NombreZarco Periñán, Pedro Javier
DepartamentoIngeniería Eléctrica
Área de conocimientoIngeniería Eléctrica
Categoría profesionalProfesor Titular de Universidad
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Quantification of household electricity consumption for supporting energy efficiency of urban metabolism: Material flow analysis

Ali, S.S.S.; Kasavan, S.; Razman, M.R.; Zarco Periñán, Pedro Javier (Center of Biomass and Renewable Energy (CBIORE), 2024)
Despite growing public, academic, and government awareness of the energy consumption issue, there is still little research ...
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Subestación de evacuación conectada a parques eólicos 30 a 220 kV

Carretero Lara, Isabel; Zarco Periñán, Pedro Javier (2023)
El presente documento trata de abarcar el desarrollo de un proyecto de una Subestación de Evacuación 30 / 220 kV de la ...

Conducting Thermographic Inspections in Electrical Substations: A Survey

Zarco Periñán, Pedro Javier; Zarco Soto, Francisco Javier; Zarco Soto, Irene M.; Martínez Ramos, José Luis (MDPI, 2022)
Liberalization of the electricity market has forced the use of economic and efficient maintenance techniques. Thus, it is ...

CO2 Emissions in Buildings: A Synopsis of Current Studies

Zarco Periñán, Pedro Javier; Zarco Soto, Francisco Javier; Zarco Soto, Irene M.; Martínez Ramos, José Luis; Sánchez Durán, Rafael (MDPI, 2022)
CO2 is the most emitted greenhouse gas and is mainly produced by human activity. In fact, about 75% is emitted in cities ...

Towards the Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals through Engineering Training for Labor Market Reintegration of Older Workers

Zarco Periñán, Pedro Javier; Zarco Soto, Francisco Javier (MDPI, 2022)
The inclusion of training in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in higher education is essential to achieve them. ...

On the Remuneration to Electrical Utilities and Budgetary Allocation for Substation Maintenance Management

Zarco Periñán, Pedro Javier; Martínez Ramos, José Luis; Zarco Soto, Francisco Javier (MDPI, 2021)
The liberalization of electricity markets has produced a great change in electrical utilities. One of these changes has ...

Influence of Population Density on CO2 Emissions Eliminating the Influence of Climate

Zarco Periñán, Pedro Javier; Zarco Soto, Irene M.; Zarco Soto, Francisco Javier (MDPI, 2021)
More than 50% of the world’s population lives in cities. Its buildings consume more than a third of the energy and generate ...

Influence of Population Income on Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions in Buildings of Cities

Zarco Soto, Irene M.; Zarco Soto, Francisco Javier; Zarco Periñán, Pedro Javier (MDPI, 2021)
More than half of the world’s population lives in cities. A large part of the emissions and energy consumption corresponds ...

Influence of the Population Density of Cities on Energy Consumption of Their Households

Zarco Periñán, Pedro Javier; Zarco Soto, Irene M.; Zarco Soto, Francisco Javier (MDPI, 2021)
36% of the energy consumed and 40% of emissions are due to buildings in the residential and tertiary sectors. These ...

Centralized Control of Distribution Networks with High Penetration of Renewable Energies

Zarco Soto, Francisco Javier; Zarco Periñán, Pedro Javier; Martínez Ramos, José Luis (MDPI, 2021)
Distribution networks were conceived to distribute the energy received from transmission and subtransmission to supply ...

Influence of cities population size on their energy consumption and CO2 emissions: the case of Spain

Zarco Soto, Irene M.; Zarco Periñán, Pedro Javier; Sánchez Durán, Rafael (Springer Nature, 2021)
Half of the world population live in the cities. Cities energy consumption, environmental impact, and the opportunities ...

A novel method to correct temperature problems revealed by infrared thermography in electrical substations

Zarco Periñán, Pedro Javier; Martínez Ramos, José Luis; Zarco Soto, Francisco Javier (Elsevier, 2021)
The need to monitor and know the state of electrical facilities and their associated equipment has become of crucial ...
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Análisis de protección de la avifauna en instalaciones eléctricas realizadas con conductores desnudos

Cabrera Castro, Diego; Zarco Periñán, Pedro Javier (2021)
Desde hace siglos, el ser humano abandonó el antropocentrismo. No somos el centro del universo y mucho menos los únicos ...
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Climatización de edificio destinado a Oficinas Técnicas y optimización de su eficiencia energética

Peña de los Santos, María Consuelo; Zarco Periñán, Pedro Javier (2021)
El presente proyecto tiene por objeto la definición, cálculo y diseño de la instalación de climatización en el edificio ...
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Mecanismo de capacidad para asegurar el suministro de energía: El caso francés

Llanos Macías, Guillermo; Zarco Periñán, Pedro Javier (2021)
En la empresa francesa Haya Energy Solutions, donde el alumno autor de este trabajo ha realizado sus prácticas de empresa, ...

Influence of Population Income and Climate on Air Pollution in Cities due to Buildings: The Case of Spain

Zarco Soto, Francisco Javier; Zarco Soto, Irene M.; Zarco Periñán, Pedro Javier (MDPI, 2021)
Half of the world’s population lives in cities. In addition, more than 40% of greenhouse gas emissions are produced in ...

Influence of population income on energy consumption for heating and its CO2 emissions in cities

Zarco Periñán, Pedro Javier; Zarco Soto, Irene M.; Zarco Soto, Francisco Javier; Sánchez Durán, Rafael (MDPI AG, 2021)
As a result of the increase in city populations, and the high energy consumption and emissions of buildings, cities in ...

Experimental Evaluation of Aerial Manipulation Robot in Contact With 15 kV Power Line: Shielded and Long Reach Configurations

Suárez Fernández-Miranda, Alejandro; Salmoral Lorenzo-Arroyo, Rafael; Zarco Periñán, Pedro Javier; Ollero Baturone, Aníbal (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021)
The use of aerial manipulators for the inspection and maintenance of the power grid requires the safe interaction of the ...

A Novel Formulation to Compute Sensitivities to Solve Congestions and Voltage Problems in Active Distribution Networks

Zarco Soto, Francisco Javier; Martínez Ramos, José Luis; Zarco Periñán, Pedro Javier (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021)
Sensitivities are broadly appreciated because of its simplicity and good results in solving voltage problems and congestions ...

Influence of climate on energy consumption and CO2 emissions: the case of Spain

Zarco Soto, Irene M.; Zarco Periñán, Pedro Javier; Sánchez Durán, Rafael (Springer, 2020)
This paper presents a methodology that allows for calculating the thermal and electric energy consumption together with ...
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Aplicación y dimensionamiento de equipos de un sistema BESS en una central térmica

Sánchez Hernández, Rafael; Zarco Periñán, Pedro Javier (2018)
El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo desarrollar el concepto de ―Battery Energy Storage System‖ o sistema BESS, ...
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Aplicación y dimensionamiento de equipos de un sistema BESS en una central térmica

Sánchez Hernández, Rafael; Zarco Periñán, Pedro Javier (2018)
El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo desarrollar el concepto de ―Battery Energy Storage System‖ o sistema BESS, ...

Influencial factors in thermographic analysis in substations

Zarco Periñán, Pedro Javier; Martínez Ramos, José Luis (Elsevier, 2018)
Thermography is one of the best predictive maintenance tools available due to its low cost, fast implementation and ...

Power system parameter estimation: a survey

Zarco Periñán, Pedro Javier; Gómez Expósito, Antonio (IEEE, 2000)
This paper deals with the problem of network parameter errors in state estimation. First of all, some experimental results ...

Control y seguimiento automatizado por internet de la realización de prácticas de laboratorio

González Castrejón, Francisco; Maza Ortega, José María; Zarco Periñán, Pedro Javier; Rosendo Macías, José Antonio (2000)
Tesis Doctoral

Estimación de parámetros de redes eléctricas utilizando históricos de medidas

Zarco Periñán, Pedro Javier; Gómez Expósito, Antonio (1997)