Author profile: Arroyo Marín, Juan
Institutional data
Name | Arroyo Marín, Juan |
Department | Biología Vegetal y Ecología |
Knowledge area | Botánica |
Professional category | Catedrático de Universidad |
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Publications |
Ecological correlates of population genetics in Linum suffruticosum, an heterostylous polyploid and taxonomic complex endemic to the Western Mediterranean Basin
(Oxford University Press, 2024)
Linum suffruticosum s.l. is a taxonomic complex widespread in the Western Mediterranean basin. The complex is characterized ... |
Genetic causes and genomic consequences of breakdown of distyly in linum trigynum
(Oxford University Press, 2024)
Distyly is an iconic floral polymorphism governed by a supergene, which promotes efficient pollen transfer and outcrossing ... |
Convergent evolutionary patterns of heterostyly across angiosperms support the pollination-precision hypothesis.
(Nature Publishing Group; Nature Portfolio, 2024)
Since the insights by Charles Darwin, heterostyly, a floral polymorphism with morphs bearing stigmas and anthers at ... |
A Trip Back Home: Resistance to Herbivores of Native and Non-Native Plant Populations of Datura stramonium
(MDPI, 2024)
When colonizing new ranges, plant populations may benefit from the absence of the checks imposed by the enemies, herbivores, ... |
Drivers of diversification in Linum (Linaceae) by means of chromosome evolution: correlations with biogeography, breeding system and habit.
(Oxford University Press, 2023)
Background and Aims Chromosome evolution leads to hybrid dysfunction and recombination patterns and has thus been proposed ... |
Ecological niches in the polyploid complex Linum suffruticosum s.l.
(Frontiers Media, 2023)
Introduction: The high frequency of polyploidy in the evolutionary history of many plant groups occurring in the Mediterranean ... |
PhD Thesis
Interactions, Heterogeneity, and the Determinants of Multispecies Coexistence
No living being is an island. Every creature needs resources from its environment to survive and thrive throughout its ... |
Dataset obtained for the preparation of the manuscript "Strong floral morphology conservatism during the rapid diversification of the genus Helianthemum" based on the analysis of 1122 flowers and 83 Helianthemum taxa
Premise: Divergence of floral morphology and breeding systems are often expected to be linked to angiosperm diversification ... |
Development of microsatellite markers for sister species Linum suffruticosum and Linum tenuifolium in their overlapping ranges
(Springer Nature, 2023)
Background: Microsatellite markers were developed for distylous Linum suffruticosum and tested in the monomorphic sister ... |
Strong Conservatism of Floral Morphology During the Rapid Diversification of the Genus Helianthemum
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2023)
Premise: Divergence of floral morphology and breeding systems are often expected to be linked to angiosperm diversification ... |
Master's Final Project
Range-wide population genetics of Linum Suffruticosum S. L., an heterostylous polyploid and taxonomic complex
Linum suffruticosum L. s.l. (Linaceae) is a taxonomic complex widespread in the western Mediterranean basin. It is ... |
Direct evidence supporting Darwin's hypothesis of cross-pollination promoted by sex organ reciprocity
(Wiley, 2022)
The floral phenotype plays a main role in the attraction and fit of pollinators. Both perianth traits and the positioning ... |
Genomic analyses of the Linum distyly supergene reveal convergent evolution at the molecular level
(Elsevier, 2022)
Supergenes govern multi-trait-balanced polymorphisms in a wide range of systems; however, our understanding of their origins ... |
Author Correction: WOODIV, a database of occurrences, functional traits, and phylogenetic data for all Euro-Mediterranean trees (Scientific Data, (2021), 8, 1, (89), 10.1038/s41597-021-00873-3)
(Springer Nature, 2021)
The original version of this Data Descriptor contained an error in the author affiliations. Marwan Cheikh Albassatneh was ... |
Isolation and Characterization of Microsatellites Markers in Centaurium Grandiflorum ssp. Boissieri
(Springer Nature, 2021)
Background: Estimating outcrossing/selfing rates and characterizing genetic diversity with microsatellite markers are ... |
WOODIV, a database of occurrences, functional traits, and phylogenetic data for all Euro-Mediterranean trees
(Springer Nature, 2021)
Trees play a key role in the structure and function of many ecosystems worldwide. In the Mediterranean Basin, forests cover ... |
Claves y tendencias en la investigación sobre América Latina: una perspectiva interdisciplinar (Observatorio IEAL sobre América Latina; 1)
(Universidad de Sevilla: Instituto Universitario de Estudios sobre América Latina (IEAL), 2021)
Origin and diversification of flax and their relationship with heterostyly across the range
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2021)
Aim: Understanding plant diversity and how different traits have shaped the current biodiversity setting across the world ... |
Polyploidy Expands the Range of Centaurium (Gentianaceae)
(Frontiers Media, 2021)
The Mediterranean region is one of the most important worldwide hotspots in terms of number of species and endemism, and ... |
Spatial patterns of genus-level phylogenetic endemism in the tree flora of Mediterranean Europe
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2021)
Aim: The Mediterranean Basin is a major hotspot of plant biodiversity, including forest trees. Over the past centuries, ... |
Phylogenetic diversity in the Iberian flora through the Cenozoic
(Elsevier, 2020)
Phylogenetic diversity reflects both community assembly and evolutionary diversification processes. Communities with low ... |
Biodiversity and ecosystem services in the Campo Rupestre: a road map for the sustainability of the hottest Brazilian biodiversity hotspot
(Associacao Brasileira de Ciencia Ecologica e Conservacao, 2020)
Global sustainability rests on a myriad of benefits provided by natural ecosystems that support human livelihoods and ... |
Acceptance and knowledge of evolutionary theory among third-year university students in Spain
(Public Library of Science, 2020)
The theory of evolution is one of the greatest scientific achievements in the intellectual history of humankind, yet it ... |
What is a tree in the mediterranean basin hotspot? A critical analysis
(Springer Nature, 2019)
Background: Tree species represent 20% of the vascular plant species worldwide and they play a crucial role in the global ... |
Genetic diversity and differentiation in narrow versus widespread taxa of Helianthemum (Cistaceae) in a hotspot: The role of geographic range, habitat, and reproductive traits
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2019)
Unraveling the relationships between ecological, functional traits and genetic diversity of narrow endemic plants provide ... |
Selection on tropane alkaloids in native and non‐native populations of Datura stramonium
(Wiley, 2019)
heories of plant invasion based on enemy release in a new range assume that selection exerted by specialist herbivores on ... |
Avoiding sexual interference: herkogamy and dichogamy in style dimorphic flowers of Narcissus broussonetii (Amaryllidaceae)
(Oxford University Press, 2019)
Spatial (herkogamy) or temporal (dichogamy) separation of sex organs are mechanisms considered to restrict self-pollination ... |
El papel de los polinizadores en la evolución floral: una perspectiva mediterránea
(Asociacion Espanola de Ecologia Terrestre, 2018)
Los polinizadores son un determinante clave en la evolución floral a escala global. En el ámbito mediterráneo, son muchos ... |
Changes in floral biology and inbreeding depression in native and invaded regions of Datura stramonium
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2018)
Plant populations invading new environments might compromise their fitness contribution to the next generation, because ... |
The function of the floral corona in the pollination of a Mediterranean style dimorphic daffodil
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2018)
Narcissus papyraceus is a style dimorphic species with two floral forms, with anthers at similar height and stigmas above ... |
Style polymorphism in Linum (Linaceae): a case of Mediterranean parallel evolution?
(Wiley, 2018)
•Heterostyly is a sex polymorphism that has challenged evolutionary biologists eversince Darwin. One of the lineages where ... |
PhD Thesis
Evolución y función de la heterostilia en el género Linum (Linaceae).
El género Linum L., que comprende alrededor de 180 especies (The Plant List 2013, Version 1. ... |
Chapter of Book
Desentrañando la historia y evolución en el principal «hotspot» de biodiversidad vegetal ibérica. Una aproximación multiescalar en el Parque Nacional de Sierra Nevada
(Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales (OAPN), 2017)
Dadas las amenazas actuales sobre la biodiversidad del planeta, es crítico desentrañar los mecanismos evolutivos responsables ... |
Article |
Associations between sex-organ deployment and morph bias in related heterostylous taxa with different stylar polymorphisms
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2017)
PREMISE OF THE STUDY: Populations of heterostylous species are characterized by two or three floral morphs with reciprocal ... |
Disassortative mating prevails in style-dimorphic Narcissus papyraceus despite low reciprocity and compatibility of morphs
(Society for the Study of Evolution, 2015)
Evolution to reduce inbreeding can favor disassortative (intermorph) over assortative (intramorph) mating in hermaphroditic ... |
Natural selection on plant resistance to herbivores in the native and introduced range
(Oxford University Press, 2015)
. When plants are introduced into new regions, the absence of their co-evolved natural enemies can result in lower levels ... |
PhD Thesis
Plant diversity patterns across scales in a Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot the interface between ecology and history in the Baetic-Rifan range
The evolutionary and ecological processes that shape species diversity shift as spatial and temporal scales change and ... |
PhD Thesis
Ecología evolutiva del polimorfismo estilar en narcissus papyraceus ker-gawl. (amaryllidaceae)
Narcissus papyraceus es un geófito del oeste del Mediterráneo que posee dimorfismo estilar, un polimorfismo similar a la ... |
A phylogenetic hypothesis for Helianthemum (Cistaceae) in the Iberian Peninsula
(Universidad Complutense: Servicio de Publicaciones, 2013)
We have sequenced the nuclear DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS1+5.8S+ITS2) from samples collected in the field belonging ... |
Disentangling environmental correlates of vascular plant biodiversity in a Mediterranean hotspot
(Wiley Open Access, 2013)
We determined the environmental correlates of vascular plant biodiversity in the Baetic-Rifan region, a plant biodiversity ... |
Morph ratio variation and sex organ reciprocity in style-dimorphic Narcissus assoanus
(University of Chicago, 2012)
The maintenance of floral polymorphisms depends on rates and efficiency of cross-pollination within and among mating types ... |
Contrasting heterozygosity-fitness correlations between populations of a self-compatible shrub in a fragmented landscape
(Springer Nature, 2012)
The mechanisms underlying heterozygosity-fitness correlations (HFCs) are subject of intense debates, especially about how ... |
Late Neogene history of the laurel tree (Laurus L., Lauraceae) based on phylogeographical analyses of Mediterranean and Macaronesian populations
(Blackwell Publishing, 2009)
Aim The post-glacial range dynamics of many European plant species have been widely investigated, but information rapidly ... |
Genetic structure and population differentiation of the Mediterranean pioneer spiny broom Calicotome villosa across the Strait of Gibraltar
(Blackwell Publishing, 2008)
The region around the Strait of Gibraltar is considered to be one of the most relevant 'hot spots' of biodiversity in the ... |
Chapter of Book
Procesos de limitación demográfica
(Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales, 2008)
Este capítulo ofrece una revisión de los factores que afectan a la regeneración natural de la vegetación, considerando la ... |
Structure et diversité de la strate arbustive des forêts de la péninsule tingitane (Maroc)
Structure et diversité de la strate arbustive des forêts de la Péninsule Tingitane (Maroc). Cette étude concerne les ... |
Pollination ecology and seed production of Rhododendron ponticum in native and exotic habitats
(Springer Nature, 2006)
Alien plants may be reproductively limited in exotic habitats because of a lack of mutualistic pollinators. However, if ... |
Refugios del ojaranzo en las sierras del sur de Cádiz
(América Ibérica, 2004)
PhD Thesis |
Diversidad florística en el interior de los canutos del Parque Natural los Alcornocales
(Instituto de Estudios Campogibraltareños, 2002)
Article |
Reclutamiento y persistencia de las poblaciones de Ojaranzo ("Rhododendron Ponticum" Subsp. "Baeticum") en el parque natural Los Alcornocales
(Mancomunidad de Municipios del Campo de Gibraltar, 2002)
PhD Thesis |
Article |
PhD Thesis
Ecología, biogeografía y diversidad de los brezales del Estrecho de Gibraltar
Los brezales sobre suelos ácidos son las comunidades leñosas dominantes en la Europa atlántica. También pueden encontrarse, ... |
PhD Thesis |
Ritmos climáticos y de floración en matorrales del SW de España
(Universidad de Sevilla, 1990)
Atributos florales y fenología de la floración en matorrales del sur de España
(Universidad de Sevilla, 1988)
Estudio de la flora apícola de Andalucia Occidental
(Universidad de Sevilla, 1988)
Polinización y arquitectura floral en ericaceae de Andalucía occidental
(Universidad de Sevilla: Departamento de Botánica, 1988)
Se estudian características florales y, en general, reproductivas, en diez especies de Ericaceae de Andalucía Occidental ... |
Notas taxonómicas y corológicas para la flora de Andalucía Occidental. Tordylium Apulum l.
(Universidad de Sevilla, 1986)
Article |
PhD Thesis
Fenología de la floración en matorrales de Andalucía Occidental
De todas las manifestaciones vitales de los vegetales superiores la floración ha sido, sin duda, la que mayor interés ha ... |
Article |