NombreDelgado Sánchez, Juan Manuel
DepartamentoMatemática Aplicada I
Área de conocimientoMatemática Aplicada
Categoría profesionalProfesor Titular de Universidad
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Capítulo de Libro

A Correction of the Friction Term in Depth-Averaged Granular Flow Models Related to the Motion/Stop Criterion

Bouchut, François; Delgado Sánchez, Juan Manuel; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Mangeney, Anne; Narbona Reina, Gladys (SEMA SIMAI Springer Series 35, 2024)
In the pioneer work of Savage and Hutter [ 7] the first depth-averaged model for granular landslides was proposed written ...

A bed pressure correction of the friction term for depth-averaged granular flow models

Bouchut, François; Delgado Sánchez, Juan Manuel; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Mangeney, Anne; Narbona Reina, Gladys (Elsevier, 2022)
Depth-averaged models, such as the Savage-Hutter model with Coulomb or Pouliquen fric tion laws, do not in some cases ...

A two-layer shallow flow model with two axes of integration, well-balanced discretization and application to submarine avalanches

Delgado Sánchez, Juan Manuel; Bouchut, François; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Mangeney, Anne; Narbona Reina, Gladys (Elsevier, 2020)
We propose a two-layer model with two different axes of integration and a well-balanced finite volume method. The purpose ...

On p-Compact Sets in Classical Banach Spaces

Delgado Sánchez, Juan Manuel; Piñeiro Gómez, Cándido (Hikari, 2014)
Given p ≥ 1, we denote by Cp the class of all Banach spaces X satisfying the equality Kp(Y,X) = Πdp(Y,X) for every Banach ...

A note on p-limited sets

Delgado Sánchez, Juan Manuel; Piñeiro, C. (Elsevier, 2014)
Given p 1, a subset A of a Banach space X is said to be p-limited if for every weakly p-summable sequence (x∗ n) in X∗ ...

Uniformly Summing Sets of Operators on Spaces of Continuous Functions

Delgado Sánchez, Juan Manuel; Piñeiro Gómez, Cándido (Hindawi, 2004)
Let X and Y be Banach spaces. A set ℳ of 1-summing operators from X into Y is said to be uniformly summing if the following ...

A note on uniformly dominated sets of summing operators

Delgado Sánchez, Juan Manuel; Piñeiro Gómez, Cándido (2002)
Let Y be a Banach space that has no finite cotype and p a real number satisfying 1≤p<∞. We prove that a set ℳ⊂Πp(X,Y) is ...
Tesis Doctoral

Conjuntos uniformemente sumantes de operadores

Delgado Sánchez, Juan Manuel; Piñeiro Gómez, Cándido (2002)
"Se estudian los conjuntos uniformemente p-sumantes de operadores entre dos espacios de Banach X e Y, es decir, aquellos ...