• Artículo

      A complete arithmetic calculator constructed from spiking neural P systems and its application to information fusion 

      Zhang, Gexiang; Rong, Haina; Paul, Prithwineel; He, Yangyang; Neri, Ferrante; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús (World Scientific, 2021)
      Several variants of spiking neural P systems (SNPS) have been presented in the literature to perform arith- 1 metic ...
    • Artículo

      A Fault Diagnosis Method of Power Systems Based on an Improved Adaptive Fuzzy Spiking Neural P Systems and PSO Algorithms 

      Wang, Jun; Peng, Hong; Tu, Min; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús; Shi, Peng (Chinese Institute of Electronics, 2016)
      A new fault diagnosis method based on improved Adaptive fuzzy spiking neural P systems (in short, AFSN P systems) and ...
    • Artículo

      A Linear Time Solution to the Partition Problem in a Cellular Tissue-Like Model 

      Díaz Pernil, Daniel; Gutiérrez Naranjo, Miguel Ángel; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús; Riscos Núñez, Agustín (AMER SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHERS, 2010)
      Tissue-like P systems with cell division is a computing model in the framework of membrane computing that is based on the ...
    • Artículo

      A membrane computing framework for social navigation in robotics 

      Pérez Hurtado de Mendoza, Ignacio; Orellana Martín, David; Martínez del Amor, Miguel Ángel; Valencia Cabrera, Luis (Elsevier, 2021)
      A mobile robot acting in a human environment should follow social conventions, keeping safety distances and navigating ...
    • Artículo

      A new P-Lingua toolkit for agile development in membrane computing 

      Pérez Hurtado de Mendoza, Ignacio; Orellana Martín, David; Martínez del Amor, Miguel Ángel; Valencia Cabrera, Luis; Riscos Núñez, Agustín (Elsevier, 2022)
      Membrane computing is a massively parallel and non-deterministic bioinspired computing paradigm whose models are called P ...
    • Artículo

      A parallel algorithm for skeletonizing images by using spiking neural P systems 

      Díaz Pernil, Daniel; Peña Cantillana, Francisco; Gutiérrez Naranjo, Miguel Ángel (Elsevier, 2013-09)
      Skeletonization is a common type of transformation within image analysis. In general, the image B is a skeleton of the ...
    • Artículo

      A software tool for generating graphics by means of P systems 

      Rivero Gil, Elena; Gutiérrez Naranjo, Miguel Ángel; Romero Jiménez, Álvaro; Riscos Núñez, Agustín (Springer, 2011-06)
      The hand-made graphical representation of the configuration of a P system becomes a hard task when the number of membranes ...
    • Artículo

      A Survey of Parallel Simulation of P Systems with GPUs 

      Martínez del Amor, Miguel Ángel; Riscos Núñez, Agustín; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús (IMCS: International Membrane Computing Society, 2017)
      P system simulators become essential for model verification and validation, since they reproduce the semantics of the ...
    • Artículo

      An approach to Ballistic deposition based on membrane computing 

      Graciani Díaz, Carmen; Gutiérrez Naranjo, Miguel Ángel; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús (Old City Publishing, Inc., 2009)
      Ballistic Deposition was proposed by Vold [10] and Sutherland [9] as a model for colloidal aggregation. These early works ...
    • Artículo

      Bounding the Indegree of Spiking Neural P Systems 

      Paun, Gheorghe; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús; Salomaa, Arto (Turku Center for Computer Science, 2006)
      We continue the search of normal forms for spiking neural P systems, and we prove that the indegree of such systems (the maximal number of incoming synapses of neurons) can be bounded by 2 without losing the computational completeness.
    • Artículo

      Cooperative P Systems and the P Versus NP Problem 

      Valencia Cabrera, Luis; Martínez del Amor, Miguel Ángel; Orellana Martín, David; Pérez Hurtado de Mendoza, Ignacio; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús (IMCS: International Membrane Computing Society, 2017)
      The P versus NP problem is undoubtedly the most important open question in computer science. Frontiers of tractability ...
    • Artículo

      Evolutionary game theory in a cell: A membrane computing approach 

      García Victoria, Pedro; Cavaliere, Matteo; Gutiérrez Naranjo, Miguel Ángel; Cárdenas Montes, Miguel (ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 2022)
      Evolutionary Game Theory studies the spreading of strategies in populations. An important question of the area concerns ...
    • Artículo

      From SAT to SAT-UNSAT using P systems with dissolution rules 

      Riscos Núñez, Agustín; Valencia Cabrera, Luis (Springer, 2022)
      DP is the class of problems that are the differences between two languages from NP. Most difficult problems from DP are ...
    • Artículo

      GPU implementation of evolving spiking neural P systems 

      Gungon, Rogelio V.; Hernandez, Katreen Kyle M.; Cabarle, Francis George C.; Cruz, Ren Tristan de la; Adorna, Henry N.; Martínez del Amor, Miguel Ángel; Orellana Martín, David; Pérez Hurtado, Ignacio (ScienceDirect, 2022-09)
      Methods for optimizing and evolving spiking neural P systems (in short, SN P systems) have been previously developed with ...
    • Artículo

      Implementation on CUDA of the Smoothing Problem with Tissue-Like P Systems 

      Peña Cantillana, Francisco; Díaz Pernil, Daniel; Christinal, Hepzibah Anandharaj; Gutiérrez Naranjo, Miguel Ángel (IGI GLOBAL, 2011)
      Smoothing is often used in Digital Imagery for improving the quality of an image by reducing its level of noise. This paper ...
    • Artículo

      Local Search with P Systems 

      Gutiérrez Naranjo, Miguel Ángel; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús (IGI GLOBAL, 2011)
      Local search is currently one of the most used methods for finding solutions in real-life problems. It is usually considered ...
    • Artículo

      MAREX: A general purpose hardware architecture for membrane computing 

      Cascado Caballero, Daniel; Díaz del Río, Fernando; Cagigas Muñiz, Daniel; Ríos Navarro, José Antonio; Guisado Lizar, José Luis; Pérez Hurtado de Mendoza, Ignacio; Riscos Núñez, Agustín (Elsevier, 2022-01)
      Membrane computing is an unconventional computing paradigm that has gained much attention in recent decades because of its ...
    • Artículo

      Membrane computing and image processing: a short survey 

      Díaz Pernil, Daniel; Gutiérrez Naranjo, Miguel Ángel; Peng, Hong (SPRINGER; SPRINGERNATURE, 2019)
      Membrane computing is a well-known research area in computer science inspired by the organization and behavior of live ...
    • Artículo

      Membrane computing: Brief introduction, recent results and applications 

      Paun, Gheorghe; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús (Elsevier, 2006)
      The internal organization and functioning of living cells, as well as their cooperation in tissues and higher order ...
    • Artículo

      Membrane creation and symport/antiport rules solving QSAT 

      Orellana Martín, David; Valencia Cabrera, Luis; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús (Springer, 2022-09-12)
      In Membrane Computing, diferent variants of devices can be found by changing both syntactical and semantic ingredients. ...