NombreMesa Marín, Jennifer
DepartamentoMicrobiología y Parasitología
Área de conocimientoMicrobiología
Categoría profesionalProfesor Sustituto
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Marine Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria (PGPB) Inoculation Technology: Testing the Effectiveness of Different Application Methods to Improve Tomato Plants Tolerance Against Acute Heat Wave Stress

Duarte, Bernardo; Carreiras, João Albuquerque; Cruz Silva, Ana; Mateos Naranjo, Enrique; Rodríguez Llorente, Ignacio David; Pajuelo Domínguez, Eloísa; Redondo Gómez, Susana; Mesa Marín, Jennifer; Figueiredo, Andreia (Elsevier, 2024)
Regenerative agriculture aims to boost native biodiversity and ensure sustainable production. Plant Growth Promoting ...

Soil microorganisms buffer the reduction in plant growth and physiological performance under combined abiotic stress in the halophyte Salicornia ramosissima

Mateos Naranjo, Enrique; Pérez Romero, Jesús Alberto; Puglielli, Giacomo; López Jurado, Javier; Mesa Marín, Jennifer; Pajuelo Domínguez, Eloísa; Rodríguez Llorente, Ignacio David; Redondo Gómez, Susana (Elsevier, 2023)
The impact of multifactorial abiotic stress combinations on plant functional responses remains controversial, and general ...

Plant responses to plant growth promoting bacteria: Insights from proteomics

Rodríguez Vázquez, Raquel; Mesa Marín, Jennifer (Elsevier, 2023)
Plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) modes of action are highly complex and the totality of mechanisms they are able to ...
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Aplicación de biofertilizantes bacterianos en cultivo de fresa: efecto en su perfil nutricional e impacto en la comunidad microbianarizosférica

Sola Elías, Cristina; Mesa Marín, Jennifer (2023)
La biofertilización con bacterias promotoras del crecimiento vegetal (PGPR) es una técnica ecológica que podría optimizar ...

Improving Grapevine Heat Stress Resilience with Marine Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria Consortia

Carreiras, Joao; Cruz Silva, Ana; Fonseca, Bruno; Carvalho, Ricardo C.; Cunha, Jorge P.; Proenca Pereira, Joao; Mateos Naranjo, Enrique; Rodríguez Llorente, Ignacio David; Pajuelo Domínguez, Eloísa; Redondo Gómez, Susana; Mesa Marín, Jennifer; Duarte, Bernardo (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2023)
Amid climate change, heatwave events are expected to increase in frequency and severity. As a result, yield losses in ...

Interactive Temperature and CO2 Rise, Salinity, Drought, and Bacterial Inoculation Alter the Content of Fatty Acids, Total Phenols, and Oxalates in the Edible Halophyte Salicornia ramosissima

Mesa Marín, Jennifer; Mateos Naranjo, Enrique; Carreiras, João; Feijão, Eduardo; Duarte, Bernardo; Matos, Ana Rita; Betti, Marco; Río, Carmen del; Romero Bernal, Marina; Montaner, Joan; Redondo Gómez, Susana (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2023)
In this work, we studied the combined effect of increased temperature and atmospheric CO2, salt and drought stress, and ...

Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria Improve Rice Response to Climate Change Conditions

Redondo Gómez, Susana; Mesa Marín, Jennifer; Pérez Romero, Jesús Alberto; Mariscal, Vicente; Molina Heredia, Fernando Publio; Álvarez Núñez, Consolación; Pajuelo Domínguez, Eloísa; Rodríguez Llorente, Ignacio David; Mateos Naranjo, Enrique (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2023)
Rice is one of the most important crops in the world and is considered a strategic crop for food security. Furthermore, ...

Synergistic Effect of Plant-Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria Improves Strawberry Growth and Flowering with Soil Salinization and Increased Atmospheric CO2 Levels and Temperature Conditions

Redondo Gómez, Susana; García López, Jesús V.; Mesa Marín, Jennifer; Pajuelo Domínguez, Eloísa; Rodríguez Llorente, Ignacio David; Mateos Naranjo, Enrique (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2022)
Biofertilization with plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) can positively affect the growth and health of host ...

Emerging frontiers: root and rhizosphere research inthe context of global environmental change

Carley, Clayton N.; Chen, Guanying; Das, Krishna K.; Delory, Benjamin M.; Dimitrova, Anastazija; Ding, Yiyang; George, Abin P.; Greeley, Laura A.; Han, Qingqing; Hernández Soriano, María C.; Mesa Marín, Jennifer; Zheng, Congcong (Wiley-Blackwell, 2022)
Capítulo de Libro

Mejora docente en el Grado de Biología para aprender a caracterizar ecosistemas acuáticos

Mesa Marín, Jennifer (Universidad de Sevilla, 2022)
En este capítulo se describe un Ciclo de Mejora en el Aula (CIMA) aplicado en la asignatura Ecología II del Grado en ...

Consortia of Plant-Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria Isolated from Halophytes Improve the Response of Swiss Chard to Soil Salinization

Redondo Gómez, Susana; Romano Rodríguez, Elena; Mesa Marín, Jennifer; Mateos Naranjo, Enrique; Sola Elías, Cristina (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2022)
Inadequate fertilization or the indiscriminate use of water with high salt concentrations have led to salinization of ...
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Efecto de la inoculación bacteriana en acelga bajo estrés con riego salino

Sola Elías, Cristina; Mesa Marín, Jennifer (2022)
La salinización de los suelos, como consecuencia del cambio climático y de la actividad humana, es un problema que se debe ...

Consortia of Plant-Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria Isolated from Halophytes Improve Response of Eight Crops to Soil Salinization and Climate Change Conditions

Redondo Gómez, Susana; Mesa Marín, Jennifer; Pérez Romero, Jesús Alberto; López Jurado, Javier; García López, Jesús V.; Mariscal, Vicente; Molina Heredia, Fernando Publio; Pajuelo Domínguez, Eloísa; Rodríguez Llorente, Ignacio David; Flowers, Timothy J.; Mateos Naranjo, Enrique (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2021)
Soil salinization is an environmental problem that adversely affects plant growth and crop productivity worldwide. As an ...

Isolation of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria from Spartina densiflora and Sarcocornia perennis in San Antonio polluted salt marsh, Patagonian Argentina

Idaszkin, Yanina L.; Polifroni, Rosana; Mesa Marín, Jennifer (Elsevier, 2021)
With the purpose of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) isolation, several authors have sampled different wetlands ...

Understanding the Impact of a Complex Environmental Matrix Associated with Climate Change on the European Marshes Engineer Species Spartina Martima

Mateos Naranjo, Enrique; López Jurado, Javier; Mesa Marín, Jennifer; Luque, Carlos Javier; Castellanos, Eloy Manuel; Pérez Romero, Jesús Alberto; Redondo Gómez, Susana (Elsevier, 2021)
A challenge exists in the need to understand plant responses in complex environmental matrixes, such as those predicted ...

Impact of Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria on Salicornia ramosissima Ecophysiology and Heavy Metal Phytoremediation Capacity in Estuarine Soils

Mesa Marín, Jennifer; Pérez Romero, Jesús Alberto; Redondo Gómez, Susana; Pajuelo Domínguez, Eloísa; Rodríguez Llorente, Ignacio David; Mateos Naranjo, Enrique (Frontiers Media, 2020)
Salicornia ramosissima is a C3 halophyte that grows naturally in South Western Spain salt marshes, under soil salinity and ...

Soil phenanthrene phytoremediation capacity in bacteria-assisted Spartina densiflora

Mesa Marín, Jennifer; Barcia Piedras, José María; Mateos Naranjo, Enrique; Cox Meana, Lucía; Real Ojeda, Miguel; Pérez Romero, Jesús Alberto; Navarro de la Torre, Salvadora; Rodríguez Llorente, Ignacio David; Pajuelo Domínguez, Eloísa; Parra Martín, Raquel; Redondo Gómez, Susana (Elsevier, 2019)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) have become a threat for the conservation of wetlands worldwide. The halophyte ...

Effect of Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria on Salicornia ramosissima Seed Germination under Salinity, CO2 and Temperature Stress

Mesa Marín, Jennifer; Pérez Romero, Jesús Alberto; Mateos Naranjo, Enrique; Bernabeu Meana, Miguel; Pajuelo Domínguez, Eloísa; Rodríguez Llorente, Ignacio David; Redondo Gómez, Susana (MDPI, 2019)
In a scenario of climate change and growing population, halophyte root microbiota interactions may be a sustainable solution ...

Salinity alleviates zinc toxicity in the saltmarsh zinc-accumulator Juncus acutus

Mateos Naranjo, Enrique; Pérez Romero, Jesús Alberto; Redondo Gómez, Susana; Mesa Marín, Jennifer; Castellanos, Eloy Manuel; Davy, Anthony John (Elsevier, 2018)
The potential importance of Juncus acutus for remediation of Zn-contaminated lands has been recognized, because of its Zn ...

PGPR Reduce Root Respiration and Oxidative Stress Enhancing Spartina maritima Root Growth and Heavy Metal Rhizoaccumulation

Mesa Marín, Jennifer; Fernández Del Saz, Néstor; Rodríguez Llorente, Ignacio David; Redondo Gómez, Susana; Pajuelo Domínguez, Eloísa; Ribas Carbó, Miquel; Mateos Naranjo, Enrique (Frontiers Media, 2018)
The present study aims to unravel ecophysiological mechanisms underlying plant-microbe interactions under natural abiotic ...
Tesis Doctoral

Potencial biotecnológico de spartina maritima e inoculantes bacterianos para la recuperación de estuarios andaluces contaminados con metales pesados

Mesa Marín, Jennifer; Pajuelo Domínguez, Eloísa; Mateos Naranjo, Enrique; Rodríguez Llorente, Ignacio David (2017)
Heavy metal pollution is a growing environmental problem with a major detrimental impact on ecosystems and living organisms’ ...

Endophytic cultivable bacteria of the metal bioaccumulator Spartina maritima improve plant growth but not metal uptake in polluted marshes soils

Mesa Marín, Jennifer; Mateos Naranjo, Enrique; Caviedes Formento, Miguel Ángel; Redondo Gómez, Susana; Pajuelo Domínguez, Eloísa; Rodríguez Llorente, Ignacio David (Frontiers Media S. A., 2015)
Endophytic bacterial population was isolated from Spartina maritima tissues, a heavy metal bioaccumulator cordgrass growing ...