NombreCastillo Segura, Jesús Manuel
DepartamentoBiología Vegetal y Ecología
Área de conocimientoEcología
Categoría profesionalCatedrático de Universidad
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Genetic and phenotypic differentiation in functional traits of Iris pseudacorus L. in native and introduced Mediterranean climate ranges

Gallego Tévar, Blanca; Grewell, B. J.; Gaskin, J. F.; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel (Springer, 2024)
Intraspecific variation in functional traits between native and introduced plant species may underlie resilience and ...

Habitat characterization and decline of Critically Endangered Onobrychis conferta subsp. conferta

Sakhraoui, Anis; Ltaeif, Hela Belhaj; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel; Rouz, Slim (Elsevier, 2024)
Rare endemic plant species are very susceptible to anthropogenic threats and natural changes, thereby facing a high risk ...

Germination and early seedling growth in four Plantago species in response to Zn, Cu and Fe

Ltaeif, Hela Belhaj; Sakhraoui, Anis; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel; Rouz, Slim; Vicente, Oscar (Walter de Gruyter, 2024)
Heavy metal contamination is an increasingly pressing global ecological concern adversely affecting plant growth. ...

Potential use of wild Onobrychis species for climate change mitigation and adaptation

Sakhraoui, Anis; Ltaeif, Hela B.; Sakhraoui, Asma; Rouz, Slim; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel (Wiley-Blackwell, 2023)
Climate change is threatening environmental and nutritional security. In this scenario, forage crops and their wild relatives ...

Phenotypic trait differences between Iris pseudacorus in native and introduced ranges support greater capacity of invasive populations to withstand sea level rise

Grewell, Brenda J.; Gallego Tévar, Blanca; Bárcenas Moreno, G.; Whitcraft, Christine R.; Thorne, Karen M.; Buffington, Kevin J.; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel (Wiley-Blackwell, 2023)
Aim: Tidal wetlands are greatly impacted by climate change, and by the invasion of alien plant species that are being ...

Wrack Burial Limits Germination and Establishment of Yellow Flag Iris (Iris pseudacorus L.)

Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel; Gallego Tévar, Blanca; Grewell, Brenda J. (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2023)
Seed burial under wrack, mats of water-transported plant debris, can limit recruitment of seedlings in wetlands. In a ...

Seed Viability, Spikelet Dispersal, Seed Banks and Seed Storage Requirements for Native and Invasive Cordgrasses (Genus Spartina) in Southwest Iberian Peninsula

Infante Izquierdo, M. Dolores; Romero Martín, Ruth; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel; Grewell, Brenda J.; Soriano, Jesús J.; Nieva, F. Javier J.; Muñoz Rodríguez, Adolfo F. (Springer Nature, 2023)
Seed banks play an important role in determining the spatial and temporal distribution of halophytes in salt marshes. We ...

Metal effects on germination and seedling development in closely-related halophyte species inhabiting different elevations along the intertidal gradient

Sanjosé, Israel; Muñoz-Rodríguez, Adolfo F.; Ruiz, Francisco; Navarro, Francisco; Sánchez-Gullón, Enrique; Nieva, Francisco J.J.; Polo, Alejandro; Infante, María D.; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel (Elsevier, 2022)
Seed germination and seedling establishment are very sensitive plant stages to metal pollution. Many halophyte species ...

Population Dynamic of the Annual Halophyte Salicornia ramosissima in Salt Pans: Towards a Sustainable Exploitation of Its Wild Populations

Polo Ávila, Alejandro; Infante Izquierdo, María Dolores; Sánchez Gullón, Enrique; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel; Muñoz Rodríguez, Adolfo Francisco (MDPI, 2022)
Halophyte species growing under stressful conditions, such as the annual species of the Salicornia genus, have been ...

Germination niche breadth of invasive Iris pseudacorus (L.) suggests continued recruitment from seeds with global warming

Gillard, Morgane B.; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel; Mesgaran, Mohsen B.; Futrell, Caryn J.; Grewell, Brenda J. (Wiley-Blackwell, 2022)
Premise: Understanding recruitment processes of invasive species is central to conservation and management strategies. ...

Interactive effects between salinity and nutrient deficiency on biomass production and bio-active compounds accumulation in the halophyte Crithmum maritimum

Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel; Mancilla Leyton, Juan Manuel; Martins Noguerol, Raquel; Moreira, Xoaquín; Moreno Pérez, Antonio Javier; Muñoz Vallés, Sara; Pedroche, Justo J.; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique; García González, Alberto; Salas, Joaquín J.; Millán-Linares, María del Carmen; Francisco, Marta; Cambrollé Silva, Jesús (Elsevier, 2022)
Plant bioactive metabolites play a pivotal role in protection against environmental stresses and offer great potential for ...

Temporal and spatial patterns of airborne pollen dispersal in six salt marsh halophytes

Sanjosé, Israel; Nieva, Francisco J.J.; Infante Izquierdo, M. Dolores; Polo Ávila, Alejandro; Sánchez-Gullón, Enrique; Martínez Sagarra, Gloria; Muñoz-Rodríguez, Adolfo F.; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel (Elsevier, 2022)
Pollination is a key process in the life cycle of most plant species, but very little is known about airborne pollen ...

Contrasted Impacts of Yellow Flag Iris (Iris pseudacorus) on Plant Diversity in Tidal Wetlands within Its Native and Invaded Distribution Ranges

Gallego Tévar, Blanca; Grewell, Brenda J.; Whitcraft, Christine R.; Futrell, Joy C.; Bárcenas Moreno, G.; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel (MDPI, 2022)
We conducted an intercontinental biogeographic survey to analyze the effects of an invasive plant species in its native ...

High aqueous salinity does not preclude germination of invasive Iris pseudacorus from estuarine populations

Gillard, Morgane B.; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel; Mesgaran, Mohsen B.; Futrell, Caryn J.; Grewell, Brenda J. (Wiley-Blackwell, 2021)
Estuarine ecosystems are threatened by climate change and biological invasions. Among global changes, sea-level rise is ...

Seed bank persistence of a South American cordgrass in invaded northern Atlantic and Pacific Coast estuaries

Abbas, Ahmed M.; Pickart, Andrea J.; Goldsmith, Laurel M.; Davenport, Desiree N.; Newby, Britney; Muñoz Rodríguez, Adolfo Francisco; Grewell, Brenda J.; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel (Oxford University Press, 2021)
Invasive alien plant species impart considerable impacts that contribute to the decline of biodiversity worldwide. The ...

Primary succession in an Atlantic salt marsh: From intertidal flats to mid-marsh platform in 35 years

Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel; Gallego Tévar, Blanca; Castellanos, Eloy M.; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique; Davy, Anthony J. (Wiley-Blackwell, 2021)
Although salt marsh is a classic example of primary succession, the underlying mechanisms and their time-scales are poorly ...

Interactive Effects of Salinity and Inundation on Native Spartina Foliosa, Invasive S. Densiflora and their Hybrid from San Francisco Estuary, California

Gallego Tévar, Blanca; Grewell, Brenda J.; Futrell, Caryn J.; Drenovsky, Rebecca E.; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel (Oxford University Press, 2020)
• Background and Aims Sea level rise (SLR) associated with climate change is intensifying permanent submersion and salinity ...

From physiology to salt marsh management challenges with sea level rise: the case of native Spartina foliosa, invasive S. densiflora and their hybrid

Gallego Tévar, Blanca; Peinado Torrubia, Procopio; Álvarez Morales, Rosario; Grewell, Brenda J.; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel (Oxford University Press, 2020)
Sea level rise (SLR) imposes increasing salinity and inundation stresses in salt marshes which simultaneously face invasions ...

Endozoochory by goats of two invasive weeds with contrasted propagule traits

Abbas, Ahmed Mahmoud; Al-Kahtani, Mohammed Ali; Mousa, Mohamed Abdelazeem; Badry, Mohamed O.; Hassaneen, Ahmed Saad; Ezzat-Ahmed, Ahmed; Mancilla Leytón, Juan Manuel; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2020)
Invasive plants have very important ecological and socioeconomic impacts. Producing and dispersing many viable seeds are ...

Seedling Emergence from Seed Banks in Ludwigia hexapetala-Invaded Wetlands: Implications for Restoration

Grewell, Brenda J.; Gillard, Morgane B.; Futrell, Caryn J.; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel (MDPI, 2019)
Soil seed banks play a critical role in the maintenance of wetland plant communities and contribute to revegetation following ...

Differential Effects of Increasing Salinity on Germination and Seedling Growth of Native and Exotic Invasive Cordgrasses

Infante Izquierdo, María Dolores; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel; Grewell, Brenda J.; Jiménez Nieva, Francisco Javier; Muñoz Rodríguez, Adolfo Francisco (MDPI, 2019)
Soil salinity is a key environmental factor influencing germination and seedling establishment in salt marshes. Global ...
Tesis Doctoral

Los híbridos de quenopodiáceas y gramíneas halófitas, su papel en la estructuración y el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas de marismas.

Gallego Tévar, Blanca; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique (2019)

Transgressivity in Key Functional Traits Rather Than Phenotypic Plasticity Promotes Stress Tolerance in A Hybrid Cordgrass

Gallego Tévar, Blanca; Grewell, Brenda J.; Drenovsky, Rebecca E.; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel (MDPI, 2019)
Hybridization might promote offspring fitness via a greater tolerance to environmental stressors due to heterosis and ...

Capability of the Invasive Tree Prosopis glandulosa Torr. to Remediate Soil Treated with Sewage Sludge

Abbas, Ahmed Mahmoud; Abd Elmabod, Sameh Kotb Mohamed; El-Ashry, Soad M.; Saber Soliman, Wagdi; El-Tayeh, Noha; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel (MDPI, 2019)
Sewage sludge improves agricultural soil and plant growth, but there are hazards associated with its use, including high ...

Genetic structure of Spartina hybrids between native Spartina maritima and invasive Spartina densiflora in Southwest Europe

Gallego Tevar, Blanca; Grewell, Brenda J.; Rousseau, Hélène; Keller, Jean; Ainouche, Abdelkader; Lima, Oscar; Dréano, Stéphane; Salmon, Armel; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique; Aïnouche, Malika; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel (Elsevier, 2019)
Interspecific hybridization represents an evolutionary force resulting in novel genotypes. The genomic changes that occur ...

Differential tolerance of native and invasive tree seedlings from arid African deserts to drought and shade

Rubio Casal, Alfredo Emilio; Cires Segura, Alfonso de; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel; Abbas, A. M.; Grewell, B. J. (Elsevier, 2019)
Efforts to understand why some species become successful invaders and why some habitats are more at risk from invasive ...

Some Like It Hot: Maternal-Switching With Climate Change Modifies Formation of Invasive Spartina Hybrids

Gallego Tévar, Blanca; Infante Izquierdo, María D.; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique; Jiménez Nieva, Francisco Javier; Muñoz Rodríguez, Adolfo Francisco; Grewell, Brenda J.; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel (Frontiers Media, 2019)
Climate change can induce temporary, spatial or behavioral changes in species, so that only some species can adapt to the ...

Supporting Spartina: Interdisciplinary perspective shows Spartina as a distinct solid genus

Bortolus, Alejandro; Adam, P.; Adams, Janine Barbara; Ainouche, M. L.; Ayres, D.; Bertness, M. D.; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique; Mateos Naranjo, Enrique; Redondo Gómez, Susana; Weis, J. S. (Wiley, 2019)
In 2014, a DNA-based phylogenetic study confirming the paraphyly of the grasssubtribeSporobolinaeproposed the creation of ...

Phenotypic plasticity of polyploid plant species promotes transgressive behaviour in their hybrids

Gallego Tévar, Blanca; Rubio Casal, Alfredo Emilio; Cires Segura, Alfonso de; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel (Oxford University Press, 2018)
Hybridization is a frequent process that leads to relevant evolutionary consequences, but there is a lack of studies ...

Low genetic diversity contrasts with high phenotypic variability in heptaploid Spartina densiflora populations invading the Pacific coast of North America

Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel; Gallego Tévar, Blanca; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique; Grewell, Brenda J.; Vallet, Dominique; Salmon, Armel (Wiley Open Access, 2018)
Species can respond to environmental pressures through genetic and epigenetic changes and through phenotypic plasticity, ...

Biomass and clonal architecture of the cordgrass Spartina patens (Poaceae) as an invasive species in two contrasted coastal habitats on the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula

Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel; Leira Doce, Pablo (Nationale Plantentuin van België, 2017)
Background and aims – The spread of invasive exotic species is one of the most important threats for salt marshes and ...

Spartina versicolor Fabre: Another case of Spartina trans-Atlantic introduction?

Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel; Baumel, Alex; Rousseau-Gueutin, Mathieu; Sapienza-Bianchi, C.; Gareil, Agnès; Duong, N.; Rousseau, H.; Ainouche, M. (Springer International Publishing, 2016)
Intercontinental introductions are widespread in the genus Spartina, with important ecological and evolutionary consequences. ...

Competition from native hydrophytes reduces establishment and growth of invasive dense-flowered cordgrass (Spartina densiflora)

Abbas, Ahmed M.; Lambert, Adam M.; Rubio Casal, Alfredo Emilio; Cires Segura, Alfonso de; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel (PeerJ, 2015)
Experimental studies to determine the nature of ecological interactions between invasive and native species are necessary ...

Wrack burial reduces germination and establishment of the invasive cordgrass Spartina densiflora

Abbas, Ahmed M.; Rubio Casal, Alfredo Emilio; Cires Segura, Alfonso de; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique; Nieva, Javier; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel (2014)
Germination and emergence of halophytes may decrease significantly by seed burial in dead plant material, or wrack, which ...

Effects of competition from the invasive Cordgrass Spartina densiflora on Native Atriplex portulacoides

Abbas, Ahmed M.; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique; Cires Segura, Alfonso de; Rubio Casal, Alfredo Emilio; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel (IJSER Publications, 2014)
Invasion by the South American cordgrass Spartina densiflora Brongn. in European salt marshes is causing concern about ...

Phenotypic Plasticity of Invasive Spartina Densiflora (Poaceae) along a Broad Latitudinal Gradient on the Pacific Coast of North America

Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel; Grewell, Brenda J.; Pickart, Andrea; Bortolus, Alejandro; Peña, Carlos; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique; Sytsma, Mark (Botanical Society of America, 2014)

Avian communities in Spartina maritima restored and non-restored salt marshes

Curado, Guillermo; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel; Sánchez Ordóñez, Marta Isabel; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique (2013)
Capsule Salt marsh restoration with the native halophytes Spartina maritima and Zostera noltii can lead to significant ...

Effect of Low and High Temperatures on the Photosynthetic Performance of Lantana camara L. Leaves in Darkness

Carrión Tacuri, Jorge Enrique; Rubio Casal, Alfredo Emilio; Cires Segura, Alfonso de; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel (Pleiades Publishing, Ltd, 2013)
Low and high temperatures are known as most important factors influencing plant performance and distribution. Plants of ...

Morphological and physiological responses of Galapagos endemic tree Croton scouleri to site conditions varying through its altitudinal range

Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel; Rubio Casal, Alfredo Emilio; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique; Tye, Alan (Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Dendrologii, 2013)
: Galapagos is a natural laboratory offering a great opportunity to study plants functional traits. This study characterises ...
Tesis Doctoral

Ecological Restoration of Salt Marshes in the Gulf of Cádiz

Curado Ferrera, Guillermo; Rubio Casal, Alfredo Emilio; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique (2012)
El objetivo general de esta tesis doctoral fue contribuir al conocimiento acerca de la restauración de marismas costeras ...

Nectar Production by Invasive Lantana camara and Endemic L. peduncularis in the Galápagos Islands

Carrión Tacuri, Jorge Enrique; Berjano Pérez, Regina; Guerrero, Giovanni; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique; Tye, Alan; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel (University of Hawaii Press, 2012)
Measurements of nectar volume and sugar concentration along two elevational gradients, in flower exclusion experiments, ...

Lantana camara L.: A weed with great light-acclimation capacity

Carrión Tacuri, Jorge Enrique; Rubio Casal, Alfredo Emilio; Cires Segura, Alfonso de; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel (Akademie Ved Ceske Republiky, 2011)
Plant invasions may be limited by low radiation levels in ecosystems such as forests. Lantana camara has been classified ...
Tesis Doctoral

Hacia una metodología de gestión de la especie invasora Spartina densiflora Brongn.: estado de invasión, avances ecofisiológicos y control

Mateos Naranjo, Enrique; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique; Redondo Gómez, Susana (2008)
La presente Tesis Doctoral se ha desarrollado teniendo en cuenta los tres objetivos que se marcan como fundamentales para ...

El empleo de técnicas de control y erradicación en la lucha contra especies invasoras: conveniencia de la herbivoría como método de bio-control de la invasión de Spartina densiflora brongn. en el Campo de Gibraltar

Mateos Naranjo, Enrique; Redondo Gómez, Susana; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique (Mancomunidad de Municipios del Campo de Gibraltar, 2007)
Spartina densiflora es una gramínea procedente de Sudamérica que está invadiendo numerosas marismas mareales en el golfo ...

Fundamental niche differentiation in subspecies of Sarcocornia perennis on a salt marsh elevational gradient

Redondo Gómez, Susana; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel; Luque, Carlos J.; Luque Palomo, María Teresa; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique; Davy, Anthony John (Inter-Research Science Publishing, 2007)
Selection pressures associated with strong environmental gradients on salt marshes provide a mechanism for the genetic ...

Descripción ecológica al estado de las poblaciones de Limonium Emarginatum en el Estrecho de Gibraltar

Garzón Gómez, Orlando; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique (Mancomunidad de Municipios del Campo de Gibraltar, 2005)
Tesis Doctoral

Aspectos ecológicos del género Sarcocornia en el Suroeste de la Península Ibérica: papel en la sucesión, diversidad genética y ecofisiología de sus poblaciones.

Redondo Gómez, Susana; Luque Palomo, María Teresa; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique (2004)

Aproximación ecológica al estado de conservación de las poblaciones de Limonium emarginatum, un endemismo del Estrecho de Gibraltar

Garzón, Orlando; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique (Sociedad Gaditana de Historia Natural, 2004)
Limonium emarginatum es una especie endómica de los acantilados del estrecho de Gibraltar. El objetivo de este trabajo fue ...

Intratussock tiller distribution and biomass of spartina densiflora brong. In an invaded salt marsh

Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel; Rubio Casal, Alfredo Emilio; Luque Palomo, María Teresa; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique; Jiménez Nieva, Francisco Javier (2003)

El enebro marítimo en Andalucía

Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique; Rubio Casal, Alfredo Emilio; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel (Junta de Andalucia. Consejeria de Medio Ambiente, 2003)

Wetland Loss by Erosion in Odiel Marshes (SW Spain)

Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel; Rubio Casal, Alfredo Emilio; Luque, Carlos J.; Jiménez Nieva, Francisco Javier; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique (Coastal Education & Research Foundation, Inc., 2002)
Wetland loss in many estuaries around the world, has been attributed mainly to undermining and collapse of channel banks. ...
Tesis Doctoral

Ecología y fisiología comparadas de Spartina maritima y Spartina densiflora en marismas mareales mediterráneas. Aplicaciones al control y la prevención de la erosión en las Marismas del Odiel

Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel; Castellanos Verdugo, Eloy Manuel; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique; Luque Palomo, Carlos Javier (2001)
En los últimos años se ha observado una fuerte erosión en las marismas situadas en el estuario de los ríos Odiel y Tinto ...

Prevención de la Erosión y Biorremediación en las Marismas Andaluzas

Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique; Luque Palomo, Carlos Javier; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel (Junta de Andalucía. Consejería de Medio Ambiente, 2000)

Cuantificación de la erosión en los canales mareales de las maarismas del Odiel (Huelva, SO de España)

Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel; Luque, C. J.; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique (Asociación Española para el Estudio del Cuaternario y Sociedad Española de Geomorfología, 1999)
Este estudio se llevó a cabo en las Marismas del Odiel (Huelva, SO España). En él se cuantifican la acreción y erosión de ...

Distribución de metales pesados en sedimentos de las marismas del Odiel (Huelva, España)

Luque, C. J.; Castellanos Verdugo, Eloy Manuel; Castillo Segura, Jesús Manuel; González, M.; González Vilches, M.C.; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique (Asociación Española para el Estudio del Cuaternario y Sociedad Española de Geomorfología, 1998)
Se ha analizado la distribución y contenido total de metales pesados (Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni y Pb) en sedimentos de las Marismas ...