NombreAstacio López, Raquel
DepartamentoIngeniería y Ciencia de los Materiales y del Transporte
Área de conocimientoCiencia de los Materiales e Ingeniería Metalúrgica
Categoría profesionalProfesor Sustituto
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Milling amorphous FeSiB ribbons with vibratory ball and disc mills

Aranda, R.M.; Astacio López, Raquel; Urban, Petr; Soto Aranda, Beatriz; Cuevas, Francisco G. (Elsevier, 2024)
Fe, Si and B powders, mixed with atomic composition Fe78Si9B13, are subjected after arc melting to a melt spinning process, ...
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Characteristics of Mechanically Alloyed Amorphized Ferromagnetic Particles of Fe₇₈Si₂₂ Y Fe₇₈Si₉B₁₃

Astacio López, Raquel; Aranda Louvier, Rosa María; Urban, Petr; Ternero Fernández, Fátima (Springer, 2024)
In this work, the obtaining of amorphized ferromagnetic particles by mechanical milling has been studied. For this purpose, ...
Trabajo Fin de Grado

Fabricación de polvo metálico con estructura nanocristalina y/o amorfa de la aleación Fe-Si-B-Cu-Nb mediante molienda mecánica de alta energía

Avilés Hernández, Óscar José; Urban, Petr; Astacio López, Raquel (2023)
El propósito de este proyecto ha sido el de estudiar el mecanismo de amorfización de una aleación formada por polvos de ...

Amorphous Phase Formation and Heat Treating Evolution in Mechanically Alloyed Ti–Cu Alloy for Biomedical Applications

Urban, Petr; Astacio López, Raquel; Ternero Fernández, Fátima; Náhlík, L.; Cintas Físico, Jesús (Springer, 2022)
The present work aims to produce TixCu100-x (x=90, 80, 70, and 60) amorphous alloys by using high energy ball mill. The ...

Electrical discharge consolidation of Al and Ti powders

Ternero Fernández, Fátima; Aranda, R. M.; Urban, Petr; Astacio López, Raquel; Montes Martos, Juan Manuel (Elsevier, 2022)
In this paper, electrical-discharge-consolidation (EDC technique) experiments were carried out with an equipment based on ...

Amorphous Phase Formation and Heat Treating Evolution in Mechanically Alloyed Ti–Cu Alloy for Biomedical Applications

Urban, Petr; Astacio López, Raquel; Ternero Fernández, Fátima; Náhlík, L.; Cintas Físico, Jesús (Springer, 2022)
The present work aims to produce TixCu100-x (x = 90, 80, 70, and 60) amorphous alloys by using high energy ball mill. The ...
Tesis Doctoral

Fabricación de núcleos magnéticos amorfos mediante consolidación eléctrica

Astacio López, Raquel; Montes Martos, Juan Manuel; Cintas Físico, Jesús (2022)
Se estudia la fabricación de núcleos magnéticos amorfos (destinados principalmente a motores y transformadores eléctricos) ...
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Sinterización convencional y sinterización por resistencia por resistencia eléctrica de la aleación alfe (nano) cristalina y/o amorfa preparada mediante aleado mecánico

Urban, Petr; Ternero Fernández, Fátima; Astacio López, Raquel; Gómez Cuevas, Francisco de Paula (3ciencias, 2022)
Se ha fabricado polvo amorfo de la aleación Al75Fe25 a partir del polvo elemental cristalino de aluminio puro y hierro ...

Consolidation of iron powder by electrical discharge

Aranda, R. M.; Ternero Fernández, Fátima; Astacio López, Raquel; Urban, Petr; Cuevas, F. G. (Elsevier, 2022)
Capacitor electrical discharge consolidation (CEDC) is a technique that uses the heat of the Joule effect of a high intensity ...

Magnetic properties of iron powder sintered by medium-frequency electrical resistance sintering

Astacio López, Raquel; Urban, Petr; Ternero Fernández, Fátima; Aranda Louvier, Rosa María; Montes Martos, Juan Manuel (Elsevier, 2022)
Medium-frequency electrical resistance sintering (MF-ERS) is a technique that uses the application of pressure and heat, ...

Mechanical alloying and amorphization of Ti75Cu25 alloy

Urban, Petr; Astacio López, Raquel; Aranda, R. M.; Ternero Fernández, Fátima; Cintas Físico, Jesús (Elsevier, 2022)
Ti-Cu alloys are used in dental and medical applications, due to their good mechanical properties, corrosion resistance ...

Medium-Frequency Electrical Resistance Sintering of Soft Magnetic Powder Metallurgy Iron Parts

Astacio López, Raquel; Ternero Fernández, Fátima; Cintas Físico, Jesús; Gómez Cuevas, Francisco de Paula; Montes Martos, Juan Manuel (MDPI, 2021)
The fabrication of soft magnetic Fe parts by the medium-frequency electrical resistance sintering (MF-ERS) technique is ...
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Determinación de la dureza de los compactos de TI-AL sinterizados mediante resistencia eléctrica y preparados a partir de polvo amorfizado mediante molienda mecánica

Urban, Petr; Sánchez Caballero, Eduardo; Ternero Fernández, Fátima; Astacio López, Raquel (Área de innovación y desarrollo, S.L., 2021)
Se ha aplicado un método novedoso para aumentar la dureza de una aleación de aluminio y titanio partiendo de polvo amorfo ...

Modelling and Simulation of the Electrical Resistance Sintering Process of Iron Powders

Montes Martos, Juan Manuel; Cuevas, F. G.; Viña Reina, Francisco Javier de la; Ternero Fernández, Fátima; Astacio López, Raquel; Sánchez Caballero, Eduardo; Cintas Físico, Jesús (Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, 2020)
In this paper, the process known as Electrical Resistance Sintering under Pressure is modelled, simulated and validated. ...

Nickel Porous Compacts Obtained by Medium-Frequency Electrical Resistance Sintering

Ternero Fernández, Fátima; Sánchez Caballero, Eduardo; Astacio López, Raquel; Cintas Físico, Jesús; Montes Martos, Juan Manuel (MDPI, 2020)
A commercially pure (c.p.) nickel powder was consolidated by Medium-Frequency Electrical Resistance Sintering (MF-ERS). ...

Influence of processing parameters on the conduct of electrical resistance sintering of iron powders

Ternero Fernández, Fátima; Astacio López, Raquel; Sánchez Caballero, Eduardo; Gómez Cuevas, Francisco de Paula; Montes Martos, Juan Manuel (MDPI, 2020)
The influence of the applied pressure and electrical parameters on the macrostructure of specimens consolidated by the ...

Crystallization Process and Microstructural Evolution of Melt Spun Al-RE-Ni-(Cu) Ribbons

Gómez Cuevas, Francisco de Paula; Lozano Pérez, Sergio; Aranda Louvier, Rosa María; Astacio López, Raquel (MDPI, 2020)
The crystallization process, both at the initial and subsequent stages, of amorphous Al88-RE4-Ni8 alloys (RE = Y, Sm and ...

Consolidation by MF-ERS of mechanically alloyed Al powder

Sánchez Caballero, Eduardo; Ternero Fernández, Fátima; Astacio López, Raquel; Cuevas, F. G.; Montes Martos, Juan Manuel; Cintas Físico, Jesús (Elsevier, 2019)
The aim of this work is to study the viability of producing, by medium-frequency electrical resistance sintering (MF-ERS), ...

Production of Ultrafine Grained Hardmetals by Electrical Resistance Sintering

Cintas Físico, Jesús; Astacio López, Raquel; Gómez Cuevas, Francisco de Paula; Montes Martos, Juan Manuel; Weissgaerber, Thomas; Lagos, Miguel Ángel; Torres Hernández, Yadir; Gallardo Fuentes, José María (MDPI, 2019)
In this work, powders of cemented ultrafine WC-6 wt.% Co were consolidated. The feasibility of the medium frequency ...

Fracture toughness of cemented carbides obtained by electrical resistance sintering

Astacio López, Raquel; Gallardo Fuentes, José María; Cintas Físico, Jesús; Montes Martos, Juan Manuel; Gómez Cuevas, Francisco de Paula; Prakash, Leo; Torres Hernández, Yadir;  (Elsevier, 2019)
The unique combination of hardness, toughness and wear resistance exhibited by WC-Co cemented carbides (hardmetals) has ...

Hard Metal Production by ERS: Processing Parameter Roles in Final Properties

Gallardo Fuentes, José María; Agote, Íñigo; Astacio López, Raquel; Schubert, Thomas; Cintas Físico, Jesús; Montes Martos, Juan Manuel; Torres Hernández, Yadir; Gómez Cuevas, Francisco de Paula (MDPI, 2019)
Cemented carbide is a hard composite material, used widely in a variety of industries. The value of the global tungsten ...

In Situ Synthesis of Al-Based MMCs Reinforced with AlN by Mechanical Alloying under NH3 Gas

Sánchez Caballero, Eduardo; Gómez Cuevas, Francisco de Paula; Ternero Fernández, Fátima; Astacio López, Raquel; Montes Martos, Juan Manuel; Cintas Físico, Jesús (MDPI, 2018)
Aluminum matrix composites (AMCs) reinforced by aluminum nitride were prepared by mechanical alloying followed by a simple ...

Medium-frequency electrical resistance sintering of oxidized C.P. iron powder

Montes Martos, Juan Manuel; Gómez Cuevas, Francisco de Paula; Ternero Fernández, Fátima; Astacio López, Raquel; Sánchez Caballero, Eduardo; Cintas Físico, Jesús (MDPI, 2018)
Commercially pure (C.P.) iron powders with a deliberate high degree of oxidation were consolidated by medium-frequency ...

A Method to Determine the Electrical Resistance of a Metallic Powder Mass under Compression

Montes Martos, Juan Manuel; Gómez Cuevas, Francisco de Paula; Ternero Fernández, Fátima; Astacio López, Raquel; Sánchez Caballero, Eduardo; Cintas Físico, Jesús (MDPI, 2017)
In this paper, a phenomenological model to predict the value of the electrical resistance of a compressed metal powder ...