Author profile: Langa Rosado, José Antonio
Institutional data
Name | Langa Rosado, José Antonio |
Department | Ecuaciones Diferenciales y Análisis Numérico |
Knowledge area | Análisis Matemático |
Professional category | Catedrático de Universidad |
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Publications |
Forwards Attractor Structures in a Planar Cooperative Non-autonomous Lotka–Volterra System
(Springer, 2024)
The global attractor of a dissipative dynamical system provides the necessary information to understand the asymptotic ... |
PhD Thesis
Characterization of attractors for non-autonomous dynamical systems: Applications to non-dissipative case and ecological models
Esta tesis está dedicada a la exploración de atractores para sistema dinámicos. Nuestro análisis sigue dos enfoques ... |
Final Degree Project |
Final Degree Project
Ecología matemática: Dinámica estructural en el modelo Lotka-Volterra
This work studies the dynamic of mutualistic ecosystems via Lotka-Volterra model. After exploring the existence and ... |
Master's Final Project
Estabilidad estructural y efectos indirectos en Ecología Matemática
In population dynamics, structural stability measures the ability of an ecosystem to maintain biodiversity under perturbations ... |
PhD Thesis
Robustness of nonuniform and random exponential dichotomies with applications to differential equations
In this thesis, we study hyperbolicity for deterministic and random nonautonomous dynamical systems and their applications ... |
Model transform and local parameters. Application to instantaneous attractors
(Elsevier, 2022)
The model transform fits exactly the parameters of a suitable model to empirical or simulated data in each point in time ... |
What lies underneath: Precise classification of brain states using time-dependent topological structure of dynamics
(PLOS, 2022)
The self-organising global dynamics underlying brain states emerge from complex recursive nonlinear interactions between ... |
Global structural stability and the role of cooperation in mutualistic systems
(Public Library of Science (Plos), 2022)
Dynamical systems on graphs allow to describe multiple phenomena from different areas of Science. In particular, many ... |
Continuity and topological structural stability for nonautonomous random attractors
(World scientific, 2021)
In this work, we study the continuity and topological structural stability of attractors for nonautonomous random differential ... |
Capturing the non-stationarity of whole-brain dynamics underlying human brain states
(Elsevier, 2021)
Brain dynamics depicts an extremely complex energy landscape that changes over time, and its characterisation is a central ... |
PhD Thesis
Finite-dimensionality of attractors for dynamicl systems wigh applications: deterministic and random settings
In this work we obtain estimates on the fractal dimension of attractors in three different settings: global attractors ... |
Finite-Dimensionality of Tempered Random Uniform Attractors
(Springer New York, 2021)
Finite-dimensional attractors play an important role in finite-dimensional reduction of PDEs in mathematical modelization ... |
The effect of a small bounded noise on the hyperbolicity for autonomous semilinear differential equations
(ScienceDirect, 2021)
In this work, we study permanence of hyperbolicity for autonomous differential equations under nonautonomous random/stochastic ... |
PhD Thesis
Dynamical systems applied to consciousness and brain rhythms in a neural network
This thesis applies the great advances of modern dynamical systems theory (DST) to consciousness. Consciousness, or ... |
Final Degree Project
Introducción a la Modelización Matemática Ecológica
This work deals with the study of the global stability of the system Lokta-Volterra. We focus on the analysis of the global ... |
Extremal bounded complete trajectories for nonautonomous reaction-diffusion equations with discontinuous forcing term
(Springer, 2020)
In this paper we establish a strong comparison principle for a nonautonomous differential inclusion with a forcing term ... |
Master's Final Project
Dinámica de redes mutualistas en redes complejas: una aproximación desde las EDOS
The aim of this project is to study generalized Lotka-Volterra systems applied in ecology. This work is divided in five ... |
Informational structures and informational fields as a prototype for the description of postulates of the integrated information theory
(MDPI, 2019)
Informational Structures (IS) and Informational Fields (IF) have been recently introduced to deal with a continuous dynamical ... |
Global and cocycle attractors for non-autonomous reaction-diffusion equations. The case of null upper Lyapunov exponent
(Elsevier, 2018)
In this paper we obtain a detailed description of the global and cocycle attractors for the skew-product semiflows induced ... |
Informational structures: A dynamical system approach for integrated information
(Public Library of Science, 2018)
Integrated Information Theory (IIT) has become nowadays the most sensible general theory of consciousness. In addition to ... |
Final Degree Project
Análisis cualitativo de sistemas de ecuaciones diferenciales: aplicaciones a modelos de Lotka-Volterra n-dimensionales
This work shows The Lotka-Volterra systems like a continuation of the diferential equations studies we have seen in the ... |
Final Degree Project
Sistemas dinámicos. Aplicaciones a las redes complejas
This work is framed within the field of Dynamical System and their applicaitons to complex networks. In this text we ... |
PhD Thesis
Dinámica de redes mutualistas en ecosistemas complejos
El objetivo principal de este trabajo es el análisis matemático de sistemas de ecuaciones diferenciales que modelan redes ... |
PhD Thesis
On cocycle and uniform attractors for multi-valued and random non-autonomous dynamical systems
En esta tesis estudiamos el comportamiento a largo plazo de sistemas dinámicos multivaluados y aleatorios en términos de ... |
Final Degree Project
Ecuaciones diferenciales con retardo: Aplicación a un modelo de quimiostato
In this work we will study the theory of dynamical systems with application to a chemostat. Starting with the autonomous ... |
Final Degree Project
Sistemas dinámicos no autónomos
This work shows the attractors theory like a continuation of the differential equations studies we have seen in the subjects ... |
Pullback, forward and chaotic dynamics in 1-D non-autonomous linear-dissipative equations
(IOP Publishing, 2017)
The global attractor of a skew product semiflow for a non-autonomous differential equation describes the asymptotic behaviour ... |
Equi-attraction and continuity of attractors for skew-product semiflows
(American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2016)
In this paper we prove the equivalence between equi-attraction and continuity of attractors for skew-product semi-flows, ... |
Structure of the pullback attractor for a non-autonomous scalar differential inclusion
(American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2016)
The structure of attractors for differential equations is one of the main topics in the qualitative theory of dynamical ... |
Regularity and structure of pullback attractors for reaction-diffusion type systems without uniqueness
(Elsevier, 2016)
In this paper, we study the pullback attractor for a general reaction-diffusion system for which the uniqueness of solutions ... |
Final Degree Project
Ecuación de reacción-difusión. Existencia, unicidad y comportamiento asintótico
In this work, the theory of global attractors for parabolics PDEs is studied. We focus on the reaction-diffusion equations ... |
Final Degree Project
Dinámica global de sistemas mutualistas
This work is framed within the field of Dynamical Systems and we aim to continue the study of the stability of dynamical ... |
Estabilidad estructural topologica sobre espacios proyectados
(Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, 2016)
En este trabajo estudiamos la estabilidad estructural topológica para una familia de semigrupos no lineales Th(·) sobre espacios de Banach Xh dependiendo de un parámetro h. |
Chapter of Book
Attracting complex networks
(Springer, 2016)
Real phenomena from different areas of Life Sciences can be described by complex networks, whose structure is usually ... |
Morse decomposition of global attractors with infinite components
In this paper we describe some dynamical properties of a Morse decomposition with a countable number of sets. In particular, ... |
Biodiversity and vulnerability in a 3D mutualistic system
(American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2014)
In this paper we study a three dimensional mutualistic model of two plants in competition and a pollinator with cooperative ... |
PhD Thesis
Caracterización de los atractores en sistemas dinámicos no autónomos
El estudio de los sistemas dinámicos es de gran importancia, ya que están relacionados con fenómenos del mundo real. Los ... |
Random attractors for stochastic 2D-Navier-Stokes equations in some unbounded domains
We show that the stochastic flow generated by the 2-dimensional Stochastic Navier-Stokes equations with rough noise on a ... |
Non-autonomous morse-decomposition and Lyapunov functions for gradient-like processes
We define (time dependent) Morse-decompositions for non-autonomous evolution processes (non-autonomous dynamical systems) ... |
Skew Product Semiflows and Morse Decomposition
This paper is devoted to the investigation of the dynamics of non-autonomous differential equations. The description of ... |
Gradient Infinite-Dimensional Random Dynamical Systems
In this paper we introduce the concept of a gradient random dynamical system as a random semiflow possessing a continuous ... |
An Estimate On the Fractal Dimension of Attractors of Gradient-Like Dynamical Systems
This paper is dedicated to estimate the fractal dimension of exponential global attractors of some generalized gradient-like ... |
Continuity of Lyapunov Functions and of Energy Level for a Generalized Gradient Semigroup
The global attractor of a gradient-like semigroup has a Morse decomposition. Associated to this Morse decomposition there ... |
A Non-Autonomous Strongly Damped Wave Equation: Existence and Continuity of the Pullback Attractor
In this paper we consider the strongly damped wave equation with time dependent terms utt − u − γ(t) ut + β"(t)ut = f(u), ... |
Stability of Gradient Semigroups Under Perturbations
In this paper we prove that gradient-like semigroups (in the sense of Carvalho and Langa (2009 J. Diff. Eqns 246 2646–68)) ... |
PhD Thesis
Atractores pullback existencia y estructura para una ecuación de ondas con amortiguamiento no autónomo
Este trabajo está dividido en dos partes. Una primera en la que se trata la parte teórica de los sistemas dinámicos autónomos ... |
Finite-dimensional global attractors in Banach spaces
(Elsevier, 2010)
We provide bounds on the upper box-counting dimension of negatively invariant subsets of Banach spaces, a problem that is ... |
On the long time behavior of non-autonomous Lotka–Volterra models with diffusion via the sub-supertrajectory method
(Elsevier, 2010)
In this paper we study in detail the geometrical structure of global pullback and forwards attractors associated to ... |
The sub-supertrajectory method. Application to the nonautonomous competition Lotka-Volterra model
(Sociedad Española de Matemática Aplicada, 2010)
In this paper we study in detail the pullback and forwards attractions to non-autonomous competition Lotka-Volterra system. ... |
Existence of Pullback Attractors for Pullback Asymptotically Compact Processes
This paper is concerned with the existence of pullback attractors for evolution processes. Our aim is to provide results ... |
A gradient-like non autonomous evolution process
In this paper we consider a dissipative damped wave equation with non-autonomous damping of the form utt + ¯(t)ut = ¢u + ... |
Permanence and asymptotically stable complete trajectories for nonautonomous Lotka-Volterra models with diffusion
(Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2009)
Lotka-Volterra systems are the canonical ecological models used to analyze population dynamics of competition, symbiosis ... |
Stabilisation of differential inclusions and PDEs without uniqueness by noise
We prove that the asymptotic behaviour of partial differential inclusions and partial differential equations without ... |
Characterization of non-autonomous attractors of a perturbed infinite-dimensional gradient system
(Elsevier, 2007)
In this paper we determine the exact structure of the pullback attractors in non-autonomous problems that are perturbations ... |
The stability of attractors for non-autonomous perturbations of gradient-like systems
(Elsevier, 2007)
We study the stability of attractors under non-autonomous perturbations that are uniformly small in time. While in general ... |
Flattening, squeezing and the existence of random attractors
(Royal Society, 2007)
The study of qualitative properties of random and stochastic differential equations is now one of the most active fields ... |
Existence and nonexistence of unbounded forward attractor for a class of non-autonomous reaction diffusion equations
(American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2007)
The goal of this work is to study the forward dynamics of positive solutions for the nonautonomous logistic equation ut − ... |
Bifurcations in non-autonomous scalar equations
(Elsevier, 2006)
In a previous paper we introduced various definitions of stability and instability for non-autonomous differential equations, ... |
The effect of noise on the chafee-infante equation: a nonlinear case study
We investigate the effect of perturbing the Chafee-Infante scalar reaction diffusion equation, ut−Δu = βu−u3, by noise. ... |
Comparison of the long-time behaviour of linear Ito and Stratonovich partial differential equations
In this paper, we point out the different long-time behaviour of stochastic partial differential equations when one considers ... |
Bifurcation from zero of a complete trajectory for non-autonomous logistic PDEs
(World Scientific Publishing, 2005)
In this paper we extend the well-known bifurcation theory for autonomous logistic equations to the non-autonomous equation ut ... |
Asymptotic Behaviour of Monotone Multi-Valued Dynamical Systems
We introduce the concept of a monotone multi-valued semi- ow as an order-preserving map. This de nition is motivated by ... |
Existence of invariant manifolds for coupled parabolic and hyperbolic stochastic partial differential equations
An abstract system of coupled nonlinear parabolic-hyperbolic partial differential equations subjected to additive white ... |
Addendum To "Global Attractors for Multivalued Random Dynamical Systems'' [Nonlinear Analysis 48(2002) 805-829]
The aim of this note is to clarify a misleading statement which appeared in our fi rst paper dealing with the concept of global random attractor for multivalued random dynamical systems, as well as in the subsequent work |
Semimartingale attractors for Allen-Cahn SPDEs driven by space-time white noise I: existence and finite dimensional asymptotic behavior
(World Scientific, 2004)
We delve deeper into the study of semimartingale attractors that we recently introduced in Allouba and Langa [4] H. Allouba ... |
Existence and regularity of the pressure for the stochastic Navier-Stokes equations
(Springer, 2003)
We prove, on one hand, that for a convenient body force with values in the distribution space (H−1(D))d, where D is the ... |
Forwards and pullback behaviour of a non-autonomous Lotka-Volterra system
(IOPscience, 2003)
Lotka-Volterra systems have been extensively studied by many authors, both in the autonomous and non-autonomous cases. In ... |
Pullback permanence in a non-autonomous competitive Lotka-Volterra model
(Elsevier, 2003)
The goal of this work is to study in some detail the asymptotic behaviour of a non-autonomous Lotka-Volterra model, both ... |
The dimension of attractors of nonautonomous partial differential equations
The concept of nonautonomous (or cocycle) attractor has become a proper tool for the study of the asymptotic behaviour of ... |
On the relationship between solutions of stochastic and random differential inclusions
Some results on the relationship of the solutions of a stochastic di erential inclusion and the corresponding random di ... |
Pullback attractors of nonautonomous and stochastic multivalued dynamical systems
In this paper we study the existence of pullback global attractors for multivalued processes generated by differential ... |
Stability, instability, and bifurcation phenomena in non-autonomous differential equations
(IOPscience, 2002)
There is a vast body of literature devoted to the study of bifurcation phenomena in autonomous systems of differential ... |
Sistemas dinámicos estocásticos no autónomos y sistemas multivaluados
(Sociedad Española de Matemática Aplicada, 2002)
Uno de los conceptos más importantes para la descripción del comportamiento asintótico de ecuaciones en derivadas parciales ... |
The Exponential Behaviour and Stabilizability of Stochastic 2D-Navier-Stokes Equations
Some results on the pathwise exponential stability of the weak solutions to a stochastic 2D-Navier-Stokes equation are ... |
Global Attractors for Multivalued Random Dynamical Systems
We introduce the concept of multivalued random dynamical system (MRDS) as a measurable multivalued flow satisfying the ... |
Article |
Approximation of attractors for multivalued random dynamical systems
(Masaryk University, 2001)
The concept of global attractor for stochastic partial differential inclusions has been recently introduced as a joint ... |
Global attractors for multivalued random dynamical systems generated by random differential inclusions with multiplicative noise
In this paper we consider a stochastic differential inclusion with multiplicative noise. It is shown that it generates a multivalued random dynamical system for which there also exists a global random attractor. |
Attractors for differential equations with variable delays
Using the relatively new concept of a pullback attractor, we present some results on the existence of attractors for differential equations with variable delay. We give a variety of examples to which our result applies. |
A Stochastic Pitchfork Bifurcation in a Reaction-Diffusion Equation
We study in some detail the structure of the random attractor for the Chafee{Infante reaction{di¬usion equation perturbed ... |
Global attractors for multivalued random semiflows generated by random differential inclusions with additive noise
We introduce the concept of multivalued random dynamical system (MRDS) as a measurable multivalued flow satisfying the ... |
Stability and random attractors for a reaction-diffusion equation with multiplicative noise
We study the asymptotic behaviour of a reaction-diffusion equation, and prove that the addition of multiplicative white ... |
Determining asymptotic behavior from the dynamics on attracting sets
(Springer, 1999)
Two tracking properties for trajectories on attracting sets are studied. We prove that trajectories on the full phase space ... |
Tracking Properties of Trajectories On Random Attracting Sets
The theory of random attracting sets highlights interesting properties of the asymptotic behaviour of some stochastic ... |
Upper Semicontinuity of Attractors for Small Random Perturbations of Dynamical Systems
The relationship between random attractors and global attractors for dynamical systems is studied. If a partial differential ... |
PhD Thesis
Atractores y comportamiento finito-dimensional en sistemas dinámicos aleatorios
"En el Capítulo 1, presentamos una síntesis de los resultados básicos sobre atractores globales que pueden encontrarse en ... |