition of the base ... |
On the singular braid monoid of an orientable surface
(American Mathematical Society, 2004)
In this paper we show that the singular braid monoid of an orientable surface can be embedded in a group. The proof is purely topological, making no use of the monoid presentation. |
The nth root of a braid is unique up to conjugacy
(Mathematical Sciences Publishers, 2003)
We prove a conjecture due to Makanin: if α and β are elements of the Artin braid group Bn such that α k = β k for some nonzero integer k, then α and β are conjugate. The proof involves the Nielsen-Thurston classification of braids. |
Conjugacy problem for braid groups and Garside groups
(Elsevier, 2003)
We present a new algorithm to solve the conjugacy problem in Artin braid groups, which is faster than the one presented ... |
Computation of centralizers in braid groups and Garside groups
(Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2003)
We give a new method to compute the centralizer of an element in Artin braid groups and, more generally, in Garside groups. ... |
Ordering pure braid groups on compact, connected surfaces
(University of California, 2002)
We prove that the pure braid groups on compact, connected, orientable surfaces are bi-orderable, and that the pure braid groups on compact, connected non-orientable surfaces have generalized torsion, thus they are not bi-orderable. |
Presentations for the monoids of singular braids on closed surfaces
(Taylor & Francis, 2002)
We give presentations, in terms of generators and relations, for the monoids SBn(M) of singular braids on closed surfaces. ... |
New presentations of surface braid groups
(World Scientific Publishing, 2001)
In this paper we give new presentations of the braid groups and the pure braid groups of a closed surface. We also give an algorithm to solve the word problem in these groups, using the given presentations. |
PhD Thesis
Trenzas en superficies cerradas
En este trabajo se estudian las trenzas en superficies cerradas. En primer lugar, se dan nuevas presentaciones de los ... |