NombreDoubova Krasotchenko, Anna
DepartamentoEcuaciones Diferenciales y Análisis Numérico
Área de conocimientoAnálisis Matemático
Categoría profesionalProfesora Titular de Universidad
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Algunas técnicas de aprendizaje automático para problemas inversos ligados a ecuaciones diferenciales

Bohoyo Barrado, Jaime; Doubova Krasotchenko, Anna (2023)
The study of inverse problems is a branch of mathematics that has developed a lot in recent years. Deducing and recomposing ...
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Aplicación de redes neuronales al ajuste de parámetros en modelos diferenciales

Murillo García, Sergio; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Doubova Krasotchenko, Anna (2023)
El éxito del desarrollo de la inteligencia artificial durante los últimos 15 años ha revolucionado todas las áreas del ...

Some inverse problems for the Burgers equation and related systems

Apraiz, J.; Doubova Krasotchenko, Anna; Fernández Cara, Enrique; Yamamoto, M. (Elsevier, 2021)
In this article we deal with one-dimensional inverse problems concerning the Burgers equation and some related nonlinear ...

Recent Advances in PDEs: Analysis, Numerics and Control. In Honor of Prof. Fernández-Cara's 60th Birthday

Doubova Krasotchenko, Anna; González Burgos, Manuel; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Marín Beltrán, Mercedes (Springer, 2018)
This book contains the main results of the talks given at the workshop “Recent Advances in PDEs: Analysis, Numerics and ...

Numerical solution of some geometric inverse problems

Doubova Krasotchenko, Anna (2015)

Some controllability results for linear viscoelastic fluids

Boldrini, José Luiz; Doubova Krasotchenko, Anna; Fernández Cara, Enrique; González Burgos, Manuel (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2012)
We analyze the controllability properties of systems which provide a description, at first approximation, of a kind of ...

Control de EDPs orientado a la terapia de un tumor cerebral

Echevarría Líbano, María Rosa; Doubova Krasotchenko, Anna; Fernández Cara, Enrique; Gayte Delgado, María Inmaculada (2007)
Consideramos un sistema de ecuaciones en derivadas parciales que modela los efectos de una terapia sobre un tumor cerebral ...

Variants of global Carleman weights in one-measurement inverse problems and fluid-structure controllability problems

Baudouin, Lucie; Boulakia, Muriel; Doubova Krasotchenko, Anna; Mercado Saucedo, Alberto; Osses Alvarado, Axel; Puel, Jean-Pierre (2007)
We review some recent results on variants of global Carleman weights and Carleman inequalities applied to singular ...

A geometric inverse problem for the Boussinesq system

Doubova Krasotchenko, Anna; Fernández Cara, Enrique; González Burgos, Manuel; Ortega Palma, Jaime Humberto (American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2006)
In this work we present some results for the inverse problem of the identification of a single rigid body immersed in a ...

Uniqueness and partial identification in a geometric inverse problem for the Boussinesq system

Doubova Krasotchenko, Anna; Fernández Cara, Enrique; González Burgos, Manuel; Ortega Palma, Jaime Humberto (Elsevier, 2006)
We analyze the inverse problem of the identification of a rigid body immersed in a fluid governed by the stationary Boussinesq ...

Application of global Carleman estimates with rotated weights to an inverse problem for the wave equation

Doubova Krasotchenko, Anna; Osses Alvarado, Axel (Elsevier, 2005)
We establish geometrical conditions for the inverse problem of determining a stationary potential in the wave equation ...

On the controllability of the heat equation with nonlinear boundary Fourier conditions

Doubova Krasotchenko, Anna; Fernández Cara, Enrique; González Burgos, Manuel (Elsevier, 2004)
In this paper we analyze the approximate and null controllability of the classical heat equation with nonlinear boundary ...

Exact controllability to trajectories for semilinear heat equations with discontinuous diffusion coefficientes

Doubova Krasotchenko, Anna; Osses Alvarado, Axel; Puel, Jean-Pierre (SMAI, 2002)
The results of this paper concern exact controllability to the trajectories for a coupled system of semilinear heat ...

On the controllability of parabolic systems with a nonlinear term involving the state and the gradient

Doubova Krasotchenko, Anna; Fernández Cara, Enrique; González Burgos, Manuel; Zuazua Iriondo, Enrique (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2002)
We present some results concerning the controllability of a quasi-linear parabolic equation (with linear principal part) ...
Tesis Doctoral

Análisis y control de algunas EDP no lineales con origen en mecánica

Doubova Krasotchenko, Anna; Fernández Cara, Enrique; González Burgos, Manuel (2000)
"En esta Memoria, analizaremos diversos problemas de controlabilidad relacionados con ecuaciones en derivadas parciales (EDP) de evolución de tipo parabólico o hiperbólico, motivadas por problemas con origen en Mecánica".