NombreArmario Sampalo, José Andrés
DepartamentoMatemática Aplicada I
Área de conocimientoMatemática Aplicada
Categoría profesionalProfesor Titular de Universidad
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Un nuevo esquema de autenticación gráfica basado en cuadrados latinos

Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel; Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; González Regadera, Manuel; Gudiel Rodríguez, Félix; Güemes Alzaga, María Belén; Varela Vaca, Ángel Jesús; Ceballos Guerrero, Rafael; Reina Quintero, Antonia María (Universidad de Sevilla. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática, 2024)
En contraposición a las contraseñas alfanuméricas, los esquemas de autenticación gráfica presentan un entorno amigable más ...

Generalized partially bent functions, generalized perfect arrays, and cocyclic Butson matrices

Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Egan, Ronan; Flannery, D. L. (Springer, 2023)
In a recent survey, Schmidt compiled equivalences between generalized bent functions, group invariant Butson Hadamard ...

A computational approach to analyze the Hadamard quasigroup product

Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel; Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Gudiel Rodríguez, Félix; Güemes Alzaga, María Belén (American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS), 2023)
Based on the binary product described by any Latin square, the Hadamard quasigroup product is introduced in this paper as ...
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Funciones Bent en Criptografía

García Zambrano, Álvaro; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés (2023)
In this project a certain class of Boolean function is introduced, the so called bent function. Since our approach is ...

Boolean Functions and Permanents of Sylvester Hadamard Matrices

Armario Sampalo, José Andrés (MDPI, 2021)
One of the fastest known general techniques for computing permanents is Ryser’s formula. On this note, we show that this ...

Generalized Hadamard full propelinear codes

Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Bailera, Iván; Egan, Ronan (Springer, 2021)
Codes from generalized Hadamard matrices have already been introduced. Here we deal with these codes when the generalized ...

Hadamard Matrices with Cocyclic Core

Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Gudiel Rodríguez, Félix; Güemes Alzaga, María Belén; Osuna Lucena, Amparo (MDPI, 2021)
Since Horadam and de Launey introduced the cocyclic framework on combinatorial designs in the 1990s, it has revealed itself ...

On Cocyclic Hadamard Matrices over Goethals-Seidel Loops

Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel; Frau García, María Dolores; Gudiel Rodríguez, Félix; Güemes Alzaga, María Belén; Osuna Lucena, Amparo (MDPI, 2020)
About twenty-five years ago, Horadam and de Launey introduced the cocyclic development of designs, from which the notion ...

Quasi-orthogonal cocycles, optimal sequences and a conjecture of Littlewood

Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Flannery, D. L. (Springer, 2020)
A quasi-orthogonal cocycle, defined over a group of order congruent to 2 modulo 4, is naturally analogous to an orthogonal ...

Butson full propelinear codes

Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Bailera, Iván; Egan, Ronan (Cornell University, 2020)
In this paper we study Butson Hadamard matrices, and codes over finite rings coming from these matrices in logarithmic ...

Almost supplementary difference sets and quaternary sequences with optimal autocorrelation

Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Flannery, D. L. (Springer, 2020)
We introduce almost supplementary difference sets (ASDS). For odd m, certain ASDS in Zm that have amicable incidence ...

Generating binary partial Hadamard matrices

Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel; Frau García, María Dolores; Gudiel Rodríguez, Félix; Güemes Alzaga, María Belén; Osuna Lucena, Amparo (Elsevier, 2019)
This paper deals with partial binary Hadamard matrices. Although there is a fast simple way to generate about a half (which ...

Generalized binary arrays from quasi-orthogonal cocycles

Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Flannery, D. L. (Springer, 2019)
Generalized perfect binary arrays (GPBAs) were used by Jedwab to construct perfect binary arrays. A non-trivial GPBA can ...

A Mixed Heuristic for Generating Cocyclic Hadamard Matrices

Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel; Frau García, María Dolores; Gudiel Rodríguez, Félix; Güemes Alzaga, María Belén; Osuna Lucena, Amparo (Springer, 2018)
A way of generating cocyclic Hadamard matrices is described, which combines a new heuristic, coming from a novel notion ...

GA Based Robust Blind Digital Watermarking

Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Gudiel Rodríguez, Félix; Güemes Alzaga, María Belén; Martín García, Elena; Osuna Lucena, Amparo (Elsevier, 2018)
A genetic algorithm based robust blind digital watermarking scheme is presented. The experimental results show that our ...

Gröbner bases and cocyclic Hadamard matrices

Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel; Frau García, María Dolores; Gudiel Rodríguez, Félix (Elsevier, 2018)
Hadamard ideals were introduced in 2006 as a set of nonlin-ear polynomial equations whose zeros are uniquely related ...

Quasi-Hadamard Full Propelinear Codes

Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Bailera, Iván; Borges, Joachim; Rifá, Josep (Springer, 2018)
In this paper, we give a characterization of quasi-Hadamard groups in terms of propelinear codes. We define a new class ...

Gröbner bases and cocyclic Hadamard matrices

Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel; Frau García, María Dolores; Gudiel Rodríguez, Félix (2017)

Generating partial Hadamard matrices as solutions to a Constraint Satisfaction Problem characterizing cliques

Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel; Frau García, María Dolores; Gudiel Rodríguez, Félix; Güemes Alzaga, María Belén; Osuna Lucena, Amparo (2017)
A procedure is described looking for partial Hadamard matrices, as cliques of a particular subgraph Gt of Ito’s Hadamard ...

On quasi-orthogonal cocycles

Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Flannery, D. L. (Wiley, 2017)
We introduce the notion of quasi-orthogonal cocycle. This is motivated in part by the maximal determinant problem for ...

On the Smith normal form of skew E-W matrices

Armario Sampalo, José Andrés (Taylor and Francis, 2017)

(Pseudo)-cocyclic (structured) Hadamard matrices over (quasi)groups

Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel; Frau García, María Dolores; Gudiel Rodríguez, Félix; Güemes Alzaga, María Belén; Kotsireas, Ilias (2017)
Progressing on a survey of the state of the art of cocyclic constructions for Hadamard matrices, we will prove that the ...

On D4t-Cocyclic Hadamard Matrices

Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Gudiel Rodríguez, Félix; Güemes Alzaga, María Belén; Osuna Lucena, Amparo (Wiley, 2016)
In this paper, we describe some necessary and sufficient conditions for a set of coboundaries to yield a cocyclic Hadamard ...

On Skew E–W Matrices

Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores (Wiley, 2016)
An E–W matrix M is a ( − 1, 1)-matrix of order urn:x-wiley:10638539:media:jcd21519:jcd21519-math-0001, where t is a positive ...

Determinants of (–1,1)-matrices of the skew-symmetric type: a cocyclic approach

Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Gudiel Rodríguez, Félix (Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2015)
An n by n skew-symmetric type (−1, 1)-matrix K = [ki,j ] has 1’s on the main diagonal and ±1’s elsewhere with ki,j = −kj,i. ...

On higher dimensional cocyclic Hadamard matrices

Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Real Jurado, Pedro (2015)
Provided that a cohomological model for G is known, we describe a method for constructing a basis for n-cocycles over G, ...

On (−1, 1)-Matrices of Skew Type with the Maximal Determinant and Tournaments

Armario Sampalo, José Andrés (Springer, 2014)
Skew Hadamard matrices of order n give the solution to the question of finding the largest possible n by n determinant ...

Self-Dual codes from (−1,1)-matrices of skew symmetric type

Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores (Cornell University, 2013)
Previously, self-dual codes have been constructed from weighing matrices, and in particular from conference matrices (skew ...

On permanents of Sylvester Hadamard matrices

Armario Sampalo, José Andrés (Cornell University, 2013)
It is well-known that the evaluation of the permanent of an arbitrary (−1, 1)- matrix is a formidable problem. Ryser’s ...

Embedding cocylic D-optimal designs in cocylic Hadamard matrices

Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Gudiel Rodríguez, Félix (International Linear Algebra Society, 2012)
A method for embedding cocyclic submatrices with “large” determinants of orders 2t in certain cocyclic Hadamard matrices ...

Project Estimation with NDT

Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Gutiérrez Rodríguez, Javier Jesús; Alba Ortega, Manuel; García García, Julián Alberto; Vitorio, J.; Escalona Cuaresma, María José (ScitePress Digital Library, 2012)
Software Project Estimation is one of the most critical and complex task for a Project manager. Several techniques, tools ...

Homological models for semidirect products of finitely generated Abelian groups

Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Frau García, María Dolores; Real Jurado, Pedro; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés (2012)
Let G be a semidirect product of finitely generated Abelian groups. We provide a method for constructing an explicit ...

The maximal determinant of cocyclic (−1, 1)-matrices over D2t

Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Gudiel Rodríguez, Félix (Elsevier, 2012)
Cocyclic construction has been successfully used for Hadamard matrices of order n. These -matrices satisfy that and give ...

On an inequivalence criterion for cocyclic Hadamard matrices

Armario Sampalo, José Andrés (Springer, 2010)
Given two Hadamard matrices of the same order, it can be quite difficult to decide whether or not they are equivalent. ...

Searching for partial Hadamard matrices

Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Gudiel Rodríguez, Félix; Güemes Alzaga, María Belén; Martín García, Elena; Osuna Lucena, Amparo (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2010)
Three algorithms looking for pretty large partial Hadamard ma- trices are described. Here “large” means that hopefully ...

Cartan's contructions and the twisted Eilenberg-Zilber theorem

Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Real Jurado, Pedro (De Gruyter, 2010)

ACS Searching for D4t-Hadamard Matrices

Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Gudiel Rodríguez, Félix; Güemes Alzaga, María Belén; Martín García, Elena; Osuna Lucena, Amparo (Springer, 2010)
An Ant Colony System (ACS) looking for cocyclic Hadamard matrices over dihedral groups D4t is described. The underlying ...

Algebra Structures on the Comparison of the Reduced Bar Construction and the Reduced W-Construction

Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Real Jurado, Pedro (Taylor and Francis, 2009)
For a simplicial augmented algebra K, Eilenberg–Mac Lane constructed a chain map . They proved that g is a reduction ...

The homological reduction method for computing cocyclic Hadamard matrices

Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Real Jurado, Pedro (2009)
An alternate method for constructing (Hadamard) cocyclic matrices over a finite group GG is described. Provided that a ...

Rooted Trees Searching for Cocyclic Hadamard Matrices over D4t

Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Gudiel Rodríguez, Félix; Osuna Lucena, Amparo (Springer, 2009)
A new reduction on the size of the search space for cocyclic Hadamard matrices over dihedral groups D4t is described, in ...

A System of Equations for Describing Cocyclic Hadamard Matrices

Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Real Jurado, Pedro (Wiley, 2008)
Given a basis equation image for 2-cocycles equation image over a group G of order equation image, we describe a nonlinear ...

Error correcting codes from quasi-Hadamard matrices

Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Martín García, Elena; Osuna Lucena, Amparo (Springer, 2007)
Levenshtein described in [5] a method for constructing error correcting codes which meet the Plotkin bounds, provided ...

Algebra Structures on the Twisted Eilenberg–Zilber Theorem

Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Real Jurado, Pedro (Taylor and Francis, 2007)
Let G, G′, and G ×τ G′ be three simplicial groups (not necessarily abelian) and C N (G) ⊗ t C N (G′) be the “twisted” ...
Capítulo de Libro

A Mathematica Notebook for Computing the Homology of Iterated Products of Groups

Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Real Jurado, Pedro (2006)
Let G be a group which admits the structure of an iterated product of central extensions and semidirect products of abelian ...
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A genetic algorithm for cocyclic hadamard matrices

Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Real Jurado, Pedro (2006)
A genetic algorithm for finding cocyclic Hadamard matrices is described. Though we focus on the case of dihedral groups, ...
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Calculating cocyclic hadamard matrices in Mathematica: exhaustive and heuristic searches

Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Real Jurado, Pedro (2006)
We describe a notebook in Mathematica which, taking as input data a homological model for a finite group G of order |G| = ...
Capítulo de Libro

Comparison maps for relatively free resolutions

Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Real Jurado, Pedro (2006)
Let Λ be a commutative ring, A an augmented differential graded algebra over Λ (briefly, DGA-algebra) and X be a relatively ...

Transferring TTP-structures via contraction

Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Real Jurado, Pedro (2005)

Algorithms in Algebraic Topology and Homological Algebra: Problem of Complexity

Real Jurado, Pedro; Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; González Díaz, Rocío (Springer, 2002)
This review tackles the problem of the high computational complexity lying in most algorithms in algebraic topology and ...

Matrices cocíclicas de Hadamard sobre productos semidirectos

Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Real Jurado, Pedro (Alberto Márquez, 2002)
Capítulo de Libro

An algorithm for computing cocyclic matrices developed over some semidirect products

Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Real Jurado, Pedro; Álvarez Solano, Víctor (2001)
An algorithm for calculating a set ofgenerators ofrepresentative 2-cocycles on semidirect product offinite abelian groups ...

El Proyecto CHATA

Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; González Díaz, Rocío; Jiménez Rodríguez, María José; Real Jurado, Pedro; Silva Gallardo, Beatriz (Universidad de Sevilla, 2001)
En este art´ıculo, se pretende dar una visi´on general y lo m´as divulgativa posible sobre los prop´ositos y objetivos del ...

Computing “Small” 1–Homological Models for Commutative Differential Graded Algebras

Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; González Díaz, Rocío; Jiménez Rodríguez, María José; Real Jurado, Pedro; Silva Gallardo, Beatriz (Springer, 2000)
We use homological perturbation machinery specific for the algebra category [13] to give an algorithm for computing the ...

On p-minimal homological models of twisted tensor products of elementary complexes localised over a prime

Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Real Jurado, Pedro; Silva Gallardo, Beatriz (American Mathematical Society, 1999)
In this paper, working over Z(p) and using algebra perturbation results from [18], p-minimal homological models of twisted ...

An algorithm for computing the first homology groups of CDGAs with linear differential

Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Real Jurado, Pedro; Silva Gallardo, Beatriz (Research Institute for Symbolic Computation, 1999)
We design here a primary platform for computing the basic homological information of Commutative Differential Graded ...
Tesis Doctoral

Estructuras multiplicativas y homología de fibrados

Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Real Jurado, Pedro (1999)
Como es bien conocido, los principales mecanismos algebraicos para obtener información homológica de los espacios fibrados ...

On the computability of the p-local homology of twisted cartesian products of Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces

Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Real Jurado, Pedro (Universidade do Minho, 1997)
Working in the framework of the Simplicial Topology, a method for calculating the p-local homology of a twisted cartesian ...

Homological perturbation theory and computability of Hochschild and cyclic homologies of CDGAs

Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Real Jurado, Pedro; Silva Gallardo, Beatriz (Diffiety Institute of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, 1997)
We establish an algorithm computing the homology of commutative differential graded algebras (briefly, CDGAs). The main ...