Author profile: Palos Sánchez, Pedro Ramiro
Institutional data
Name | Palos Sánchez, Pedro Ramiro |
Department | Economía Financiera y Dirección de Operaciones |
Knowledge area | Organización de Empresas |
Professional category | Profesor Titular de Universidad |
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Publications |
PhD Thesis
Aproximación a la transformación digital en la gestión de las pymes: especial referencia a las empresas KIBS
La transformación digital (TD en adelante) ha tenido una amplia difusión en la sociedad en general y en las organizaciones ... |
Evolution of digital transformation in SMEs management through a bibliometric analysis
(Elsevier, 2024)
This document performs a systematic review of the literature and bibliometrics on the orientation of digital transformation ... |
PhD Thesis
Forced digitalization. Balancing internal and external drivers for business performance and survival
In the past several decades, there has been a notable shift in businesses regarding digital transformation, which has been ... |
Sentiment analysis to support business decision-making. A bibliometric study
(Springfield, MO : AIMS Press, 2024)
Customer feedback on online platforms is an unstructured database of growing importance for organizations, which together ... |
Sentiment analysis to support business decision-making. A bibliometric study
(Springfield, MO : AIMS Press, 2024)
Customer feedback on online platforms is an unstructured database of growing importance for organizations, which, together ... |
Exploring the determinants of the user experience in P2P payment systems in Spain: a text mining approach
(SpringerOpen, 2024)
Purpose: This study aims to identify which determinants are responsible for impact ing the user experience of three ... |
Internet interventions and therapies for addressing the negative impact of digital overuse: a focus on digital free tourism and economic sustainability
(BioMed Central, 2024)
Background: The excessive use of information technologies (IT) and online digital devices are causing symptoms of burnout, ... |
The effect of innovation performance on the adoption of human resources analytics in business organizations
(American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2024)
Our study objective is to examine the determinants that influence the adoption of human resource (HR) analytics, along ... |
Sudden e-learning: Exploring the role of user intention, enjoyment, and habit on university students' well-being
(Wiley, 2024)
Suddenly, adjusting to a new way of learning is a major challenge for university students. The objective of this article ... |
PhD Thesis
Análisis del impacto de las tecnologías de la información en el emprendimiento como herramientas impulsoras de las capacidades y las intenciones emprendedoras
En los últimos años el mundo actual está inmerso en continuos cambios en la Economía y la Empresa, afectado por el progreso ... |
Different approaches to analyzing e-government adoption during the Covid-19 pandemic
(Elsevier, 2023)
This research analyzes the possible underlying determinants of citizens' intent to use electronic services provided by ... |
Digital Transformation and Local Government Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Assessment of Its Impact on the Sustainable Development Goals
(SAGE, 2023)
This paper analyzes how Digital Transformation (DT) processes have influenced the Attitude of local governments (LGs) ... |
Systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis on virtual reality and education
(Springer Netherlands, 2023)
The objective of this study is to identify and analyze the scientific literature with a bibliometric analysis to find the ... |
Improving KIBS performance using digital transformation: study based on the theory of resources and capabilities
(Emerald, 2023)
Purpose-The aim of this research is to analyze the success of digital transformation (DT) in the management and performance ... |
Can Virtual Reality Become an Instrument in Favor of Territory Economy and Sustainability?
(Center for International Scientific Research of VŠO and VŠPP, 2023)
The study aims to identify how virtual reality technology can help protect and conserve flora and fauna in national parks ... |
Exploring employees’beliefs regarding the potentialbenefits of virtual worlds for group cohesion:gather town
(Springer, 2023)
As a consequence of advances in Information and Communication Technologies,teleworking is becoming more and more common ... |
Master's Final Project
Análisis de la transformación digital en el sector de la salud: grado de adopción de los hospitales
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo principal determinar el grado de adopción de la transformación digital (TD) en los ... |
Master's Final Project
Aprender desde la práctica: implementación del CRM con el sistema HubSpot
A través de un procedimiento teórico-práctico de carácter cualitativo, este trabajo busca una mayor comprensión del ... |
PhD Thesis
Modelos de madurez y gobierno electrónico: un estudio sobre la intención de uso de los servicios electrónicos por parte de la ciudadanía
En las últimas décadas, las iniciativas de gobierno electrónico se han extendido por todo el mundo, con la finalidad de ... |
Digital Free Tourism (DFT) o desconectar para volver a conectar: una oportunidad económica y turística
(Elsevier España, 2022)
La industria del sector turístico está diseñando productos y servicios para aquellos usuarios que, conscientemente, deseen ... |
Virtual Reality Technology: Analysis based on text and opinion mining
(American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2022)
The purpose of this research is to highlight the importance of periodically analyzing the data obtained from the technological ... |
A study of the factors which influence digital transformation in Kibs companies
(Frontiers Media SA, 2022)
Eighteen interviews were used in this research to inductively conceptualize the factors that influence digital transformation ... |
Digital disconnection as an opportunity for the tourism business: A bibliometric analysis
(Ital Publication, 2022)
The aim of this study is to carry out a bibliometric review of the existing research on digital disconnection and Digital ... |
Artificial Intelligence and Human Resources Management: A Bibliometric Analysis
(Taylor and Francis, 2022)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly present in organizations. In the specific case of Human Resource Management ... |
Master's Final Project
Análisis de opiniones sobre el pasaporte COVID-19 mediante procesamiento de lenguaje natural (NLP)
El objetivo central de este trabajo es identificar la opinión general sobre la implantación del pasaporte COVID-19, los ... |
Amenazas de los gobiernos electrónicos: el desafío de la e-seguridad
(CISDE, 2022)
El fenómeno del gobierno electrónico (e-gov) ha cambiado la forma en que se relacionan las administraciones públicas (AAPP) ... |
Microblogging: an online resource to support education and training processes
(Red Universitaria Campus Virtuales, 2022)
The relevance and use of Social networks (SN) in people's daily lives make them outstanding elements as valid and supportive ... |
The Evolution of Business Process Management: A Bibliometric Analysis
This paper will present the research results for the analysis of the presence and evolution of the term Business Process ... |
Virtual Teams in Times of Pandemic: Factors That Influence Performance
(Université Libre de Bruselles, 2021)
In the digital age, the global software development sector has been a forerunner in implementing new ways and configurations ... |
A business model adoption based on tourism innovation: Applying agratification theory to mobile applications
The purpose of this paper is to improve understanding of Tourism Innovation by using a Uses and Gratifica-tion Theory model ... |
The Influence of Sociological Variables on Users’ Feelings about Programmatic Advertising and the Use of Ad-Blockers
(MDPI, 2021)
The evolution of digital advertising, which is aimed at a mass audience, to programmatic advertising, which is aimed at ... |
Final Degree Project
Estudio de las brechas digitales existentes en la interoperabilidad de pagos digitales entre España y Latinoamérica
El propósito de este trabajo es conocer las brechas digitales que aparecen en la interoperabilidad de pagos digitales entre ... |
Researching COVID-19 tracing app acceptance: incorporating theory from the technological acceptance model
Background: The expansion of the coronavirus pandemic and the extraordinary confinement measures imposed by governments ... |
Toward a Better Understanding of the Intention to Use mHealth Apps: Exploratory Study
(JMIR Publications, 2021)
Background: An increasing number of mobile health (mHealth) apps are becoming available for download and use on mobile ... |
An exploratory approach to the adoption process of bitcoin by business executives
(MDPI, 2021)
The purpose of this research study is to analyze the exploratory study of the adoption of Bitcoin cryptocurrency based on ... |
Final Degree Project
Certificado Covid Digital de la UE: un análisis de sentimientos y su repercusión en el turismo.
El presente trabajo es un estudio de investigación, que tiene el objetivo de conocer cómo valora la población la implantación ... |
Evolución tecnológica en turismo: un análisis bibliométrico
(AISTI: Associação Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, 2020)
El turismo al igual que muchas otras industrias ha sido impactado por las tecnologías en los últimos años. Es por esto que ... |
The Impact of the Environmental Quality of Online Feedback and Satisfaction When Exploring the Critical Factors for Luxury Hotels
(MDPI, 2020)
The tourism sector is undergoing many very significant changes. In addition to adapting to an interactive society, the use ... |
How attitudes, vision and ability to capture opportunities affect startups’ business creativity
(VGTU Press, 2020)
This article examines the main factors that affect creativity in startups and how these factors influence entrepreneurial ... |
What Drives Volunteers to Accept a Digital Platform That Supports NGO Projects?
(Frontiers, 2020)
Technology has become the driving force for both economic and social change. However, the recruitment of volunteers into ... |
Consumer behavior in the digital age
(Research Centre for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, 2020)
In recent decades, the Internet, evolving technologies, and social media have led to the evolution of consumer behavior. ... |
Motivaciones, formación y planificación del trabajo en equipo para entornos de aprendizaje virtual
Este trabajo aborda el estudio de las diferentes motivaciones y potenciales habilidades de los estudiantes en el contexto ... |
Digital Marketing for Sustainable Growth: Business Models and Online Campaigns Using Sustainable Strategies
(MDPI, 2020)
t: In recent years, digital marketing has transformed the way in which companies communicate with their customers around ... |
Working in Virtual Teams: A Systematic Literature Review and a Bibliometric Analysis
(IEExplore, 2020)
Modern developments in technology have changed the way we socialize, communicate and work. Globalization, Information and ... |
What Role does Corporate Governance Play in the Intention to Use Cloud Computing Technology?
This paper aims to investigate the factors which promote the adoption of cloud-based technology. It strives for a better ... |
Detecting indicators for startup business success: Sentiment analysis using text data mining
(MDPI, 2019)
The main aim of this study is to identify the key factors in User Generated Content (UGC) on the Twitter social network ... |
Mapping multispectral Digital Images using a Cloud Computing software: applications from UAV images
(Elsevier Ltd, 2019)
Due to technology development related to agricultural production, aircrafts such as the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and ... |
Are black friday deals worth it? Mining twitter users' sentiment and behavior response
(MDPI, 2019)
The Black Friday event has become a global opportunity for marketing and companies’ strategies aimed at increasing sales. ... |
Discovering UGC communities to drive marketing strategies: leveraging data visualization
(CinTurs - Research Centre for Tourism, Sustainavility and Well-Being University of Algarve, 2019)
The digital tourism ecosystem is changing driven by the massive use of new technologies and the increase of data generated ... |
Análisis de las competencias educativas para evaluar a las personas emprendedoras
Este trabajo explora las competencias emprendedoras tomando como base el marco de referencia europeo de la competencia ... |
Crowdfunding y financiación 2.0. Un estudio exploratorio sobre el turismo cultural
(United Academic Journals (UA Journals), 2018)
Las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación ofrecen nuevas alternativas a sectores tan representativos como es el ... |
Users Acceptance of Location-Based Marketing Apps in Tourism Sector: an Exploratory Analysis
(University of Algarve. Research Centre for Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being (CinTurs), 2018)
Mobile devices are the most used technology tools to access the Internet since they allow access from anywhere. This ... |
La importancia del uso de recursos en la nube para el favorecimiento del emprendimiento corporativo en empresas y organizaciones
(United Academic Journals, 2018)
En la actualidad, el uso de las herramientas cloud computing o herramientas en la nube está presente en distintas fases ... |
Environmental firms' better attitude towards nature in the context of corporate compliance
(MDPI AG, 2018)
The recent publishing of the Criminal Code Reform, known as the Corporate Governance Code and by which companies are ... |
Complexity in the acceptance of sustainable search engines on the Internet: an analysis of unobserved heterogeneity with FIMIX-PLS
(Hindawi, 2018)
This paper analyses the complexity of user behaviour when facing the challenge of using sustainable applications, such as ... |
The Effect of internet searches on Afforestation: The case of a Green Search Engine
(MDPI AG, 2018)
Ecosia is an Internet search engine that plants trees with the income obtained from advertising. This study explored the ... |
Willingness to Comply with Corporate Law: An Interdisciplinary Teaching Method in Higher Education
(MDPI, 2018)
Using an innovation training project, an interdisciplinary cross-sectional teaching strategy was developed to enhance ... |
Attitudes expressed in online comments about environmental factors in the tourism sector: an exploratory study
(MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute), 2018)
The object of this exploratory study is to identify the positive, neutral and negative environment factors that affect ... |
The Influence of Social Networks on the Development of Recruitment Actions that Favor User Interface Design and Conversions in Mobile Applications Powered by Linked Data
(Hindawi, 2018)
This study analyzes the most important influence factors in the literature, which have the greatest influence on the ... |
Understanding User Behavioral Intention to Adopt a Search Engine that Promotes Sustainable Water Management
(MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute), 2018)
An increase in users’ online searches, the social concern for an efficient management of resources such as water, and the ... |
The behavioral response to Location Based Services: An examination of the influence of social and environmental benefits, and privacy
(MDPI AG, 2017)
Given the importance tourism has in many economies, this research was designed to study how the social and environmental ... |
The adoption of cloud computing technology (SaaS): Effects of technological complexity vs training and support
(AISTI - Associação Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, 2017)
El propósito de este trabajo es analizar empíricamente, la influencia de las variables Complejidad Tecnológica, Formación ... |
Determinants of adoption of clud computing services by small, medium and large companies
(JATIT & LLS, 2017)
Manufacturing sector organizations have seen an improvement in their competitiveness due to the digital economy. However, ... |
Marketing a través de aplicaciones móviles de turismo (m-tourism): un estudio exploratorio
(Universidad de Sevilla, 2017)
El uso de las aplicaciones móviles enfocadas al turismo (m-tourism) ha experimentado importantes cambios en la primera ... |
Valoración de la calidad de sitios web turísticos: Estudio empírico basado en IEW
(Department of Tourism of the Federal University of Paraná (Curitiba, Brazil)., 2017)
El presente análisis se ha centrado en la valoración de la calidad web de los hoteles de 5 estrellas de Madrid; todo ello ... |
Cloud Computing (SaaS) Adoption as a Strategic Technology: Results of an Empirical Study
(Hindawi, 2017)
The present study empirically analyzes the factors that determine the adoption of cloud computing (SaaS model) in firms ... |
La adopción de la tecnología cloud computing (SaaS): efectos de la complejidad tecnológica vs formación y soporte
(AISTI - Associação Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, 2017)
El propósito de este trabajo es analizar empíricamente, la influencia de las variables Complejidad Tecnológica, Formación ... |
PhD Thesis
Modelo de aceptación y uso del cloud computing: un análisis realizado en el ámbito empresarial
La economía digital está contribuyendo de forma decisiva al impulso de la competitividad del sector productivo de una ... |
La tecnología cloud: un nuevo modelo de negocio en la última frontera de internet
La economía digital está contribuyendo de forma decisiva al impulso de la competitividad del sector productivo de las ... |
Los cambios organizacionales y la nube en el entorno turístico: estudio de caso
(Universidad de Sevilla, 2016)
En los últimos años, la dependencia de las tecnologías de la información en la comercialización de destinos turísticos ... |
Los ecosistemas de turismo inteligente basados en Cloud Computing
(Facultad de Turismo y Finanzas, 2016)
La adopción y uso del cloud computing está planteando importantes cambios organizacionales en el sector turístico y abre ... |