NombreArenas Moreno, Alicia
DepartamentoPsicología Social
Área de conocimientoPsicología Social
Categoría profesionalProfesora Titular de Universidad
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Tesis Doctoral

Inclusion of sexual and gender diversity: organizational, interpersonal, and individual dynamics involved

López Corlett, Sara; Arenas Moreno, Alicia; Di Marco, Donatella; Munduate Jaca, María Lourdes (2023)
Organizations have increased their efforts to manage sexual and gender diversity in recent years. However, sexual and ...

“To be, or not be… satisfied in NPOs”: a serial multiple mediation and clustering analysis of paid staff and volunteers' profiles

López Cabrera, Rocío; Medina Díaz, Francisco José; Euwema, Martin; Arenas Moreno, Alicia (Frontiers Media, 2023)
Introduction: Non-profit organizations (NPOs) are a complex working context whose main characteristic resides in the ...

Effectiveness of an eHealth intervention to improve subjective well-being and self-efficacy in cardiovascular disaease patients: A pilot non-randomized controlled trial

Farhane-Medina, Naima Z.; Castillo Mayén, Rosario; Tabernero Urbieta, Carmen; Rubio, Sebastián Jesús; Gutiérrez Domingo, Tamara; Cuadrado, Esther; Arenas Moreno, Alicia; Luque, Bárbara (Wiley Open Access, 2023)
Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of a multicomponent, eHealth-based self-efficacy intervention to promote subjective ...

Error orientation in a decision-making simulation program: differences between promotion vs. prevention focus

Arenas Moreno, Alicia; Briones Pérez, Elena; Tabernero Urbieta, Carmen (Frontiers Media, 2023)
Changing situations develop work environments where workers must generate strategies to learn and persist from continuous ...

Development and Validation of the COVID-19 Worries and Fears Scale

Cuadrado, Esther; Arenas Moreno, Alicia; Moyano Pacheco, Manuel; La Gamma, Martina (Frontiers Media, 2023)
Objectives: How individuals perceive the risk of COVID-19 influences their mental health and protective behaviors. Therefore, ...

A brief mHealth-based psychological intervention in emotion regulation to promote positive subjective well-being in cardiovascular disease patients: A non-randomized controlled trial

Farhane-Medina, Naima Z.; Castillo Mayén, Rosario; Luque Salas, Bárbara; Rubio, Sebastián Jesús; Gutiérrez Domingo, Tamara; Cuadrado, Esther; Arenas Moreno, Alicia; Tabernero Urbieta, Carmen (MDPI, 2022)
The emotional impact that a cardiovascular disease may have on a person’s life can affect the prognosis and comorbidity ...

Linear and non-linear relationships between job demands-resources and psychological and physical symptoms of service sector employees. When is the midpoint a good choice?

Sanclemente Ibáñez, Francisco José; Gamero Vázquez, Nuria; Arenas Moreno, Alicia; Medina Díaz, Francisco José (Frontiers Media, 2022)
Related to the research of working conditions, the link between organizational factors and health was traditionally analyzed ...

Nature and mindfulness to cope with work-related stress: A narrative review

Menardo, Elisa; Di Marco, Donatella; Ramos, Sara; Arenas Moreno, Alicia; Costa, Patricia; Vaz de Carvalho, Carlos; Pasini, Margherita; Brondino, Margherita (MDPI, 2022)
In recent years, work-related stress has grown exponentially and the negative impact that this condition has on people’s ...

Differential impact of stay-at-home orders on mental health in adults who are homeschooling or “childless at home” in time of COVID-19

Cuadrado, Esther; Arenas Moreno, Alicia; Moyano Pacheco, Manuel; Tabernero Urbieta, Carmen (Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc., 2022)
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the confinement of most populations worldwide, through stay-at-home orders. Children have ...
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Trabajo, nuevas tecnologías y bienestar. Tecnoestrés y comportamientos de silencio en profesionales de la educación

Hernández Fernández, Sandra; Arenas Moreno, Alicia (2021)
Pocas veces en la historia de la humanidad han ocurrido crisis semejantes como la que estamos presenciando con el coronavirus, ...
Tesis Doctoral

Making noise or playing a symphony? Conflict and conflict management in organizations with professionals and special interest groups

López Cabrera, Rocío; Arenas Moreno, Alicia; Medina Díaz, Francisco José; Euwema, Martin Claes (2021)
Conflicts have been thoroughly studied in organizational contexts, due to its importance not only for organizations, in ...

Positive psychological profiles based on perceived health clustering in patients with cardiovascular disease: a longitudinal study

Castillo Mayén, Rosario; Luque Salas, Bárbara; Rubio, Sebastián Jesús; Cuadrado, Esther; Gutiérrez Domingo, Tamara; Arenas Moreno, Alicia; Delgado Lista, Javier; Pérez Martínez, Pablo; Taberero Urbieta, Carmen (BMJ Publishing Group, 2021)
Objectives Psychological well-being and sociodemographic factors have been associated with cardiovascular health. Positive ...

Construction and validation of a brief pandemic fatigue scale in the context of the Coronavirus-19 public health crisis

Cuadrado, Esther; Maldonado Herves, Miguel Ángel; Tabernero Urbieta, Carmen; Arenas Moreno, Alicia; Castillo Mayén, Rosario; Luque Salas, Bárbara (Frontiers Media, 2021)
Objectives: The chronic restrictions to mitigate the new SARS-CoV-2 virus may result in pandemic fatigue. This study set ...

Type D Personality Individuals: Exploring the Protective Role of Intrinsic Job Motivation in Burnout

Cuadrado, Esther; Tabernero Urbieta, Carmen; Fajardo Trancón, María Cristina; Luque Salas, Bárbara; Arenas Moreno, Alicia; Moyano Pacheco, Manuel; Castillo Mayén, Rosario (Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid, 2021)
En tres estudios diferentes (estudio 1 con 354 participantes, personal docente y administrativo de la Universidad de ...
Capítulo de Libro

¿Cómo se manifiesta la heteronormatividad en las organizaciones?: Un acercamiento desde la literatura científica

López Corlett, Sara; Di Marco, Donatella; Arenas Moreno, Alicia; Morales Rodríguez, Francisco Manuel; Clares, René (Editorial Universidad de Granada, 2021)

International differences in employee silence motives: scale validation, prevalence, and relationships with culture characteristics across 33 countries

Knoll, Michael; Götz, Martin; Adriasola, Elisa; Al-Atwi, Amer Ali; Arenas Moreno, Alicia; Kokou, A. Atitsogbe; Di Marco, Donatella; Zacher, Hannes (Wiley, 2021)
Employee silence, the withholding of work-related ideas, questions, or concerns from someone who could effect change, has ...

Guía sobre la diversidad sexual y la identidad de género en la Universidad de Sevilla

López Corlett, Sara; Di Marco, Donatella; Arenas Moreno, Alicia (Editorial Universidad de Sevilla, 2021)
Esta guía va dirigida a la comunidad universitaria y personas dedicadas a la gestión de la diversidd en la educación ...
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Inside “Pandora’s Box” of Solidarity: Conflicts Between Paid Staff and Volunteers in the Non-profit Sector

López Cabrera, Rocío; Arenas Moreno, Alicia; Medina Díaz, Francisco José; Euwema, Martin Claes; Munduate Jaca, María Lourdes (Frontiers Media, 2020)
Non-profit organizations (NPOs) are quite complex in terms of organizational structure, diversity at the workplace, as ...

Influence of Self-Efficacy and Motivation to Follow a Healthy Diet on Life Satisfaction of Patients with Cardiovascular Disease: A Longitudinal Study

Castillo-Mayén, Mª del Rosario; Cano-Espejo, Cristina; Luque Salas, Bárbara; Cuadrado, Esther; Gutiérrez-Domingo, Tamara; Arenas Moreno, Alicia; Rubio García, Sebastián J.; Delgado Lista, Javier; Pérez Martínez, Pablo; Tabernero Urbieta, Carmen (MDPI, 2020)
Today, cardiovascular disease has a great impact on the global population due to its high prevalence. One challenge that ...

The Role of Emotional Regulation and Affective Balance on Health Perception in Cardiovascular Disease Patients According to Sex Differences

Luque Salas, Bárbara; Castillo Mayén, Rosario; Cuadrado, Esther; Gutiérrez Domingo, Tamara; Rubio García, Sebastián J.; Arenas Moreno, Alicia; Delgado Lista, Javier; Pérez Martínez, Pablo; Tabernero Urbieta, Carmen (MDPI, 2020)
One of the challenges of aging is the increase of people with chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease (CVD). Men ...

A longitudinal study on perceived health in cardiovascular patients: The role of conscientiousness, subjective wellbeing and cardiac self-efficacy

Tabernero Urbieta, Carmen; Gutiérrez Domingo, Tamara; Vecchione, Michele; Cuadrado, Esther; Castillo-Mayén, Mª del Rosario; Rubio García, Sebastián J.; Arenas Moreno, Alicia; Delgado Lista, Javier; Jiménez-Pérez, Pablo; Luque Salas, Bárbara (PLOS, 2019)
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the world’s most prevalent chronic disease and the leading chronic cause of morbidity. ...

Inclusión de la diversidad sexual para una cultura de paz en las organizaciones: un estudio en Ecuador

López Corlett, Sara; Di Marco, Donatella; Arenas Moreno, Alicia (Cátedra Unesco de Cultura y Educación para la Paz, 2019)
Despite legislative and social advances for the inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) ...

Spanish validation of the Shorter Version of the Workplace Incivility Scale: An employment status invariant measure

Di Marco, Donatella; Martínez Corts, Inés; Arenas Moreno, Alicia; Gamero Vázquez, Nuria (Frontiers Media, 2018)
Workplace Incivility (WI) occurs worldwide and has negative consequences on individuals and organizations. Valid and ...

Be friendly, stay well: The effects of job resources on well-being in a discriminatory work environment

Di Marco, Donatella; Arenas Moreno, Alicia; Giorgi, Gabriele; Arcangeli, Giulio; Mucci, Nicola (Frontiers Media, 2018)
Many studies have focused on the negative effects of discrimination on workers’ well-being. However, discrimination does ...

Eficacia de las comunidades virtuales de aprendizaje como metodología de innovación educativa: el papel del dinamizador :

Gamero Vázquez, Nuria; Arenas Moreno, Alicia; Sanclemente Ibáñez, Francisco José; Rodríguez Ramos, Asunción; Castro Abancens, Ignacio; Foronda Robles, Concepción (Facultad de Ciencias del Trabajo, 2018)
El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo examinar la influencia del tipo de comportamientos del docente sobre la efectividad ...

Approaching the discriminatory work environment as stressor: The protective role of job satisfaction on health

Di Marco, Donatella; López Cabrera, Rocío; Arenas Moreno, Alicia; Giorgi, Gabriele; Arcangeli, Giulio; Mucci, Nicola (Frontiers Media, 2016)
Discrimination is a complex phenomenon with adverse consequences at personal and organizational levels. Past studies have ...
Tesis Doctoral

Workplace incivility and the negotiation of boundaries: the experience of spanish LGB employees

Di Marco, Donatella; Munduate Jaca, María Lourdes; Hoel, Helge; Arenas Moreno, Alicia (2014)
Durante muchos años, las personas lesbianas, gays y bisexuales (LGB) han sido víctimas de un proceso de estigmatización, ...

Reconstruyendo el diálogo social y promoviendo organizaciones inclusivas. Una herramienta para la innovación social en tiempos de crisis

Munduate Jaca, María Lourdes; Di Marco, Donatella; Martínez Corts, Inés; Arenas Moreno, Alicia (Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Psicólogos, España, 2014)
Se aborda en el presente trabajo el desarrollo de una agenda de investigación enmarcada por las dificultades del entorno ...

Incertidumbre y orientación hacia los errores en tiempos de crisis. La importancia de generar confianza fomentando la eficacia colectiva

Tabernero Urbieta, Carmen; Arenas Moreno, Alicia; Cuadrado, Esther; Luque Salas, Bárbara (2014)
The current economic crisis is triggering a new scenario of uncertainty, which is affecting the organizational behavior ...

Reconstruyendo el Diálogo Social y promoviendo organizaciones inclusivas. Una herramienta para la innovación social en tiempos de crisis

Munduate Jaca, María Lourdes; Di Marco, Donatella; Martínez Corts, Inés; Arenas Moreno, Alicia; Gamero Vázquez, Nuria (Consejo General de la Psicología de España, 2014)
Se aborda en el presente trabajo el desarrollo de una agenda de investigación enmarcada por las dificultades del entorno ...

An operative measure of workplace bullying: The Negative Acts Questionnaire across Italian companies.

Arenas Moreno, Alicia; León Pérez, José María; Giorgi, Gabriele (2011)

Propuesta para evaluar estrategias de prevención del acoso psicológico en el trabajo : El programa Gestión Eficaz de Conflictos en Organizaciones Andaluzas (GECOA)

León Pérez, José María; Arenas Moreno, Alicia; Munduate Jaca, María Lourdes; Medina Díaz, Francisco José (Junta de Andalucía. Laboratorio-Observatorio de Riesgos Psicosociales de Andalucía, 2010)
El acoso psicológico en el trabajo es un fenómeno complejo que afecta a un gran número de organizaciones y empleados en ...