NameCires Segura, Alfonso de
DepartmentBiología Vegetal y Ecología
Knowledge areaFisiología Vegetal
Professional categoryProfesor Titular de Universidad
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Final Degree Project

Percepción y señalización de la radiación UV-B en plantas

Medina Jiménez, Joaquín; Cires Segura, Alfonso de (2022)
La radiación ultravioleta B es un factor ambiental fundamental en la vida de las plantas, ya que éstas se encuentran gran ...

Macronutrient chloride nutrition improves drought resistance by enhancing water deficit avoidance and tolerance mechanisms

Franco Navarro, Juan de Dios; Díaz Rueda, Pablo; Rivero Núñez, Carlos M.; Brumós Fuente, Javier; Rubio Casal, Alfredo Emilio; Cires Segura, Alfonso de; Colmenero Flores, José Manuel; Rosales Villegas, Miguel Ángel (Oxford University Press, 2021)
Chloride (Cl-), traditionally considered harmful for agriculture, has recently been defined as a beneficial macronutrient ...

Chloride nutrition improves drought resistance by enhancing water deficit avoidance and tolerance mechanisms

Franco Navarro, Juan de Dios; Díaz Rueda, Pablo; Rivero Núñez, Carlos M.; Brumós Fuente, Javier; Rubio Casal, Alfredo Emilio; Cires Segura, Alfonso de; Colmenero Flores, José Manuel; Rosales Villegas, Miguel Ángel (Oxford University Press, 2021)
Chloride (Cl−), traditionally considered harmful for agriculture, has recently been defined as a beneficial macronutrient ...

SILVOLIVE, a Germplasm Collection of Wild Subspecies With High Genetic Variability as a Source of Rootstocks and Resistance Genes for Olive Breeding

Díaz Rueda, Pablo; Franco Navarro, Juan de Dios; Messora, Rita; Espartero, Joaquín; Rivero Núñez, Carlos M.; Aleza, Pablo; Cires Segura, Alfonso de; Colmenero Flores, José Manuel (Frontiers Media, 2020)
Wild subspecies of Olea europaea constitute a source of genetic variability with huge potential for olive breeding to face ...

Differential tolerance of native and invasive tree seedlings from arid African deserts to drought and shade

Rubio Casal, Alfredo Emilio; Cires Segura, Alfonso de; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel; Abbas, A. M.; Grewell, B. J. (Elsevier, 2019)
Efforts to understand why some species become successful invaders and why some habitats are more at risk from invasive ...

Phenotypic plasticity of polyploid plant species promotes transgressive behaviour in their hybrids

Gallego Tévar, Blanca; Rubio Casal, Alfredo Emilio; Cires Segura, Alfonso de; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel (Oxford University Press, 2018)
Hybridization is a frequent process that leads to relevant evolutionary consequences, but there is a lack of studies ...

Competition from native hydrophytes reduces establishment and growth of invasive dense-flowered cordgrass (Spartina densiflora)

Abbas, Ahmed M.; Lambert, Adam M.; Rubio Casal, Alfredo Emilio; Cires Segura, Alfonso de; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel (PeerJ, 2015)
Experimental studies to determine the nature of ecological interactions between invasive and native species are necessary ...

Combining a Process-Based Model of Stomatal Conductance with Leaf Turgor Pressure Related Probe Measurements to Study the Regulation of Plant Water Status and Stomatal Conductance under Drought

Rodríguez Domínguez, Celia Modesta; Buckley, T. N.; Cires Segura, Alfonso de; Fernández Luque, José Enrique; Pérez Martín, Alfonso; Díaz Espejo, Antonio; Rodríguez Domínguez, Celia Modesta (Universidade de Évora, 2014)
The recently developed plant sensor of relative changes in leaf turgor pressure (LPCP probe) was compared with the turgor ...
PhD Thesis

The control of transpiration in olive and almond: mechanisms under drought conditions

Rodríguez Domínguez, Celia Modesta; Díaz Espejo, Antonio; Cires Segura, Alfonso de (2014)
Español: En la presente Tesis se han utilizado una amplia gama de técnicas experimentales y análisis de modelización para ...

Wrack burial reduces germination and establishment of the invasive cordgrass Spartina densiflora

Abbas, Ahmed M.; Rubio Casal, Alfredo Emilio; Cires Segura, Alfonso de; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique; Nieva, Javier; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel (2014)
Germination and emergence of halophytes may decrease significantly by seed burial in dead plant material, or wrack, which ...

Effects of competition from the invasive Cordgrass Spartina densiflora on Native Atriplex portulacoides

Abbas, Ahmed M.; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique; Cires Segura, Alfonso de; Rubio Casal, Alfredo Emilio; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel (IJSER Publications, 2014)
Invasion by the South American cordgrass Spartina densiflora Brongn. in European salt marshes is causing concern about ...

Effect of Low and High Temperatures on the Photosynthetic Performance of Lantana camara L. Leaves in Darkness

Carrión Tacuri, Jorge Enrique; Rubio Casal, Alfredo Emilio; Cires Segura, Alfonso de; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel (Pleiades Publishing, Ltd, 2013)
Low and high temperatures are known as most important factors influencing plant performance and distribution. Plants of ...

Steps toward an improvement in process-based models of water use by fruit trees: A case study in olive

Díaz Espejo, Antonio; Buckley, T. N.; Sperry, J. S.; Cuevas Sánchez, María Victoria; Cires Segura, Alfonso de; Elsayed-Farag, S.; Martín Palomo, María José; Muriel Fernández, José Luis; Pérez Martín, Alfonso; Rodríguez Domínguez, Celia Modesta; Rubio Casal, Alfredo Emilio; Torres Ruiz, José Manuel; Fernández Luque, José Enrique (Elsevier Masson, 2012)
We applied two process-based models in a hedgerow olive orchard with the aim of understanding the limitations and mechanisms ...

Using a process-based stomatal model in olive and its potential application to deficit irrigation studies

Rodríguez Domínguez, Celia Modesta; Fernández Luque, José Enrique; Cires Segura, Alfonso de; Rubio Casal, Alfredo Emilio; Cuevas Sánchez, María Victoria; Elsayed-Farag, S.; Martín Palomo, María José; Muriel Fernández, José Luis; Pérez Martín, Alfonso; Torres Ruiz, José Manuel; Díaz Espejo, Antonio (INSTITUTO DE RECURSOS NATURALES Y AGROBIOLOGÍA (CSIC). SEVILLA (ESPAÑA)., 2012)
Over the last years modeling plant transpiration has been pointed out as a powerful tool to optimize the management of ...

Influence of the soil water content and distribution on both the hydraulic and transpiration performance of 'Manzanilla' olive trees

Fernández Luque; Torres Ruiz, José Manuel; Muriel Fernández, José Luis; Romero Vicente, Rafael; Martín Palomo, María José; Morales Sillero, Ana María; Cires Segura, Alfonso de; Rubio Casal, Alfredo Emilio (International Society for Horticultural Science, 2011)
This work was made with mature 'Manzanilla' olive trees in an orchard of a semi-arid area in southern Spain. Three water ...

Lantana camara L.: A weed with great light-acclimation capacity

Carrión Tacuri, Jorge Enrique; Rubio Casal, Alfredo Emilio; Cires Segura, Alfonso de; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel (Akademie Ved Ceske Republiky, 2011)
Plant invasions may be limited by low radiation levels in ecosystems such as forests. Lantana camara has been classified ...
PhD Thesis

Deficit irrigation for sustainable citrus cultivation in Guadalquivir river basin

García Tejero, Iván Francisco; Muriel Fernández, José Luis; Cires Segura, Alfonso de; Durán Zuazo, Víctor Hugo (2010)
La agricultura de regadío cuenta hoy en día con un peso específico importante en el desarrollo económico de Andalucía, ...

Aspectos fisiológicos de la remolacha azucarera de siembra otoñal

Echevarría Ruiz de Vargas, Cristina; Feria Bourrellier, Ana Belén; Jiménez Segovia, Eduardo Terencio; Gordo, Luis F.; Morillo-Velarde Pérez-Barquero, Rodrigo; Martínez, Juan José; García-Mauriño Ruiz-Berdejo, Sofía; Monreal Hermoso, José Antonio; Bermejo, José Luís; Caballero, Rocío; Carmona, Lourdes; Torre Casas, Ángel de la; Cires Segura, Alfonso de; Álvarez Morales, Rosario; León Morillo, María Aránzazu; Gozález, María Cruz; Cejudo Fernández, Francisco Javier; Benito, Juan M.; Ortiz Mellet, Carmen; García Fernández, José Manuel; Echevarría Ruiz de Vargas, Cristina; Morillo-Velarde Pérez-Barquero, Rodrigo (Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Agricultura y Pesca, 2005)
Conceptos generales del metabolismo; crecimiento y desarrollo; actividades enzimáticas; niveles de adenilatos; efecto del ...
Chapter of Book

Actividad nitrato reductasa en relación con la nutrición nitrogenada y el régimen de riego en plantas de remolacha azucarera (Beta vulgaris L.) de siembra otoñal

Caballero, Rocío; Carmona, Lourdes; Torre Casas, Ángel de la; Cires Segura, Alfonso de; Echevarría Ruiz de Vargas, Cristina (Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Agricultura y Pesca, 2005)
PhD Thesis

Control postraduccional de la actividad nitrato reductasa de hojas de cebada

Boza Bárcenas, Miguel; Cires Segura, Alfonso de; Torre Casas, Ángel de la (2002)
PhD Thesis

Modulación de la actividad nitrato reductasa de hojas de cebada

Cires Segura, Alfonso de; Torre Casas, Ángel de la; Lara Coronado, Catalina (1996)
1. Los estudio de modulación in vivo de la NR foliar de cebada indican que la dependencia por luz y por CO2 de la actividad ...