NombreGómez Herreros, Fernando
Área de conocimientoGenética
Categoría profesionalProfesor Contratado Doctor
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TDP1 suppresses chromosomal translocations and cell death induced by abortive TOP1 activity during gene transcription

Rubio Contreras, Diana; Gómez Herreros, Fernando (Nature Research, 2023)
DNA topoisomerase I (TOP1) removes torsional stress by transiently cutting one DNA strand. Such cuts are rejoined by TOP1 ...

Genome-scale mapping of DNA damage suppressors through phenotypic CRISPR-Cas9 screens

Zhao, Yichao; Tabet, Daniel; Rubio Contreras, Diana; Lao, Linjiang; Kousholt, Arne Nedergaard; Weile, Jochen; Gómez Herreros, Fernando; Durocher, Daniel (Cell Press, 2023)
To maintain genome integrity, cells must accurately duplicate their genome and repair DNA lesions when they occur. To ...
Tesis Doctoral

Genome Instability Associated with DNA Topoisomerase Activity during Gene Transcription

Rubio Contreras, Diana; Gómez Herreros, Fernando (2023)
Las lesiones que se producen en el ADN suponen un desafío continuo para la integridad genómica, siendo las roturas de doble ...

Canonical non-homologous end-joining promotes genome mutagenesis and translocations induced by transcription-associated DNA topoisomerase 2 activity

Olmedo Pelayo, Joaquín; Rubio Contreras, Diana; Gómez Herreros, Fernando (Oxford University Press, 2020)
DNA topoisomerase II (TOP2) is a major DNA metabolic enzyme, with important roles in replication, transcription, chromosome ...

FUS (fused in sarcoma) is a component of the cellular response to topoisomerase I–induced DNA breakage and transcriptional stress

Martínez Macías, María Isabel; Green, Ryan L.; Gómez Herreros, Fernando; Naumann, Marcel; Hermann, Andreas; Hafezparast, Majid; Caldecott, Keith W.; Moore, Duncan A. Q.; Damme, Philip Van (Rockefeller University Press, 2019)
FUS (fused in sarcoma) plays a key role in several steps of RNA metabolism, and dominant mutations in this protein are ...

DNA Double Strand Breaks and Chromosomal Translocations Induced by DNA Topoisomerase II

Gómez Herreros, Fernando (Frontiers Media, 2019)
DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) are the most cytotoxic lesions of those occurring in the DNA and can lead to cell death ...

TDP2 suppresses chromosomal translocations induced by DNA topoisomerase II during gene transcription

Gómez Herreros, Fernando; Zagnoli Vieira, Guido; Ntai, Ioanna; Martínez Macías, María Isabel; Anderson, Rhona M.; Herrero Ruíz, Andrés; Caldecott, Keith W. (Nature Publishing Group, 2017)
DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) induced by abortive topoisomerase II (TOP2) activity are a potential source of genome ...

The ribosome assembly gene network is controlled by the feedback regulation of transcription elongation

Gómez Herreros, Fernando; Margaritis, Thanasis; Rodríguez Galán, Olga; Pelechano, Vicent; Begley, Victoria Sarah; Millán Zambrano, Gonzalo; Morillo Huesca, Macarena; Muñoz Centeno, María de la Cruz; Pérez Ortín, José Enrique; Cruz Díaz, Jesús de la; Holstege, Frank C.P.; Chávez de Diego, Sebastián (Oxford University Press, 2017)
Ribosome assembly requires the concerted expression of hundreds of genes, which are transcribed by all three nuclear RNA ...

Divergent Requirement for a DNA Repair Enzyme during Enterovirus Infections

Maciejewski, Sonia; Nguyen, Joseph H. C.; Gómez Herreros, Fernando; Cortés Ledesma, Felipe; Caldecott, Keith W.; Semler, Bert L. (American Society for Microbiology, 2015)
Viruses of the Enterovirus genus of picornaviruses, including poliovirus, coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3), and human rhinovirus, ...

Balanced production of ribosome components is required for proper G/S transition in saccharomyces cerevisiae

Gómez Herreros, Fernando; Rodríguez Galán, Olga; Morillo Huesca, Macarena; Maya, Douglas; Arista Romero, María; Cruz Díaz, Jesús de la; Chávez de Diego, Sebastián; Muñoz Centeno, María de la Cruz (American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Inc., 2013)

TDP2-Dependent Non-Homologous End-Joining Protects against Topoisomerase II-Induced DNA Breaks and Genome Instability in Cells and In Vivo

Gómez Herreros, Fernando; Romero Granados, Rocío; Zeng, Zhihong; Álvarez Quilón, Alejandro; Quintero Ruiz, María Cristina; Ju, Limei; Umans, Lieve; Vemeire, Liesbeth; Huylebroeck, Danny; Caldecott, Keith W.; Cortés Ledesma, Felipe (Public Library of Science, 2013)
Anticancer topoisomerase >poisons> exploit the break-and-rejoining mechanism of topoisomerase II (TOP2) to generate ...

TFIIS is required for the balanced expression of the genes encoding ribosomal components under transcriptional stress

Gómez Herreros, Fernando; Miguel Jiménez, María Dolores de; Morillo Huesca, Macarena; Delgado Ramos, Lidia; Muñoz Centeno, María de la Cruz; Chávez de Diego, Sebastián (Oxford University Press, 2012)
Transcription factor IIS (TFIIS) stimulates RNA cleavage by RNA polymerase II by allowing backtracked enzymes to resume ...

One step back before moving forward: regulation of transcription elongation by arrest and backtracking

Gómez Herreros, Fernando; Miguel Jiménez, María Dolores De; Millán Zambrano, Gonzalo; Peñate Salas, Xenia; Delgado Ramos, Lidia; Muñoz Centeno, María de la Cruz; Chávez de Diego, Sebastián (Wiley-Blackwell, 2012)
RNA polymerase II backtracking is a well-known phenomenon, but its involvement in gene regulation is yet to be addressed. ...

Yeast Genetic Analysis Reveals the Involvement of Chromatin Reassembly Factors in Repressing HIV-1 Basal Transcription

Vanti, Manuela; Gallastegui, Edurne; Respaldiza, Iñaki; Rodríguez Gil, Alfonso; Gómez Herreros, Fernando; Jimeno González, Silvia; Chávez de Diego, Sebastián (Public Library of Science, 2009)
Rebound of HIV viremia after interruption of anti-retroviral therapy is due to the small population of CD4+ T cells that ...

A gene-specific requirement for FACT during transcription is related to the chromatin organization of the transcribed region

Jimeno González, Silvia; Gómez Herreros, Fernando; Alepuz, Paula M.; Chávez de Diego, Sebastián (2006)
The FACT complex stimulates transcription elongation on nucleosomal templates. In vivo experiments also involve FACT in ...