NameAbril Hernández, José María
DepartmentFísica Aplicada I
Knowledge areaFísica Aplicada
Professional categoryCatedrático de Universidad
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Modelling past tsunamis in European waters

Periáñez Rodríguez, Raúl; Abril Hernández, José María; Cortés Parejo, María del Carmen (UK Scientific Publishing, 2024)
A research model to simulate the propagation of tsunamis caused by different mechanisms was developed in this paper. These ...

Kinetic reactive transport explains distinct subsurface deposition patterns of pollutants in sediments. The case of the Sellafield-derived 236U, 137Cs and 239,240Pu in the Esk Estuary, UK

Abril Hernández, José María (ScienceDirect, 2023)
The kinetics of the uptake of pollutants by solids in sediments interacts with transitional eddy diffusivity in the pore ...

210Pb-based dating of recent sediments with χ-mapping versions of the CFCS, CIC, CF and TERESA models

Abril Hernández, José María (Elsevier, 2023)
The 210Pb-based method allows for absolute age determination in recent sediments on the centennial scale. The most common ...

210Pb-dating of sediments with models assuming a constant flux: CFCS, CRS, PLUM, and the novel χ-mapping. Review, performance tests, and guidelines

Abril Hernández, José María (Elsevier, 2023)
The 210Pb-based method has been widely used for five decades to determine absolute ages in recent sediments on the centennial ...

210Pb-based dating of recent sediments with the χ-mapping version of the Constant Sediment Accumulation Rate (CSAR) model

Abril Hernández, José María (Elsevier, 2023)
The 210Pb-based method aims at determining the absolute age of recent sediments on the centennial scale. A family of models ...

Modelling the kinetic reactive transport of pollutants at the sediment-water interface. Applications with atmospheric fallout radionuclides

Abril Hernández, José María; Barros, H. (Elsevier, 2022)
Understanding the behaviour of particulate matter and chemicals at the sediment-water interface (SWI) is of interest in ...

Depth-distributions and migration of fallout radionuclides in mountain soils from Chr´ea National Park (Algeria): The role of rhizospheres

Errahmani, Djabel Taieb; Noureddine, Abdelkader; Abril Hernández, José María (Elsevier, 2022)
The distribution and migration of artificial fallout radionuclides in natural soils has been profusely studied for assessing ...

On the use of 210Pb-based records of sedimentation rates and activity concentrations for tracking past environmental changes

Abril Hernández, José María (Elsevier, 2022)
Lead-210 from natural atmospheric fallout is widely used in multidisciplinary studies to date recent sediments. Some of ...

Fine-tuning of Pb-210-based methods for dating vegetated saltmarsh sediments

Iurian, A. R.; Millward, G.; Blake, W.; Abril Hernández, José María (Elsevier, 2021)
Saltmarshes, wetlands, inter-tidal mudflats are highly productive natural ecosystems with significant ecological value. ...

Assessment of metal levels and pollution indices of the Songor Wetland, Ghana

Klubi, Emmanuel; Kpakpo Adotey, Dennis; Addo, Samuel; Abril Hernández, José María (Elsevier, 2021)
Sediment, soil and fish samples collected from the Songor Wetland were assessed for the spatial distributions of metal (Al, ...

The Zanclean megaflood of the Mediterranean – Searching for independent evidence

García Castellanos, Daniel; Micallef, Aaron; Estrada, Ferran; Camerlenghi, Angelo; Ercilla, Gemma; Periáñez Rodríguez, Raúl; Abril Hernández, José María (Elsevier, 2020)
About six million years ago, the Mediterranean Sea underwent a period of isolation from the ocean and widespread salt ...

Estudio arqueoastronómico de las iglesias de la Asunción en los poblamientos cristianos tras la reconquista de las provincias de Córdoba y Soria

Abril Hernández, José María (Real Academia de Córdoba, 2020)
Estudiamos la orientación de las iglesias de la Asunción en Soria (N=73). El grupo del románico de repoblación (N=45, ...

Environmental radioactivity and trace metals in surficial sediments from estuarine systems in Ghana (Equatorial Africa), impacted by artisanal gold-mining

Klubi, Emmanuel; Abril Hernández, José María; Mantero Cabrera, Juan; García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael; Nyarko, Elvis (Elsevier, 2020)
This paper reports concentrations of γ-emitter radionuclides (40K, 137Cs, 210Pb, 226Ra, 228Ra, 228Th and 234Th) and some ...

Environmental radioactivity in a sediment core from Algiers Bay: Radioecological assessment, radiometric dating and pollution records

Errahmani, Djabel Taieb; Noureddine, Abdelkader; Abril Hernández, José María; Boulahdid, Mostefa (Elsevier, 2020)
The sedimentary system of the Algiers Bay has been impacted in the last decades by the exponential increases in population, ...

Multimodal-TERESA, a 210Pb-based radiometric dating model for recent sediments under largely varying rates of supply

Abril Hernández, José María (Elsevier, 2020)
Lead-210 from natural atmospheric fallout is widely used in multidisciplinary studies for dating recent sediments. In ...

Experimental study on the use of granulometric speciation for the radiometric dating of recent sediments

Mantero Cabrera, Juan; Abril Hernández, José María; García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael; Klubi, Emmanuel; Nyarko, Elvis (Elsevier, 2019)
Theoretical and experimental studies have shown that activity concentrations of fallout radionuclides (such as 137Cs and ...

An exploratory modelling study on sediment transport during the Zanclean flood of the Mediterranean

Periáñez Rodríguez, Raúl; Abril Hernández, José María; García Castellanos, D.; Estrada, F.; Ercilla, Gemma (Springer, 2019)
A nearly 400-km-long erosion channel through the Strait of Gibraltar has been interpreted as evidence for a catastrophic ...

Radiometric dating of recent sediments: On the performance of 210 Pb based CRS chronologies under varying rates of supply

Abril Hernández, José María (Elsevier, 2019)
Radiometric dating was a revolutionary contribution to the study of sedimentary processes. Empirical data from varved ...

Influence of alongslope processes on modern turbidite systems and canyons in the Alboran Sea (southwestern Mediterranean)

Ercilla, Gemma; Juan, Carmen; Periáñez Rodríguez, Raúl; Alonso, Belén; Abril Hernández, José María; Estrada, Ferran; Casas, David; Vázquez, J. T.; d'Acremont, Elia; Gorini, Christian; El Moumni, Bouchta; Do Couto, Damien; Valencia, Javier (Elsevier, 2019)
This is an interdisciplinary study that combines morphoseismics, sedimentology and numerical modelling to elucidate at ...

Impact of gold-mining activity on trace elements enrichment in the West African estuaries: The case of Pra and Ankobra rivers with the Volta estuary (Ghana) as the reference

Klubi, Emmanuel; Abril Hernández, José María; Nyarko, Elvis; Delgado García, Antonio (Elsevier, 2018)
This study aimed at assessing trace element concentrations in two representative estuaries of Ghana (Pra and Ankobra) ...

Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations of the Late Pleistocene Lake Bonneville Flood

Abril Hernández, José María; Periáñez Rodríguez, Raúl; O'Connor, Jim E.; García Castellanos, Daniel (2018)
At approximately 18.0 ka, pluvial Lake Bonneville reached its maximum level. At its northeastern extent it was impounded ...

From floodplain to aquatic sediments: Radiogeochronological fingerprints in a sediment core from the mining impacted Sancho Reservoir (SW Spain)

Abril Hernández, José María; Gutiérrez San Miguel, Enrique; Ruiz Cánovas, Carlos; Casas Ruiz, M.; Bolívar, Juan Pedro (Elsevier, 2018)
The Sancho Reservoir (SW Spain) was built in 1962, about the time of maximum 137Cs fallout, and it has been affected by ...
Chapter of Book

Estudio arqueoastronómico y arqueométrico de la arquitectura religiosa de Bujalance

Más Balbuena, José Luis; Cosano Moyano, José; Abril Hernández, José María (Real Academia de Ciencias, Bellas Letras y Nobles Artes de Córdoba, 2018)
Cuando observamos una iglesia desde el cielo podemos ver cómo su eje principal se orienta con respecto a los puntos ...

An Exploratory Modelling Study on Late Pleistocene Mega-Tsunamis Triggered by Giant Submarine Landslides in the Mediterranean

Abril Hernández, José María; Periañez Cristóbal, R (Peertechz Publications, 2017)
Gigantic submarine landslides are among the most energetic events on the Earth surface. During the Late Pleistocene the ...

Settling fluxes and sediment accumulation rates by the combined use of sediment traps and sediment cores in Tema Harbour (Ghana)

Botwe, Benjamin O.; Abril Hernández, José María; Schirone, Antonio; Barsanti, Mattia; Delbono, Ivana; Delfanti, Roberta; Nyarko, Elvis; Lens, Piet N.L. (Elsevier, 2017)
Settling fluxes and sediment accumulation rates in coastal Tema Harbour (Ghana) were investigated by the combined analyses ...

A modelling study on tsunami propagation in the Red Sea: Historical events, potential hazards and spectral analysis

Abril Hernández, José María; Periáñez Rodríguez, Raúl (Elsevier, 2017)
This work reports results from numerical simulations of the tsunami triggered by 1995 Nuweiba earthquake, in the Gulf of ...

Radioecological assessment and radiometric dating of sediment cores from dynamic sedimentary systems of Pra and Volta estuaries (Ghana) along the Equatorial Atlantic

Klubi, Emmanuel; Abril Hernández, José María; Nyarko, Elvis; Laissaoui, Abdelmourhit; Benmansour, M. (Elsevier, 2017)
The Volta and Pra estuaries (Ghana, West Africa) are dynamical sedimentary systems whose natural equilibrium is being ...

Revisiting the time scale and size of the Zanclean flood of the Mediterranean (5.33 Ma) from CFD simulations

Abril Hernández, José María; Periáñez Rodríguez, Raúl (Elsevier, 2016)
The incision Zanclean Channel, which crosses the Strait of Gibraltar and the Alboran Sea, has been inter-preted as the ...

Bitácoras de Mares Numéricos: la Inundación Zancliense del Mediterráneo

Abril Hernández, José María (Real Academia de Córdoba de Ciencias, Bellas Letras y Nobles Artes, 2016)
El trabajo presenta un estudio de la inundación Zancliense del Mediterráneo (hace 5.3 Ma), aplicando técnicas de simulación ...

A 210Pb-based chronological model for recent sediments with random entries of mass and activities: Model development

Abril Hernández, José María (Elsevier, 2016)
Unsupported 210Pb (210Pbexc) vs. mass depth profiles do not contain enough information as to extract a unique chronology ...

Estudio Arqueoastronómico del Santuario Ibero-Romano de Torreparedones (Baena, Córdoba)

Abril Hernández, José María; Morena López, José Antonio (Departamento de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad de Granada, 2015)
Se presenta un estudio arqueoastronómico del templo B (siglo I d.C.) del santuario iberoromano de Virtus Iulia (la turdetana ...

A Numerical Modelling Study on the Potential Role of Tsunamis in the Biblical Exodus

Abril Hernández, José María; Periáñez Rodríguez, Raúl (MDPI - Open Access Publishing, 2015)
The reliability of the narrative of the Biblical Exodus has been subject of heated debate for decades. Recent archaeological ...

Levels of 25 trace elements in high-volume air filter samples from Seville (2001–2002): Sources, enrichment factors and temporal variations

Enamorado Báez, Santiago Miguel; Gómez Guzmán, José Manuel; Chamizo Calvo, Elena; Abril Hernández, José María (Elsevier, 2015)
The measurement of trace element concentration in aerosols is of interest for environmental studies and for human health ...

Computational fluid dynamics simulations of the Zanclean catastrophic flood of the Mediterranean (5.33 Ma)

Periáñez Rodríguez, Raúl; Abril Hernández, José María (Elsevier, 2015)
Numerical simulations of the Mediterranean Sea filling after the Messinian salinity crisis have been carried out with a ...

Why would we use the Sediment Isotope Tomography (SIT) model to establish a 210Pb-based chronology in recent-sediment cores?

Abril Hernández, José María (Elsevier, 2015)
After half a century, the use of unsupported 210Pb ( 210Pbexc) is still far off from being a well established dating tool ...

A numerical modeling study on oceanographic conditions in the former Gulf of Tartessos (SW Iberia): Tides and tsunami propagation

Periáñez Rodríguez, Raúl; Abril Hernández, José María (Elsevier, 2014)
At least five catastrophic tsunami events have affected the Iberian Atlantic coasts during the last 7000 years. During ...

Fallout 210Pb as a soil and sediment tracer in catchment sediment budget investigations: A review

Mabit, L.; Benmansour, M.; Abril Hernández, José María; Walling, D. L.; Meusburger, K.; Iurian, A. R.; Bernard, C.; Tarján, S.; Owens, P. N.; Blake, W. H.; Alewell, C. (Elsevier, 2014)
Increasing anthropogenic pressures coupled with climate change impacts on natural resources have promoted a quest for ...

Evidence that excess 210Pb flux varies with sediment accumulation rate and implications for dating recent sediments

Abril Hernández, José María; Brunskill, Gregg J. (Springer, 2014)
Most 210Pb dating models assume that atmospheric flux of excess 210Pb (210Pbexc) to the sediment–water interface remains ...

Modelling tsunamis in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Application to the Minoan Santorini tsunami sequence as a potential scenario for the biblical Exodus

Periáñez Rodríguez, Raúl; Abril Hernández, José María (Elsevier, 2014)
A numerical model which simulates the propagation of tsunamis in the Eastern Mediterranean has been developed. Several tsunami ...

Implications for food safety of the uptake by tomato of 25 trace-elements from a phosphogypsum amended soil from SW Spain

Enamorado Báez, Santiago Miguel; Abril Hernández, José María; Delgado García, Antonio; Más Balbuena, José Luis; Polvillo Polo, Oliva; Quintero Ariza, José Manuel (Elsevier, 2014)
Phosphogypsum (PG) has been usually applied as Ca-amendment to reclaim sodic soils such as those in the marshland area of ...

Phosphogypsum amendments and irrigation with acidulated water affect tomato nutrition in reclaimed marsh soils from SW Spain

Quintero Ariza, José Manuel; Enamorado Báez, Santiago Miguel; Más Balbuena, José Luis; Abril Hernández, José María; Polvillo Polo, Oliva; Delgado García, Antonio (Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA), 2014)
Phosphogypsum (PG) is a by-product of the P fertilizer industry usually valorised as amendment for acidic and sodic soils. ...

Modeling tsunami propagation in the Iberia–Africa plate boundary: Historical events, regional exposure and the case-study of the former Gulf of Tartessos

Periáñez Rodríguez, Raúl; Abril Hernández, José María (Elsevier, 2013)
A numerical model to simulate tsunami propagation in south of Iberia waters has been developed. It is based on the 2D ...

Pre- and post-Chernobyl accident levels of I-129 and Cs-137 in the Southern Baltic Sea by brown seaweed Fucus vesiculosus

Gómez Guzmán, José Manuel; Holm, Elis; Enamorado Báez, Santiago Miguel; Abril Hernández, José María; Pinto Gómez, Alonso Ramón; López Gutiérrez, José María; García León, Manuel (Elsevier, 2013)
129I is a very long-lived radionuclide (T1/2 = 15.7 × 106 years) that is present in the environment both because of natural ...

Modeling tides and tsunami propagation in the former Gulf of Tartessos, as a tool for Archaeological Science

Abril Hernández, José María; Periáñez Rodríguez, Raúl; Escacena Carrasco, José Luis (Elsevier, 2013)
After the last Holocene sea level rise (about 6900 BP), the Gulf of Tartessos extended over the south western area of the ...

Pre- and post-Chernobyl accident levels of 129I and 137Cs in the Southern Baltic Sea by brown seaweed Fucus vesiculosus

Gómez Guzmán, José Manuel; Holm, E.; Enamorado Báez, Santiago Miguel; Abril Hernández, José María; Pinto Gómez, A.R.; López Gutiérrez, José María; García León, Manuel (ScienceDirect, 2013)
129I is a very long-lived radionuclide (T1/2 = 15.7 × 106 years) that is present in the environment both because of natural ...
PhD Thesis

Modelización tridimensional del transporte oceánico de 137cs forzado por vientos. Validación en el mar báltico tras el accidente nuclear de Chernobyl

Toscano Jiménez, Manuel; Abril Hernández, José María (2012)
Esta tesis materializa la segunda mitad de la carrera investigadora del autor, continuación natural de una primera mitad ...

Anthropogenic 129I concentration and 129I/127I ratio in rainwater from Seville (Spain) in the period 2005–2008 as affected by airborne releases from Sellafield and La Hague facilities

Gómez Guzmán, José Manuel; Enamorado Báez, Santiago Miguel; Pinto Gómez, Alonso Ramón; Abril Hernández, José María; López Gutiérrez, José María; García León, Manuel (Elsevier, 2012)
129I is a very long-lived radionuclide (T1/2 = 15.7 × 106 years) that is present in the environment both because of natural ...

Radiometric dating of recent sediments: beyond the boundary conditions

Abril Hernández, José María; Gharbi, Foued (Springer, 2012)
Most mathematical models for radiometric dating of recent sediments are particular solutions of a unique physical problem: ...

Recent sedimentation rates in Garaet El Ichkeul Lake, NW Tunisia, as affected by the construction of dams and a regulatory sluice

Trabelsi, Yasser; Gharbi, Foued; El Ghali, Abdessalem; Oueslati, Mansour; Samaali, Mohammad; Abdelli, Wahid; Baccouche, Souad; Ben Tekaya, Malik; Benmansour, Moncef; Mabit, Lionel; Ben M'Barek, Nabiha; Reguigui, Nafaa; Abril Hernández, José María (Springer, 2012)
Purpose Ichkeul National Park, NW Tunisia, is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Garaet El Ichkeul Lake is known for its seasonal ...

Could bulk density profiles provide information about recent sedimentation rates?

Abril Hernández, José María (Springer, 2011)
Independent validation has to be an integral part of the 210Pb-based radiometric dating of recent sediments. The combined ...

A Lagrangian Transport Model Applied to two Different Brackish Systems: the Baltic Sea and the Guadalquivir River

Toscano Jiménez, Manuel; Abril Hernández, José María (IEEE Computer Society, 2011)
the nuclear contamination and other passive particles in the ocean. As a consequence of the Chernobyl accident (April, ...

Drain flow and related salt losses as affected by phosphogypsum amendment in reclaimed marsh soils from SW Spain

Hurtado, María Dolores; Enamorado Báez, Santiago Miguel; Andreu Cáceres, Luis; Delgado García, Antonio; Abril Hernández, José María (Elsevier, 2011)
Phosphogypsum (PG), a by-product of the P industries, has been widely applied as an amendment to reduce Na saturation in ...

Nitrate loss from a tile-drained reclaimed marsh soil from SW Spain amended with different products

Hurtado, María Dolores; Andreu Cáceres, Luis; Abril Hernández, José María; Delgado García, Antonio (Springer, 2011)
Tile drainage and soil amendments have been found to affect losses of nitrate N from agricultural soils. This work was ...

Microwave-based digestion method for extraction of 127I and 129I from solid material for measurements by AMS and ICP-MS

Gómez Guzmán, José Manuel; Enamorado Báez, Santiago Miguel; Pinto Gómez, Alonso Ramón; Abril Hernández, José María (Elsevier, 2011)
This work presents a microwave-based digestion method followed by a radiochemical extraction procedure to extract iodine ...
Patent. Invention

Captador solar de bajo coste

Abril Hernández, José María; Granged Pascual, Arturo; Ruiz Hernández, Valeriano; Cámara Zapata, José María; Martínez Gabarrón, Antonio (Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas (OEPM), 2009)
Captador solar de bajo coste. La presente invención tiene por objeto un captador solar de bajo coste dispuesto horizontalmente ...

Occupational dosimetric assessment (inhalation pathway) from the application of phosphogypsum in agriculture in South West Spain

Abril Hernández, José María; García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael; Periáñez Rodríguez, Raúl; Enamorado Báez, Santiago Miguel; Andreu Cáceres, Luis; Delgado García, Antonio (Elsevier, 2009)
Phosphogypsum (PG) has been traditionally applied as Ca-amendment in saline marsh soils in SW Spain, where available PG ...

Extensive radioactive characterization of a phosphogypsum stack in SW Spain: 226Ra, 238U, 210Po concentrations and 222Rn exhalation rate

Abril Hernández, José María; García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael; Manjón Collado, Guillermo (Elsevier, 2009)
Phosphogypsum (PG) is a by-product of the phosphate fertilizer industries that contains relatively high concentrations of ...

Transfer of Cd, Pb, Ra and U from Phosphogypsum Amended Soils to Tomato Plants

Enamorado Báez, Santiago Miguel; Abril Hernández, José María; Más Balbuena, José Luis; Periáñez Rodríguez, Raúl; Polvillo, O.; Delgado García, Antonio; Quintero Ariza, José Manuel (Springer, 2009)
About 170 million tons of phosphogypsum (PG) are annually generated worldwide as a by-product of phosphoric acid factories. ...

Anthropogenic radionuclides in the water column and a sediment core from the Alboran Sea: application to radiometric dating and reconstruction of historical water column radionuclide concentrations

Laissaoui, Abdelmourhit; Benmansour, Moncef; Ziad, N.; Ibn Majah, M.; Abril Hernández, José María; Mulsow, S. (Springer, 2008)
Global fallout is the main source of anthropogenic radionuclides in the Mediterranean Sea. This work presents 137Cs, ...

Kinetic box models for the uptake of radionuclides and heavy metals by suspended particulate matter: equivalence between models and its implications

Barros, H.; Abril Hernández, José María (Elsevier, 2008)
In recent years an increasing experimental effort has been paid to the study of the sorption process of radionuclides and ...

The cumulative effect of three decades of phosphogypsum amendments in reclaimed marsh soils from SW Spain: 226Ra, 238U and Cd contents in soils and tomato fruit

Abril Hernández, José María; García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael; Enamorado Báez, Santiago Miguel; Hurtado, María Dolores; Andreu Cáceres, Luis; Delgado García, Antonio (Elsevier, 2008)
Phosphogypsum (PG), a by-product of the phosphate fertiliser industries, has been applied as soil amendment to reduce Na ...

Algoritmo matemático eficiente para la resolución, por el método de diferencias finitas, de la ecuación de difusión-advección acoplada a modelos cinéticos de transferencia de seudo-primer orden

Barros, Haydn; Abril Hernández, José María; Sajo-Bohus, Laszlo; Greaves, Eduardo; Palacios, Daniel; Barros, Haydn (Universidad del Zulia, 2007)
Los modelos cinéticos de seudo-primer orden han demostrado su utilidad para estudiar el comportamiento de una gran variedad ...

Using oceanography to control and forecast nuclear accidents and other passive particles problems

Toscano Jiménez, Manuel; Abril Hernández, José María; García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael (IEEE Computer Society, 2007)
This article is the last improved version of a previously published model (Toscano-Jimenez and Garcia-Tenorio, 2004) for ...

Development of a recording water flow meter using ultrasonic measurement of water levels in a slotted U-pipe

Enamorado Báez, Santiago Miguel; Hurtado, María Dolores; Andreu Cáceres, Luis; Martínez, Francisco; Sánchez, José; Abril Hernández, José María (Elsevier, 2007)
The accurate measurement and recording of water flow rates is necessary in the perfor-mance of field experiments in ...

Evaluación de la Seguridad Alimentaria y Radiológica en la Aplicación del Fosfoyeso Como Enmienda de Suelos Agrícolas en las Marismas del Guadalquivir

Abril Hernández, José María; García León, Manuel; García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael; Delgado García, Antonio; Quintero Ariza, José Manuel; Periáñez Rodríguez, Raúl; Polvillo Polo, Oliva; Andreu Cáceres, Luis (2006)
The main goal of this Project has been the radiological and alimentary assessment of the agriculture use of phosphogypsum ...
PhD Thesis

239Pu sorption by suspended matter from Hueznar reservoir (southern Spain): Experimental and modelling study

El Mrabet, Rachid; Barros Rojas, Haydn; Abril Hernández, José María; Manjón Collado, Guillermo; García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael (E. D. P. Sciences, 2005)
Kinetic transfer coefficients are important parameters to understand and reliably model the behaviour of non-conservative ...

Evaluation of the radioactive impact of the phosphogypsum wastes used as amendment in agriculture soils

El Mrabet, Rachid; Abril Hernández, José María; Delgado García, Antonio; García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael; Manjón Collado, Guillermo; Periáñez Rodríguez, Raúl (E. D. P. Sciences, 2005)
Some 3x109 kg of phosphogypsum (PG) wastes are annually generated by two fertiliser-production factories in Huelva ...

Radioactivity concentration and heavy metal content in fuel oil and oil-ashes in Venezuela

Barros Rojas, Haydn; Sajo-Bohus, Laszlo; Abril Hernández, José María; Greaves, Eduardo (E. D. P. Sciences, 2005)
Environmental radiation levels are modified in regions where the oil industrial activity is more aggressive, such as in ...

Mecanismos de transferencia de radionucleidos en el medio ambiente

Abril Hernández, José María; Periáñez Rodríguez, Raúl; García León, Manuel; García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael; Manjón Collado, Guillermo (Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radioactivos, ENRESA, 2004)

Phosphogypsum Amendment Effect on Radionuclide Content in Drainage Water and Marsh Soils from Southwestern Spain

El-Mrabet, Rachid; Abril Hernández, José María; Periáñez Rodríguez, Raúl; Manjón Collado, Guillermo; García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael; Delgado García, Antonio; Andreu Cáceres, Luis (Wiley, 2003)
Phosphogypsum (PG) is a residue of the phosphate fertilizer industry that has relatively high concentrations of 226Ra and ...
Chapter of Book

Modelling the dispersion of radionuclides in estuarine environments: the Odiel river estuary

Periáñez Rodríguez, Raúl; Abril Hernández, José María; Scott, E. Marian (Elsevier, 2003)

Application of a liquid scintillation counter to the measurement of tracing radioactivity in experiments on suspended matter uptake in aquatic environments

El Mrabet, Rachid; Manjón Collado, Guillermo; Abril Hernández, José María; García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael (E. D. P. Sciences, 2002)
The experiments on the study of the kinetic transfer coefficients of conservative and non-conservative radionuclides, in ...

Experimental and modelling study of artificial radionuclides (239Pu, 241Am and 99Tc) uptake by suspended matter in environmental waters located in the south of Spain

El Mrabet, Rachid; Abril Hernández, José María; Manjón Collado, Guillermo (E. D. P. Sciences, 2002)
The interest on transfer coefficients studies have increased recently, since they are important parameters required ...
PhD Thesis

Kinetic transfer coefficients for radionuclides in estuarine waters: Reference values from133Ba and effects of salinity and suspended load concentration

Laissaoui, Abdelmourhit; Abril Hernández, José María; Periáñez Rodríguez, Raúl; García León, Manuel; García Montaño, Estrella (Springer, 1998)
In estuarine environments there are important spatial and temporal changes in both salt and suspended load concentrations. ...

Modelling the dispersion of non-conservative radionuclides in tidal waters .2. Application to Ra-226 dispersion in an estuarine system

Periáñez Rodríguez, Raúl; Abril Hernández, José María; García León, Manuel (Elsevier, 1996)
The Odiel river is an estuary system located in the south-west of Spain and affected by tidal dynamics. A phosphate ...

Modelling the suspended matter distribution in an estuarine system : Application to the Odiel river in southwest Spain

Periáñez Rodríguez, Raúl; Abril Hernández, José María; García León, Manuel (Elsevier, 1996)
A numerical model which solves the advective-diffusive dispersion equation for suspended matter and includes the deposition ...

Modelling the dispersion of non-conservative radionuclides in tidal waters—Part 1: Conceptual and mathematical model

Periáñez Rodríguez, Raúl; Abril Hernández, José María; García León, Manuel (Elsevier, 1996)
A 2D four-phase model to study the dispersion of non-conservative radionuclides in tidal waters, in conditions of ...

A modeling study of Ra-226 dispersion in an estuarine system in south-west Spain

Periáñez Rodríguez, Raúl; Abril Hernández, José María; García León, Manuel (Elsevier, 1994)
A numerical model to study 226Ra dispersion in the Odiel River, in which two fertilizer plants release their wastes, has ...

The use of 137-cs in marine and lacustrine sediment dating

Sánchez, C. I.; García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael; García León, Manuel; Abril Hernández, José María; El-Daoushy, F. (Pergamon Press, 1992)
En este trabajo, la técnica de datación 137 Cs con precisión mejorada se muestra como una herramienta poderosa para ...