Author profile: Carriazo Rubio, Alfonso
Institutional data
Name | Carriazo Rubio, Alfonso |
Department | Geometría y Topología |
Knowledge area | Geometría y Topología |
Professional category | Profesor Titular de Universidad |
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Publications |
Final Degree Project
Superficies mínimas y el problema de Plateau
En este trabajo estudiaremos las superficies mínimas, un tipo de superficies que, a día de hoy, resultan muy interesantes. ... |
A Discrete Representation of the Second Fundamental Form
(MDPI, 2022)
We present a new method to obtain a combinatorial representation for the behaviour of a submanifold isometrically immersed ... |
Final Degree Project
Geometría diferencial de curvas en el espacio de Lorentz-Minkowski
En este trabajo estudiamos la geometría diferencial de curvas cuando consideramos un espacio diferente al espacio euclídeo. ... |
Final Degree Project
Superficies de Bézier en el Espacio de Lorentz-Minkowski
El objetivo principal de este trabajo es estudiar qué cambios experimenta la geometría diferencial de las superficies de ... |
Final Degree Project
Causalidad en variedades de Lorentz teoremas de singularidad
En este trabajo se realizará un primer acercamiento a la teoría de Causalidad en variedades de Lorentz enfocada al estudio ... |
Master's Final Project
Aspectos Discretos de la Segunda Forma Fundamental de Subvariedades
En este trabajo estudiamos un tema que conecta elementos de dos áreas de las Matemáticas a priori separadas: estructuras ... |
Metric f-Contact Manifolds Satisfying the (κ, μ)-Nullity Condition
(MDPI, 2020)
We prove that if the f-sectional curvature at any point of a (2n+s) -dimensional metric f-contact manifold satisfying the ... |
Generalized Sasakian Space Forms Which Are Realized as Real Hypersurfaces in Complex Space Forms
(MDPI, 2020)
We prove a classification theorem of the generalized Sasakian space forms which are realized as real hypersurfaces in complex space forms. |
Master's Final Project
Subvariedades asociadas a grafos
En este trabajo estudiamos un tema que conecta elementos de dos áreas de las Matemáticas tradicionalmente separadas: los ... |
Final Degree Project
Introducción a las variedades de Einstein
En este trabajo se realiza un estudio introductorio de la teoría de variedades de Einstein. Para ello, primero se lleva a ... |
Final Degree Project
Introducción al estudio de las superficies mínimas
En el presente documento se llevará a cabo una introducción a la teoría de superficies mínimas. Nuestro objetivo es triple: ... |
A closed form for slant submanifolds of generalized Sasakian space forms
(MDPI, 2019)
The Maslov form is a closed form for a Lagrangian submanifold of Cm, and it is a conformal form if and only if M satisfies ... |
Bi-slant submanifolds of para Hermitian manifolds
(MDPI, 2019)
In this paper, we introduce the notion of bi-slant submanifolds of a para Hermitian manifold. They naturally englobe CR, semi-slant, and hemi-slant submanifolds. We study their first properties and present a whole gallery of examples. |
Master's Final Project
Productos warped en variedades para-hermíticas y para-contacto métricas
In this work, we use the warped product as a bridge between two different geometries: para-Hermitian geometry and para-contact ... |
Final Degree Project
Fundamentos matemáticos de la relatividad general: algunos modelos cosmológicos
En este trabajo vamos a desarrollar los conceptos, formalismos y herramientas matemáticas, propios de la Geometría ... |
Final Degree Project
Curvas planas con curvatura dependiendo de su posición
En este trabajo se exponen curvas en las que su curvatura depende de la distancia a un punto o a una recta. En el primer ... |
PhD Thesis |
Final Degree Project
Una Introducción geométrica a la teoría de Kaluza-Klein
In this work, we introduce some of the mathematical foundations that are needed to develop the ancestor of unifying theories: ... |
A classification of totally geodesic and totally umbilical Legendrian submanifolds of (κ, μ)-spaces
(Springer, 2018)
We present classifications of totally geodesic and totally umbilical Legendrian submanifolds of (κ, µ)-spaces with Boeckx ... |
Final Degree Project
Geometría global de curvas planas
In this work we can clearly distinguish two parts. Firstly, we study and prove some classical theorems about the Global ... |
Null pseudo-isotropic Lagrangian surfaces
(Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics, 2017)
In this paper we will show that a Lagrangian, Lorentzian surface M 2 1 in a complex pseudo space form Mf2 1 (4c) is ... |
Final Degree Project
Aproximación de arcos circulares mediante curvas de Bézier
In this work we study two methods to produce B´ezier approximations of circular arcs. The first one uses a truncation of ... |
Final Degree Project
La geometría esférica
In this work we present the main facts on Spherical Geometry, by using two different approaches: Differential Geometry and ... |
Final Degree Project
Una aproximación geométrica a la aerodinámica de curvas y superficies
In this work we present a method to improve the aerodynamics of curves and surfaces with respect to the air resistance. ... |
The curvature tensor of (κ,μ,ν)-contact metric manifolds
(Springer, 2015)
We study the Riemann curvature tensor of (κ, µ, ν)-contact metric manifolds, which we prove to be completely determined ... |
Chapter of Book
Lagrangian translators under mean curvature flow
(Godel, 2015)
We provide a new construction of Lagrangian surfaces in C2 in terms of two planar curves. When we take such curves as ... |
Chapter of Book
The uniformly accelerated motion in General Relativity from a geometric point of view
(Godel, 2015)
The notion of a uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion of an observer in a general spacetime is analysed in detail. From ... |
New examples of generalized Sasakian-space-forms
(Università di Torino, 2015)
In this paper we study when a non-anti-invariant slant submanifold of a generalized Sasakian-space-form inherits such a ... |
Normal approximations of regular curves and surfaces
(Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Nis, Serbia, 2015)
Bezier curves and surfaces are two very useful tools in Geometric Modeling, with many applications. In this paper, we will ... |
Chapter of Book
Contractions of certain Lie algebras
(Godel, 2015)
This communication is focused on the study of contractions of certain types of Lie algebras of low dimension, in order to ... |
Chapter of Book
Una aproximación geométrica a la aerodinámica de curvas y superficies
(Godel, 2015)
En este trabajo presentamos una primera aproximación al estudio geométrico de la aerodinámica de curvas y superficies. En ... |
Chapter of Book
Hipersuperficies isoparamétricas en el espacio hiperbólico complejo CHn
(Godel, 2015)
Se presenta la clasificación de las hipersuperficies isoparamétricas del espacio hiperbólico complejo CHn, siguiendo el ... |
Chapter of Book
Totally umbilic null hypersurfaces in generalized Robertson-Walker spaces
(Godel, 2015)
Using a correspondence between totally umbilic null hypersurfaces in generalized Robertson-Walker spaces and twisted ... |
Chapter of Book
Causal properties of doubly warped spacetimes
(Godel, 2015)
In this talk we will describe the characterization of the chronological relation on doubly warped product spacetimes of ... |
Chapter of Book
Diferenciales cuadráticas holomorfas en superficies lineales de Weingarten elípticas
(Godel, 2015)
En este trabajo definimos una diferencial de Hopf para superficies lineales de Weingarten que además satisfacen una relación ... |
Sasaki-Einstein and paraSasaki-Einstein metrics from (κ,μ)-structures
(Elsevier, 2013)
We prove that every contact metric (κ, µ)-space admits a canonical η-Einstein Sasakian or η-Einstein paraSasakian metric. ... |
The curvature tensor of almost cosymplectic and almost Kenmotsu ( κ, μ, ν ) -space
(Springer, 2013)
We study the Riemann curvature tensor of (κ, µ, ν)-spaces when they have almost cosymplectic and almost Kenmotsu structures, ... |
Almost cosymplectic and almost Kenmotsu (κ, μ, ν)-spaces
(Springer, 2013)
We study the Riemann curvature tensor of (κ, µ, ν)-spaces when they have almost cosymplectic and almost Kenmotsu structures, ... |
Generalized (κ,μ)-space forms
(Springer, 2013)
Generalized (κ, µ)-space forms are introduced and studied. We examine in depth the contact metric case and present examples for all possible dimensions. We also analyse the trans-Sasakian case. |
The curvature tensor of almost cosymplectic and almost Kenmotsu (κ,μ,ν)-spaces
We study the Riemann curvature tensor of (κ,μ, ν)-spaces when they have almost cosymplectic and almost Kenmotsu structures, ... |
PhD Thesis
(k, µ)-Espacios de Curvatura Ø-Seccional constante generalizados
A lo largo de los años, numerosos autores han estudiado la forma del tensor de curvatura de una variedad Riemanniana para ... |
Generalized (κ, µ)-space forms and d-homothetic deformations
We study the Da-homothetic deformations of generalized (κ, µ)- space forms. We prove that the deformed spaces are again ... |
On slant submanifolds of neutral Kaehler manifolds
(Mathematical Society of the Republic of China, 2010)
An indefinite Riemannian manifold is called neutral it its index is equal to one half of its dimension and an indefinite ... |
Generalized S-space-forms with two structure vector fields
(De Gruyter, 2010)
We introduce and study generalized S-space-forms with two structure vector fields. We also present several examples of ... |
Some special types of developable ruled surface
(Hacettepe University (Faculty of Science), 2010)
In this study we consider the focal curve Cγ of a space curve γ and its focal curvatures. We characterize some special ... |
Submanifolds weakly associated with graphs
(Indian Academy of Sciences, 2009)
We establish an interesting link between differential geometry and graph theory by defining submanifolds weakly associated ... |
Submanifolds of generalized Sasakian space forms
(Mathematical Society of the Republic of China, 2009)
In the present paper submanifolds of generalized Sasakian-spaceforms are studied. We focus on almost semi-invariant ... |
B.-Y. Chen's inequality for submanifolds of generalized space forms
(Indian National Science Academy, 2007)
In this article, we investigate sharp inequalities involving δ-invariants for submanifolds in both generalized complex space forms and generalized Sasakian space forms, with arbitrary codimension. |
PhD Thesis
Subvariedades en espacios de curvatura Ø-seccional constante generalizados
La curvatura de Riemann es una importante herramienta en el estudio de variedades. Así, es de sobra conocida la clasificación ... |
Minimal slant submanifolds of the smallest dimension in S-manifolds
(European Mathematical Society, 2005)
We study slant submanifolds of S-manifolds with the smallest dimension, specially minimal submanifolds and establish some ... |
Some inequalities on totally real submanifolds in locally conformal Kaehler space forms
(Korean Mathematical Society, 2004)
In this article, we establish sharp relations between the sectional curvature and the shape operator and also between the ... |
On generalized Sasakian-space-forms
We study contact metric and trans-Sasakian generalized Sasakian-space-forms. We also give some interesting examples of generalized Sasakian-space-forms by using warped products and conformal changes of metric. |
Riemannian submersions and slant submanifolds
(Institute of Mathematics (University of Debrecen), 2002)
We study the relationship between slant submanifolds in both Complex and Contact Geometry through Riemannian submersions. ... |
Existence and uniqueness theorem for slant immersions in Sasakian-space-forms
(Institute of Mathematics (University of Debrecen), 2001)
In this paper, we present the existence and uniqueness theorems for slant immersions into Sasakian-space-forms. By applying ... |
The contact Whitney sphere
(Università del Salento, 2001)
In this paper, we introduce the contact Whitney sphere as an imbedding of the n-dimensional unit sphere as an integral ... |
Structure on a slant submanifold of a contact manifold
(Indian National Science Academy, 2000)
In this paper, we study the possibility of obtaining an induced contact metric structure on a slant submanifold of a contact metric manifold. We also give a characterization theorem for three-dimensional slant submanifolds. |
Semi-slant submanifolds of a Sasakian manifold
(Springer, 1999)
We define and study both bi-slant and semi-slant submanifolds of an almost contact metric manifold and, in particular, of ... |
A contact version of B.-Y. Chen's inequality and its applications to slant immersions
(Kyungpook National University, 1999)
We establish a version of B.-Y. Chen’s inequality for a submanifold of a Sasakianspace-form, tangent to the structure ... |
PhD Thesis
Subvariedades Slant en variedades de contacto
Las subvariedades slant constituyen un importante caso intermedio entre las subvariedades invariantes y anti-invariantes. ... |