NombreDaza García, Alberto
DepartamentoMatemática Aplicada I
Área de conocimientoMatemática Aplicada
Categoría profesionalProfesor Sustituto
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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From octonions to composition superalgebras via tensor categories

Daza García, Alberto; Elduque Palomo, Alberto; Sayin, Umut (European Mathematical Society, 2024)
The nontrivial unital composition superalgebras, of dimension 3 and 6, which exist only in characteristic 3, are obtained ...

Automorphisms, derivations and gradings of the split quartic Cayley algebra

Blasco Jiménez, Víctor; Daza García, Alberto (Springer, 2023)
The split quartic Cayley algebra is a structurable algebra which has been used to give constructions of Lie algebras of type D4. Here, we calculate it’s group of automorphisms, it’s algebra of derivations and it’s gradings.

Cross products, automorphisms, and gradings

Daza García, Alberto; Elduque Palomo, Alberto; Tang, Liming (Elsevier, 2021)
The affine group schemes of automorphisms of the multilinear rfold cross products on finite-dimensional vectors spaces ...
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Teoría de cuerpos de clase y aplicaciones

Daza García, Alberto; Rojas León, Antonio (2019)
One problems which has lead the advance of number theory since the 20th century until now, is Hilbert’s twelfth problem, ...
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Dominios de Dedekind, factorización de ideales y aplicaciones

Daza García, Alberto; Rojas León, Antonio (2018)
In order to study some number theoretical problems, algebraic number fields and their ring of integers have being introduced. ...