Author profile: Quintero Toscano, Antonio Rafael
Institutional data
Name | Quintero Toscano, Antonio Rafael |
Department | Geometría y Topología |
Knowledge area | Geometría y Topología |
Professional category | Profesor Titular de Universidad |
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Publications |
Final Degree Project
Espacios finitos como modelos en Topología Algebraica
Los espacios topológicos finitos son una clase de espacios que nos permiten obtener información sobre espacios continuos ... |
Proper 2–equivalences between infinite ended finitely presented groups
(Mathematical Sciences Publishers, 2023)
Recall that two finitely presented groups G and H are “proper 2–equivalent” if they can be realized by finite 2–dimensional ... |
Weak- Z-Structures and one-relator groups
(ScienceDirect, 2022)
Motivated by the notion of boundary for hyperbolic and groups, Bestvina [2] introduced the notion of a (weak) -structure ... |
Final Degree Project
La noción de homotopía para espacios finitos y espacios de Alexandrov
El objetivo de este trabajo es detallar la interpretaci´on combinatoria de las equivalencias de homotop´ıa entre espacios ... |
Final Degree Project
Espacios de Alexandrov : el puente entre poliedros y conjuntos ordenados
En este trabajo se estudia la topología básica de los espacios finitos y, más generalmente, los espacios de Alexandrov ... |
Generating punctured surface triangulations with degree at least 4
(Ovidius University Press, 2022)
As a sequel of a previous paper by the authors, we present here a generating theorem for the family of triangulations of ... |
Final Degree Project
Cristalografía Topológica
El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar las estructuras de los cristales como ejemplos motivadores para una iniciación a ... |
Final Degree Project
La noción de variedad en la clase de espacios de Alexandroff. Superficies cerradas y espacios finitos.
Digital topology deals with topological features of 2-D and 3-D digital imagery. Digital images can be represented on a ... |
A topological equivalence relation for finitely presented groups
(ScienceDirect, 2020)
In this paper, we consider an equivalence relation within the class of finitely presented discrete groups attending to ... |
Quasi-isometries and proper homotopy: The quasi-isometry invariance of proper 3-realizability of groups
(American Mathematical Society, 2019)
We recall that a finitely presented group G is properly 3-realizable if for some finite 2-dimensional CW-complex X with ... |
Final Degree Project
Arboricidad de Multigrafos y la Categoría LS de Espacios Topológicos Finitos
El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en relacionar el invariante por homotopía conocido como cate goría de Lusternik-Schnirelmann ... |
Final Degree Project
Laplacianas de digrafos y topologías de Alexandrov
La teoría algebraica de grafos se ocupa de la relación entre las propiedades de la estructura combinatoria de un grafo y ... |
Final Degree Project
La categoría de Lusternik-Schnirelmann de los espacios finitos. Enunciado y discusión de un problema
El trabajo presenta el invariante homotópico conocido como categoría de Lusternik-Schnirelmann (categoría LS, para ... |
Generating families of surface triangulations. The case of punctured surfaces with inner degree at least 4
We present two versions of a method for generating all triangulations of any punctured surface in each of these two families: ... |
Irreducible triangulations of the Möbius band
(Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 2014)
A complete list of irreducible triangulations is identified on the Möbius band. |
The Freudenthal compactification of tree-like generalized continua
(Auburn University, 2013)
Tree-likeness of generalized continua is defined by means of inverse limits of locally finite trees with proper bonding ... |
On manifolds with nonhomogeneous factors
(Springer, 2012)
We present simple examples of finite-dimensional connected homogeneous spaces (they are actually topological manifolds) ... |
On the topology of locally 2-connected Peano continua
(Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium, 2012)
Several recent results by Thomassen ([23 The locally connected compatc metric spaces embeddable in the plane, Combinatorica ... |
Presentation |
On the Freudenthal extensions of proper confluent maps
(University of Houston, 2012)
In this paper we study when Freudenthal extensions of proper maps preserve the (weak, semi) confluency. Also the extensions to the Alexandroff one-point compactificaton are considered. |
Strong separating (k, k)−surfaces on Z3
(Universidad de Sevilla, 2010)
For each adjacency pair (k, k) != (6, 6), k, k ∈ {6, 18, 26}, we introduce a new family Skk of surfaces in the discrete ... |
One-relator groups and proper 3-realizability
(European Mathematical Society, 2009)
How different is the universal cover of a given finite 2-complex from a 3-manifold (from the proper homotopy viewpoint)? ... |
PhD Thesis
Extensión de la teoría de los continuos en ausencia de compacidad
Esta Memoria es una contribución al estudio de las propiedades topogeométricas de los continuos generalizados; es decir, espacios métricos separables, conexos y localmente compactos. |
Amalgamated products and properly 3-realizable groups
(Elsevier, 2007)
In this paper, we show that the class of all properly 3-realizable groups is closed under amalgamated free products (and ... |
Chapter of Book
On irreductible triangulations of Punctured Torus and Punctured Klein Bottle
(Editorial UCA, 2007)
We extend Lawrencenko and Negami’s results in [4, 5] by establishing lower and upper bounds for the number of irreducible triangulations of the punctured torus and the punctured Klein bottle. |
Digital homotopy with obstacles
(Elsevier, 2004)
As a sequel of [4] Ayala, R., E. Dom´ıguez, A. R. Franc´es and A. Quintero, Homotopy in Digital Spaces, Discrete and Applied ... |
PhD Thesis |
Homotopy in digital spaces
(Elsevier, 2003)
The main contribution of this paper is a new “extrinsic” digital fundamental group that can be readily generalized to ... |
Minimal covers of open manifolds with half-spaces and the proper L-S category of product spaces
(Belgian Mathematical Society, 2002)
Classical results about the Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of product spaces have their analogues in the category of ... |
On the connectivity of skeletons of pseudomanifolds with boundary
(Mathematical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 2002)
In this note we show that 1-skeletons and 2-skeletons of n-pseudomanifolds with full boundary are (n+ 1)-connected graphs and n-connected 2-complexes, respectively. This generalizes previous results due to Barnette and Woon. |
A digital index theorem
(World Scientific Publishing, 2001)
This paper is devoted to prove a Digital Index Theorem for digital (n − 1)-manifolds in a digital space (Rn, f), where f ... |
PhD Thesis
La sucesión de fibración homotópica de K-teorías asociada a la localización de categorías exactas
En la tesis que se presenta se extienden fundamentalmente algunos resultados y metodologías de mediados de los años 80 y ... |
The equivariant category of proper G-Spaces
(Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium, 2001)
On the connectivity of infinite graphs and 2-complexes
(Elsevier, 1999)
This paper contains a study of the connectivity of infinite graphs and 2-complexes. Various connectivity types are defined ... |
PhD Thesis
Un estudio de la conectividad y planaridad de grafos y 2-complejos infinitos en el marco de la topología general
"El lenguaje de la topología general permite formular precisa y concisamente numerosos problemas bajo un punto de vista ... |
On the planarity of Peano generalized continua: An extension of a theorem of S. Claytor
(Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 1998)
We extend a theorem of S. Claytor in order to characterize the Peano generalized continua which are embeddable into the ... |
A Hahn-Mazurkiewicz Theorem for generalized Peano continua
(Springer, 1998)
S. Mazurkiewicz remarked after his proof of the celebrated HahnMazurkiewicz Theorem ([5]) that any generalized Peano ... |
A link between menger’s theorem and infinite euler graphs
(Akadémiai Kiadó, 1997)
On the locally finite chain algebra of a proper homotopy type
(Belgian Mathematical Society, 1996)
In the classical paper [A-H] Adams-Hilton constructed a free chain algebra which is an important algebraic model of a ... |
On surfaces in digital topology
In R. Ayala, E. Domínguez, A.R. Francés, A. Quintero, J. Rubio. A Polyhedral Approach to Digital Topology a new framework ... |
Moore spaces in proper homotopy
(University of Tsukuba, 1995)
Moore spaces are de ned in proper homotopy theory. Some results on the existence and uniqueness of those spaces are proven. An example of two non properly equivalent Moore spaces is given. |
On the Graphs which are the Edge of a Plane Tiling
(Mathematica Scandinavica, 1995)
PhD Thesis
Algoritmos de cálculo de homología efectiva de los espacios clasificantes
El propósito esencial de esta memoria es el de describir varios algoritmos de cálculo de homología efectiva de los espacios ... |
Lusternik-Schnirelmann invariants in proper homotopy theory
(University of California, 1992)
We introduce and study proper homotopy invariants of the Lusternik-Schnirelmann type, p-cat (-), p-Cat(-), and cat e(-) ... |
A note on the homotopical characterization of Rn
(Universitat de Barcelona, 1992)
This note gives conditions which assure that the one-point compactification of an open manifold is a manifold. This result is used to show that the homotopical characterization of Rn (n ≥ 4) can be derived from the Poincaré Conjecture. |
Proper Homotopy Classification of Graphs
(London Mathematical Society, 1990)
This work presents a classification of the proper homotopy types of locally finite 1-dimensional CW-complexes. |
Approximation axiomatique à la théorie du bordisme
(Université de Picardie Jules Verne, 1989)
This paper gives an axiomatical approximation to Bordism Theory. It proves those properties of a geometrical nature that a class of models must satisfy to develop a bordism theory in an abstract category. |
PhD Thesis
Bordismo seccional de fibrados y submersiones
El objeto de este trabajo es sistematizar una técnica que intenta atacar el problema de existencia de secciones de funciones ... |
Exponential law for uniformly continous proper maps
(Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 1988)
The purpose of this note is to prove the exponential law for uniformly continuous proper maps. |
Algunos resultados sobre el bordismo de variedades de homología
(Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, 1987)
En este artículo probamos que las variedades de homología (HML-variedades) definen una teoría de bordismo singular que es ... |
Doble suspensión de bolas de homología
(Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, 1986)
Extendemos los teoremas de doble suspensión de Edwards y Cannon a ciertas bolas de homología simplemente conexas. Como ... |
Un ejemplo de teoría de bordismo equivalente al PL-bordismo
(Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas, Químicas y Naturales de Zaragoza, 1983)
In this paper we define the CPL-manifolds and we prove, by using a desingularization procedure, that these objects give a ... |
PhD Thesis |