• Ponencia

      Características de los muros antiguos de Sevilla 

      Jaramillo-Morilla, Antonio; Rodríguez-Liñán, Carmen; Justo Alpañés, José Luis de; Romero-Hernández, Rocío; Pérez Gálvez, Filomena (Instituto Juan de Herrera, CEHOPU, Universidad de Sevilla, 2000)
    • Ponencia

      Comparative study of physico-mechanical properties of polypropylene fibre-reinforced gypsum composites 

      Romero Gómez, María Isabel; Rubio de Hita, Paloma; Pedreño Rojas, Manuel Alejandro; Morales Conde, María Jesús; Pérez Gálvez, Filomena (American Institute of Physics, 2023-09-27)
      Nowadays, the growing demand of plastic is leading to an uncontrolled waste production that threats the Planet’s health. ...
    • Ponencia

      Planked timber floor slabs with ceramic demolition waste 

      Rubio de Hita, Paloma; Pérez Gálvez, Filomena; Morales Conde, María Jesús; Rodríguez-Liñán, Carmen (Universidad de Sevilla, Departamento de Construcciones Arquitectónicas I, 2015)
      The present work is the continuity of the research carried out by the group TEP 205, "Analysis and evaluation of construction ...
    • Ponencia

      Recycling of low-density polyethylene waste to produce eco-friendly gypsum composites 

      Romero Gómez, María Isabel; Rubio de Hita, Paloma; Pedreño Rojas, Manuel Alejandro; Morales Conde, María Jesús; Pérez Gálvez, Filomena (WIT Press, 2022)
      Over 367 million metric tons of plastic were produced worldwide in 2020. Within the most consumed standard plastics, ...