Author profile: Pérez Izquierdo, Alberto Tomás
Institutional data
Name | Pérez Izquierdo, Alberto Tomás |
Department | Electrónica y Electromagnetismo |
Knowledge area | Electromagnetismo |
Professional category | Catedrático de Universidad |
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Publications |
Final Degree Project
Problemas avanzados en electrodinámica: movimiento de partículas
Desde la electrónica hasta la producción de rayos X o las auroras boreales, las fuerzas electromagnéticas y los movimientos ... |
Numerical analysis on transition sequence and heat transfer capacity of film boiling with a uniform electric field
(AIP Publishing, 2023)
A finite volume method solver for the electric field-enhanced boiling is developed based on the OpenFoam v2012 framework. ... |
Final Degree Project |
Final Degree Project
Estudio de órbitas planetarias mediante los modelos de Kepler y Ptolomeo
En este trabajo se visitan los diferentes modelos históricos del universo, desde la antigüedad al Renacimiento, haciendo ... |
Efficacy of Nanosilica Coatings in Calcium Looping Reactors
(American Chemical Society, 2023)
Nanosilica coatings are considered a simple physical treatment to alleviate the effect of cohesion on powder flowability. ... |
Final Degree Project
Relatividad general con MATLAB
Se utiliza el software MATLAB para la construccion y resoluci ´ on de las ecuaciones ´ geodesicas en el marco de la ... |
The Sevilla Powder Tester: A Tool for Measuring the Flow Properties of Cohesive Powders at High Temperatures
(Hosokawa Powder Technology Foundation, 2022)
Understanding the flowability of cohesive powders at high temperature is of great importance for many industrial applications ... |
Numerical analysis of electro-convection in dielectric liquids with residual conductivity
(AIP Publishing, 2022)
Injection-induced electro-convection (EC) of dielectric liquids is a fundamental problem in electrohydrodynamics. However, ... |
Nanosilica to improve the flowability of fine limestone powders in thermochemical storage units
(Elsevier, 2021)
Fine powders are the cornerstone of new energy storage solutions to assist concentrated solar power plants. Though, their ... |
Electric force between a dielectric sphere and a dielectric plane
(Elsevier, 2021)
We compute the electric force between a dielectric sphere and a dielectric plane in the presence of an external electric ... |
Numerical Analysis of Electrohydrodynamic Instability in Dielectric-liquid-gas Flows Subjected to Unipolar Injection
(American Physical Society, 2021)
In this work, the electrohydrodynamic instability induced by a unipolar charge injection is extended from a single-phase ... |
Final Degree Project
Explorando la Electrodinámica: los primeros experimentos
En este trabajo hemos realizado una recopilación de los primeros dispositivos experimentales en el campo de la electrodinámica, ... |
Final Degree Project
Relatividad general con Matlab
El objetivo de este proyecto es la resolución numérica de las ecuaciones de las geodésicas características de distintos ... |
The Lorentz force on ions in membrane channels of neurons as a mechanism for transcranial static magnetic stimulation
(Taylor & Francis, 2020)
Transcranial static magnetic stimulation is a novel noninvasive method of reduction of the cortical excitability in certain ... |
Final Degree Project |
Final Degree Project
Propagación del sonido en un medio granular
En el siguiente trabajo se analiza la dependencia de la velocidad de propagación de ondas de ultrasonido en un medio ... |
Electroconvection in a dielectric liquid between two concentric half-cylinders with rigid walls: Linear and nonlinear analysis
(American Physical Society, 2018)
We study the linear stability and nonlinear behavior of the electroconvection between two concentric halfcylinders with ... |
Final Degree Project |
Final Degree Project |
Charge injection enhanced natural convection heat transfer in horizontal concentric annuli filled with a dielectric liquid
(Elsevier, 2016)
The natural convection heat transfer in a highly insulating liquid contained between two horizontal concentric cylinders ... |
Numerical evaluation of heat transfer enhancement due to annular electroconvection induced by injection in a dielectric liquid
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2016)
Two-dimensional numerical simulations are carried out to evaluate the enhancement of natural convection heat transfer in ... |
Modeling of conductive particle motion in viscous medium affected by an electric field considering particle-electrode interactions and microdischarge phenomenon
(American Institute of Physics, 2016)
Up and down motion of a spherical conductive particle in dielectric viscous fluid driven by a DC electric field between ... |
On two-dimensional finite amplitude electro-convection in a dielectric liquid induced by a strong unipolar injection
(Elsevier, 2015)
The hydrodynamic stability of a dielectric liquid subjected to strong unipolar injection is numerically investigated. We ... |
Dynamics of a levitron under a periodic magnetic forcing
(American Association of Physics Teachers, 2015)
The Levitron is a toy that consists of a spinning top that levitates over a magnetic base for a few minutes, until air ... |
Numerical Study of a Plane Poiseuille Channel Flow of a Dielectric Liquid Subjected to Unipolar Injection
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2015)
In this paper, the interaction between a plane Poiseuille channel flow and an electroconvective movement induced by the ... |
Complex flow patterns at the onset of annular electroconvection in a dielectric liquid subjected to an arbitrary unipolar injection
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2015)
We numerically investigated the annular electroconvection that takes place in a dielectric liquid lying between two ... |
The stability of a horizontal interface between air and an insulating liquid subjected to charge injection
(American Institute of Physics, 2014)
This paper presents the linear stability analysis of an interface between air and an insulating liquid subjected to a ... |
Finite amplitude electroconvection induced by strong unipolar injection between two coaxial cylinders
(AIP Publishing, 2014)
We perform a theoretical and numerical study of the Coulomb-driven electroconvection flow of a dielectric liquid between ... |
Electrohydrodynamic linear stability analysis of dielectric liquids subjected to unipolar injection in a rectangular enclosure with rigid sidewalls
(Cambridge University Press, 2014)
We investigate the linear stability threshold of a dielectric liquid subjected to unipolar injection in a 2D rectangular ... |
Onset of convection in a finite two-dimensional container due to unipolar injection of ions
(American Physical Society, 2013)
This work addresses the stability of a two-dimensional plane layer of a dielectric liquid enclosed in wall bounded cavities ... |
Two-dimensional numerical analysis of electroconvection in a dielectric liquid subjected to strong unipolar injection
(American Institute of Physics, 2012)
Two-dimensional numerical simulations are carried out to examine the problem of transient electroconvection stability of ... |
Measuring the speed of electromagnetic waves using the cross correlation function of broadband noise at the ends of a transmission line
(American Association of Physics Teachers, 2011)
When one end of a transmission line is connected to a broadband noise generator, sharp peaks are visible in the cross-correlation ... |
Dispositivo y método para la medida de la conductividad eléctrica de líquidos altamente aislantes
(Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas , 2009)
Dispositivo y método para la medida de la conductividad eléctrica de líquidos altamente aislantes.La presente invención ... |
Instability of an interface between air and a low conducting liquid subjected to charge injection
(American Institute of Physics, 2006)
We study the linear stability of an interface between air and a low conducting liquid in the presence of unipolar injection ... |
PhD Thesis
Dinámica no lineal de una bola conductora inmersa en un líquido dieléctrico sometida a un campo eléctrico
Dinámica y carga de una bola conductora que bota sobre un electrodo bajo efecto de un campo eléctrico estático. Dinámica ... |
Dynamics and deformation of a drop in a DC electric field
(IEEE Xplore, 2003)
We consider a single conducting drop in suspension in a poorly conducting liquid between two horizontal electrodes. When ... |
Perpendicular-field EHD instabilities visualized in a tip-plane configuration
(IEEE Xplore, 2002)
EHD interfacial instabilities can be induced by corona discharge from a tip electrode onto a liquid-air interface. The ... |
Instability in a non-ohmic/ohmic fluid interface under a perpendicular electric field and unipolar injection
(American Institute of Physics, 2002)
We set the equations for the linear electrohydrodynamic instability of an interface between two fluids, subjected to a ... |
PhD Thesis
Inestabilidades electrohidrodinámicas inducidas por efecto corona
La Tesis trata del estudio de la inestabilidad "Rosetón", observada en líquidos poco conductores sometidos a descargan ... |
Modeling the electrophoretic deposition of colloidal particles
(IOP Publishing Ltd., 2001)
This letter presents the results of numerical simulations of the buildup of a layer of colloidal particles on an electrode. ... |
An automated apparatus for measuring the tensile strength and compressibility of fine cohesive powders
(American Institute of Physics, 2000)
This paper describes an apparatus based on a novel use of a powder bed, whereby the relationship between consolidation ... |
Dynamics of EHD Laminar Plumes: scaling analysis and integral model
(AIP Publishing, 2000)
In this paper electrohydrodynamic (EHD) plumes are examined in the region far from the injecting electrode and the collector ... |
Flow Regimes in Fine Cohesive Powders
(American Physical Society, 1999)
Granular materials exhibit several regimes of behavior: plastic, inertial, fluidized, and entrained flow, but not all ... |
PhD Thesis
Dinámica y estabilidad de penachos electrohidrodinámicos
La Electrohidrodinámica es una rama de la electrodinámica de medios continuos que estudia el movimiento de fluidos ... |
The charged bouncing ball: An experimental model for period-doubling bifurcation
(IOP Publishing Ltd., 1997)
This paper presents an experimental and theoretical study of the dynamics of a conducting ball in a poorly conducting ... |
PhD Thesis |
Thermal and electrohydrodynamic plumes: a compartive study
(AIP Publishing, 1996)
This paper deals with self similar thermal and electrohydrodynamic (EHD) plumes. The former arises from hot lines or points, ... |
PhD Thesis
Contribución al estudio de la electroconvección inducida por inyección unipolar en presencia o no de gradiente térmico
El trabajo presentado consta de dos partes. En primer lugar se realiza el estudio teórico de la estabilidad lineal y no ... |