NombreCarranza García, Manuel
DepartamentoLenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
Área de conocimientoLenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
Categoría profesionalProfesor Ayudante Doctor
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Uso de herramientas software colaborativas para el seguimiento, estudio y evaluación de clases de enseñanzas prácticas y desarrollo

Martínez Ballesteros, María del Mar; Jiménez Navarro, Manuel Jesús; Carranza García, Manuel; Gutiérrez Avilés, David; Martínez Ballesteros, María del Mar (Dykinson, 2024)
Para ayudar a la integración de todos los desarrollos individuales existen herramientas de control de versiones como ...

Enhancing smart home appliance recognition with wavelet and scalogram analysis using data augmentation

Salazar González, José Luis; Luna Romera, José María; Carranza García, Manuel; Álvarez García, Juan Antonio; Soria Morillo, Luis Miguel (IOS Press, 2024)
The development of smart homes, equipped with devices connected to the Internet of Things (IoT), has opened up new ...

An empirical analysis of the relationship among price, demand and CO2 emissions in the Spanish electricity market

Luna Romera, José María; Carranza García, Manuel; Arcos Vargas, Ángel; Riquelme Santos, José Cristóbal (Elsevier, 2024)
CO2 emissions play a crucial role in international politics. Countries enter into agreements to reduce the amount of ...

A machine learning-based methodology for short-term kinetic energy forecasting with real-time application: Nordic Power System case

Riquelme Domínguez, José Miguel; Carranza García, Manuel; Lara Benítez, Pedro; González Longatt, Francisco (Elsevier, 2023)
The progressive substitution of conventional synchronous generation for renewable-based generation imposes a series of ...

Forecasting solar energy production in Spain: A comparison of univariate and multivariate models at the national level

Cabello-López, Tomás; Carranza García, Manuel; Riquelme Santos, José Cristóbal; García Gutiérrez, Jorge (Elsevier, 2023)
Renewable energies, such as solar power, offer a clean and cost-effective energy source. However, their integration into ...

Association Rule Analysis of Student Satisfaction Surveys for Teaching Quality Evaluation

Jiménez Navarro, Manuel Jesús; Vega Márquez, Belén; Luna Romera, José María; Carranza García, Manuel; Martínez Ballesteros, María del Mar (Springer Link, 2023)
The quality of university teaching is essential for the success of students and the academic excellence of an educational ...

Short-term solar irradiance forecasting in streaming with deep learning

Lara Benítez, Pedro; Carranza García, Manuel; Luna Romera, José María; Riquelme Santos, José Cristóbal (Elsevier, 2023)
Solar energy is one of the most common and promising sources of renewable energy. In photovoltaic (PV) systems, operators ...
Tesis Doctoral

Deep learning for enhancing object detection in autonomous driving

Carranza García, Manuel; Riquelme Santos, José Cristóbal; García Gutiérrez, Jorge (2022)
Autonomous driving is one of the most important technological challenges of this century. Its development will revolutionize ...

Concept Drift Detection to Improve Time Series Forecasting of Wind Energy Generation

Cabello López, Tomás; Cañizares Juan, Manuel; Carranza García, Manuel; García Gutiérrez, Jorge; Riquelme Santos, José Cristóbal (Springer, 2022)
Most of the current data sources generate large amounts of data over time. Renewable energy generation is one example of ...

Object detection using depth completion and camera-LiDAR fusion for autonomous driving

Carranza García, Manuel; Galán Sales, Francisco Javier; Luna Romera, José María; Riquelme Santos, José Cristóbal (IOS Press, 2022)
Autonomous vehicles are equipped with complimentary sensors to perceive the environment accurately. Deep learning models ...

Data streams classification using deep learning under different speeds and drifts

Lara Benítez, Pedro; Carranza García, Manuel; Gutiérrez Avilés, David; Riquelme Santos, José Cristóbal (Oxford University Press, 2022)
Processing data streams arriving at high speed requires the development of models that can provide fast and accurate predictions. ...

Enhancing object detection for autonomous driving by optimizing anchor generation and addressing class imbalance

Carranza García, Manuel; Lara Benítez, Pedro; García Gutiérrez, Jorge; Riquelme Santos, José Cristóbal (ScienceDirect, 2021)
Object detection has been one of the most active topics in computer vision for the past years. Recent works have mainly ...

An Experimental Review on Deep Learning Architectures for Time Series Forecasting

Lara Benítez, Pedro; Carranza García, Manuel; Riquelme Santos, José Cristóbal (World Scientific, 2021)
In recent years, deep learning techniques have outperformed traditional models in many machine learning tasks. Deep neural ...

On the Performance of One-Stage and Two-Stage Object Detectors in Autonomous Vehicles Using Camera Data

Carranza García, Manuel; Torres Mateo, Jesús; Lara Benítez, Pedro; García Gutiérrez, Jorge (MDPI, 2021)
Object detection using remote sensing data is a key task of the perception systems of self-driving vehicles. While many ...

Enhancing object detection for autonomous driving by optimizing anchor generation and addressing class imbalance

Carranza García, Manuel; Lara Benítez, Pedro; García Gutiérrez, Jorge; Riquelme Santos, José Cristóbal (Elsevier, 2021)
Object detection has been one of the most active topics in computer vision for the past years. Recent works have mainly ...

Evaluation of the transformer architecture for univariate time series forecasting

Lara Benítez, Pedro; Gallego Ledesma, Luis; Carranza García, Manuel; Luna Romera, José María (Springer, 2021)
The attention-based Transformer architecture is earning in- creasing popularity for many machine learning tasks. In this ...

Asynchronous dual-pipeline deep learning framework for online data stream classification

Lara Benítez, Pedro; Carranza García, Manuel; García Gutiérrez, Jorge; Riquelme Santos, José Cristóbal (IOS Press, 2020)
Data streaming classification has become an essential task in many fields where real-time decisions have to be made based ...

On the performance of deep learning models for time series classification in streaming

Lara Benítez, Pedro; Carranza García, Manuel; Martínez Álvarez, Francisco; Riquelme Santos, José Cristóbal (Springer, 2020)
Processing data streams arriving at high speed requires the development of models that can provide fast and accurate ...

Temporal convolutional networks applied to energy-related time series forecasting

Lara Benítez, Pedro; Carranza García, Manuel; Luna Romera, José María; Riquelme Santos, José Cristóbal (MDPI, 2020)
Modern energy systems collect high volumes of data that can provide valuable information about energy consumption. Electric ...

A Framework for Evaluating Land Use and Land Cover Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks

Carranza García, Manuel; García Gutiérrez, Jorge; Riquelme Santos, José Cristóbal (MDPI, 2019)
Analyzing land use and land cover (LULC) using remote sensing (RS) imagery is essential for many environmental and social ...