NameCubero Gómez, David
DepartmentFísica Aplicada I
Knowledge areaFísica Aplicada
Professional categoryProfesor Titular de Universidad
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Observation of stochastic resonance in directed propagation of cold atoms

Staron, Alexander; Jiang, Kefeng; Scoggins, Casey; Wingert, Daniel; Cubero Gómez, David; Bali, Samir (American Physical Society, 2022)
Randomly diffusing atoms confined in a dissipative optical lattice are illuminated by a weak probe of light. The probe ...

Vibrational mechanics in higher dimension: Tuning potential landscapes

Cubero Gómez, David; Renzoni, Ferruccio (American Physical Society, 2021)
This work extends the domain of vibrational mechanics to higher dimensions, with fast vibrations applied to different ...

Exploring the limits of magnetic field focusing: Simple planar geometries

Cubero Gómez, David; Marmugi, Luca; Renzoni, Ferruccio (Elsevier, 2020)
This work explores the possibility to arbitrarily shape in space low-frequency magnetic fields using a recently introduced ...

An excess electron at polyethylene/vacuum interfaces using a reaction-field technique

Wang, Yang; Wu, Kai; Cubero Gómez, David (Royal Society of Chemistry, 2019)
We study the surface states of an excess electron at polyethylene/vacuum interfaces using an accurate reaction-field method, ...

Asymptotic theory of quasiperiodically driven quantum systems

Cubero Gómez, David; Renzoni, Ferruccio (American Physical Society, 2018)
The theoretical treatment of quasi periodically driven quantum systems is complicated by the inapplicability of the Floquet ...

Avoided Crossing and sub-Fourier-sensitivity in Driven Quantum Systems

Cubero Gómez, David; Robb, Gordon R. M.; Renzoni, Ferruccio (American Physical Society, 2018)
The response of a linear system to an external perturbation is governed by the Fourier limit, with the inverse of the ...

Hidden symmetries, instabilities, and current suppression in brownian ratchets

Cubero Gómez, David; Renzoni, Ferruccio (American Physical Society, 2016)
The operation of Brownian motors is usually described in terms of out-of-equilibrium and symmetrybreaking settings, with ...

Molecular modeling and electron transport in polyethylene

Wang, Yang; Wu, Kai; Cubero Gómez, David; Quirke, Nick (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2014)
Polyethylene is commonly used as an insulator for AC power cables. However it is known to undergo chemical and physical ...

Single electron states in polyethylene

Wang, Yang; MacKernan, D.; Cubero Gómez, David; Coker, David F.; Quirke, Nick (American Institute of Physics, 2014)
We report computer simulations of an excess electron in various structural motifs of polyethylene at room temperature, ...

Irrationality and quasiperiodicity in driven nonlinear systems

Cubero Gómez, David; Casado Pascual, Jesús; Renzoni, Ferruccio (American Physical Society, 2014)
We analyze the relationship between irrationality and quasiperiodicity in nonlinear driven systems. To that purpose, we ...

Universal asymptotic behavior in nonlinear systems driven by a two-frequency forcing

Casado Pascual, Jesús; Cubero Gómez, David; Renzoni, Ferruccio (American Physical Society, 2013)
We examine the time-dependent behavior of a nonlinear system driven by a two-frequency forcing. By using a nonperturbative ...

Thermal equilibrium in Einstein’s elevator

Sánchez-Rey, Bernardo; Chacón-Acosta, Guillermo; Dagdug, Leonardo; Cubero Gómez, David (American Physical Society, 2013)
We report fully relativistic molecular-dynamics simulations that verify the appearance of thermal equilibrium of a classical ...

Vibrational mechanics in an optical lattice: controlling transport via potential renormalization

Wickenbrock, Arne; Holz, Philip C.; Abdul Wahab, N.A.; Phoonthong, P.; Cubero Gómez, David; Renzoni, Ferruccio (American Physical Society, 2012)
We demonstrate theoretically and experimentally the phenomenon of vibrational resonance in a periodic potential, using ...

Control of transport in two-dimensional systems via dynamical decoupling of degrees of freedom with quasiperiodic driving fields

Cubero Gómez, David; Renzoni, Ferruccio (American Physical Society, 2012)
We consider the problem of the control of transport in higher-dimensional periodic structures by applied ac fields. In a ...

Current reversals in a rocking ratchet: the frequency domain

Wickenbrock, Arne; Cubero Gómez, David; Abdul Wahab, N.A.; Phoonthong, P.; Renzoni, Ferruccio (American Physical Society, 2011)
Motivated by recent work [D. Cubero et al., Phys. Rev. E 82, 041116 (2010)], we examine the mechanisms which determine ...

Current reversals in a rocking ratchet: dynamical versus symmetry-breaking mechanisms

Cubero Gómez, David; Lebedev, Vladimir; Renzoni, Ferruccio (American Physical Society, 2010)
Directed transport in ratchets is determined by symmetry breaking in a system out of equilibrium. A hallmark of rocking ...

Nucleation of breathers via stochastic resonance in nonlinear lattices

Cubero Gómez, David; Cuevas-Maraver, Jesús; Kevrekidis, Panayotis G. (2009)
By applying a staggered driving force in a prototypical discrete model with a quartic nonlinearity, we demonstrate the ...

Stochastic resonance in finite arrays of bistable elements with local coupling

Morillo Buzón, Manuel; Gómez-Ordóñez, José; Casado Vázquez, José Manuel; Casado Pascual, Jesús; Cubero Gómez, David (EDP Sciences ; Springer Verlag ; Societá Italiana di Fisica, 2009)
In this article, we investigate the stochastic resonance (SR) effect in a finite array of noisy bistable systems with ...

Stationarity, ergodicity, and entropy in relativistic systems

Cubero Gómez, David; Dunkel, Jörn (European Physical Society, 2009)
Recent molecular-dynamics simulations show that a dilute relativistic gas equilibrates to a Jüttner velocity distribution ...

Finite-size fluctuations and stochastic resonance in globally coupled bistable systems

Cubero Gómez, David (American Physical Society, 2008)
The dynamics of a system formed by a finite number N of globally coupled bistable oscillators and driven by external forces ...

Comment on “Markovian approximation in a coarse-grained description of atomic systems” [J. Chem. Phys.125, 204101 (2006)]

Cubero Gómez, David (American Institute of Physics, 2008)
The authors concluded that the coarse-graining dynamics of a one-dimensional chain of oscillators interacting through ...

Thermal equilibrium and statistical thermometers in special relativity

Cubero Gómez, David; Casado Pascual, Jesús; Dunkel, Jörn; Talkner, Peter; Hänggi, Peter (American Physical Society, 2007)
There is an intense debate in the recent literature about the correct generalization of Maxwell’s velocity distribution ...

Very large stochastic resonance gains in finite sets of interacting identical subsystems driven by subthreshold rectangular pulses

Cubero Gómez, David; Casado Pascual, Jesús; Gómez-Ordóñez, José; Casado Vázquez, José Manuel; Morillo Buzón, Manuel (American Physical Society, 2007)
We study the phenomenon of nonlinear stochastic resonance (SR) in a complex noisy system formed by a finite number of ...

Stochastic resonance with weak monochromatic driving: Gains above unity induced by high-frequency signals

Casado Pascual, Jesús; Cubero Gómez, David; Baltanás, José P. (European Physical Society, 2007)
We study the effects of a high-frequency (HF) signal on the response of a noisy bistable system to a low-frequency ...

High-frequency effects in the FitzHugh-Nagumo neuron model

Cubero Gómez, David; Baltanás Illanes, José Pablo; Casado Pascual, Jesús (American Physical Society, 2006)
The effect of a high-frequency signal on the FitzHugh-Nagumo excitable model is analyzed. We show that the firing rate is ...

Inhomogeneous multiscale dynamics in harmonic lattices

Cubero Gómez, David; Yaliraki, Sophia N. (American Institute of Physics, 2005)
We use projection operators to address the coarse-grained multiscale problem in harmonic systems. Stochastic equations of ...

Formal derivation of dissipative particle dynamics from first principles

Cubero Gómez, David; Yaliraki, Sophia N. (American Physical Society, 2005)
We show that the Markovian approximation assumed in current particle-based coarse-grained techniques, like dissipative ...

Computer simulations of localized small polarons in amorphous polyethylene

Cubero Gómez, David; Quirke, Nick; Coker, David F. (American Institute of Physics, 2004)
We use a simple mean field scheme to compute the polarization energy of an excess electron in amorphous polyethylene that ...

Electronic states for excess electrons in polyethylene compared to long-chain alkanes

Cubero Gómez, David; Quirke, Nick; Coker, David F. (Elsevier, 2003)
We use a pseudopotential model to calculate the electronic states available to an excess electron in crystalline and ...

Electronic transport in disordered n-alkanes: From fluid methane to amorphous polyethylene

Cubero Gómez, David; Quirke, Nick; Coker, David F. (American Institute of Physics, 2003)
We use a fast Fourier transform block Lanczos diagonalization algorithm to study the electronic states of excess electrons ...

Fourier state of a fluidized granular gas

Brey Abalo, José Javier; Cubero Gómez, David; Moreno Franco, Francisco; Ruiz Montero, María José (European Physical Society, 2001)
It is shown that the Boltzmann equation for smooth inelastic hard disks or spheres admits a solution describing a steady ...
PhD Thesis

Hidrodinámica de los medios granulares diluidos

Cubero Gómez, David; Brey Abalo, José Javier (2001)
Se ha analizado diversos aspectos de la teoría cinética y la hidrodinámica de los flujos granulares diluidos, utilizando ...

Origin of density clustering in a freely evolving granular gas

Brey Abalo, José Javier; Cubero Gómez, David; Ruiz Montero, María José (American Physical Society, 1999)
The physical mechanisms leading to the development of density inhomogeneities in a freely evolving low density granular ...

On the validity of linear hydrodynamics for low-density granular flows described by the Boltzmann equation

Brey Abalo, José Javier; Ruiz Montero, María José; Cubero Gómez, David (European Physical Society, 1999)
The direct Monte Carlo simulation method is used to check the validity of the hydrodynamic description of a low-density ...

High energy tail in the velocity distribution of a granular gas

Brey Abalo, José Javier; Cubero Gómez, David; Ruiz Montero, María José (American Physical Society, 1999)
The Enskog-Boltzmann equation for a homogeneous freely evolving system of smooth hard disks colliding inelastically is ...

Steady state of a fluidized granular medium between two walls at the same temperature

Brey Abalo, José Javier; Cubero Gómez, David (American Physical Society, 1998)
The steady state of a low-density gas of inelastic hard spheres confined between two parallel walls at the same temperature ...

Homogeneous cooling state of a low-density granular flow

Brey Abalo, José Javier; Ruiz Montero, María José; Cubero Gómez, David (American Physical Society, 1996)
The homogeneous cooling state of a granular flow of smooth spherical particles described by the Boltzmann equation is ...

Self-diffusion in freely evolving granular gases

Brey Abalo, José Javier; Ruiz Montero, María José; Cubero Gómez, David; García Rojo, Ramón (American Institute of Physics, 1994)
A self-diffusionequation for a freely evolving gas of inelastic hard disks or spheres is derived starting from the ...