• Artículo

      A classification of totally F-umbilical submanifolds of an S-manifold 

      Cabrerizo Jaraíz, José Luis; Fernández Fernández, Luis Manuel; Fernández Andrés, Manuel (Soochow University, Department of Mathematics, 1992-04)
      In this note a classification theorem for totally f-umbilical submanifolds of an S-space form is obtained.
    • Artículo

      Existence and uniqueness theorem for slant immersions in Sasakian-space-forms 

      Cabrerizo Jaraíz, José Luis; Carriazo Rubio, Alfonso; Fernández Fernández, Luis Manuel; Fernández Andrés, Manuel (Institute of Mathematics (University of Debrecen), 2001)
      In this paper, we present the existence and uniqueness theorems for slant immersions into Sasakian-space-forms. By applying ...
    • Tesis Doctoral

      Inmersiones isotrópicas pseudo-riemannianas 

      Gómez Casanueva, Juan Salvador (2008)
      La noción de inmersión isotrópica Riemanniana fue introducida por B. O Neill [O N1] quien estudió propiedades generales ...
    • Tesis Doctoral

      Invariantes integrales en grupos de Lie 

      Cabrerizo Jaraíz, José Luis (1973)
      En este trabajo, damos el cálculo de longitudes de curvas y n-medidas de n-superficies contenidas en un grupo de LIE, por ...
    • Artículo

      Isotropic submanifolds of pseudo-Riemannian spaces 

      Cabrerizo Jaraíz, José Luis; Fernández Andrés, Manuel; Gómez Casanueva, Juan Salvador (Elsevier, 2012-09)
      The family of all the submanifolds of a given Riemannian or pseudo-Riemannian manifold is large enough to classify them ...
    • Artículo

      Isotropy and marginally trapped surfaces in a spacetime 

      Cabrerizo Jaraíz, José Luis; Fernández Andrés, Manuel; Gómez Casanueva, Juan Salvador (IOP Publishing, 2010)
      In this note we shall study the notions of isotropic and marginally trapped surface in a spacetime by using a differential ...
    • Artículo

      Magnetic vortex filament flows 

      Barros Díaz, Manuel; Cabrerizo Jaraíz, José Luis; Fernández Andrés, Manuel; Romero Sarabia, Alfonso (AIP Publishing, 2007-08)
      We exhibit a variational approach to study the magnetic flow associated with a Killing magnetic field in dimension 3. In ...
    • Artículo

      Massless particles in three-dimensional Lorentzian warped products 

      Cabrerizo Jaraíz, José Luis; Fernández Andrés, Manuel; Ortega Titos, Miguel (AIP Publishing, 2007-01)
      The model of a massless relativistic particle with curvature-dependent Lagrangian is well known in (d+1)-dimensional ...
    • Artículo

      On certain anti-invariant submanifolds of an S-manifold 

      Cabrerizo Jaraíz, José Luis; Fernández Fernández, Luis Manuel (Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática, 1993)
      In this paper, the geometry of certain anti-invariant submanifolds of an S-manifold, namely those which are normal to the structure vector fields, is studied.
    • Artículo

      On pseudo-Einstein hypersurfaces of ℋ2n+s 

      Cabrerizo Jaraíz, José Luis; Fernández Fernández, Luis Manuel; Fernández Andrés, Manuel (Indian National Science Academy, 1996-05)
      In this paper, some properties of the geometry of pseudo-Einstein hypersurfaces of the S-manifold ℋ 2n+s are studied and a theorem concerning their principal curvatures is obtained.
    • Artículo

      On the existence of almost contact structure and the contact magnetic field 

      Cabrerizo Jaraíz, José Luis; Fernández Andrés, Manuel; Gómez Casanueva, Juan Salvador (Springer, 2009-10)
      In this short note we give a simple proof of the existence of an almost contact metric structure on any orientable ...
    • Artículo

      On ξ-conformally flat contact metric manifolds 

      Zhen, Guo; Cabrerizo Jaraíz, José Luis; Fernández Fernández, Luis Manuel; Fernández Andrés, Manuel (Indian National Science Academy, 1997-06)
      In this paper, the notion of ξ-conformally flat on a contact metric structure is introduced and it is proved that any ...
    • Artículo

      Riemannian submersions and slant submanifolds 

      Cabrerizo Jaraíz, José Luis; Carriazo Rubio, Alfonso; Fernández Fernández, Luis Manuel; Fernández Andrés, Manuel (Institute of Mathematics (University of Debrecen), 2002)
      We study the relationship between slant submanifolds in both Complex and Contact Geometry through Riemannian submersions. ...
    • Artículo

      Rigidity of pseudo-isotropic immersions 

      Cabrerizo Jaraíz, José Luis; Fernández Andrés, Manuel; Gómez Casanueva, Juan Salvador (Elsevier, 2009-07)
      Several notions of isotropy of a (pseudo)Riemannian manifold have been introduced in the literature, in particular, the ...
    • Artículo

      Semi-slant submanifolds of a Sasakian manifold 

      Cabrerizo Jaraíz, José Luis; Carriazo Rubio, Alfonso; Fernández Fernández, Luis Manuel; Fernández Andrés, Manuel (Springer, 1999-11)
      We define and study both bi-slant and semi-slant submanifolds of an almost contact metric manifold and, in particular, of ...
    • Artículo

      Structure on a slant submanifold of a contact manifold 

      Cabrerizo Jaraíz, José Luis; Carriazo Rubio, Alfonso; Fernández Fernández, Luis Manuel; Fernández Andrés, Manuel (Indian National Science Academy, 2000-07)
      In this paper, we study the possibility of obtaining an induced contact metric structure on a slant submanifold of a contact metric manifold. We also give a characterization theorem for three-dimensional slant submanifolds.
    • Tesis Doctoral

      Subvariedades Slant en variedades de contacto 

      Carriazo Rubio, Alfonso (1998-05-19)
      Las subvariedades slant constituyen un importante caso intermedio entre las subvariedades invariantes y anti-invariantes. ...
    • Artículo

      The contact magnetic flow in 3D Sasakian manifolds 

      Cabrerizo Jaraíz, José Luis; Fernández Andrés, Manuel; Gómez Casanueva, Juan Salvador (IOP Publishing, 2009-05-15)
      We first present a geometrical approach to magnetic fields in three-dimensional Riemannian manifolds, because this particular ...
    • Artículo

      The contact number of a pseudo-Euclidean submanifold 

      Cabrerizo Jaraíz, José Luis; Fernández Andrés, Manuel; Gómez Casanueva, Juan Salvador (Mathematical Society of the Republic of China, 2008-10)
      In this paper we define the contact number of a pseudo-Riemannian submanifold into the pseudo-Euclidean space, and prove ...
    • Artículo

      The Gauss-Landau-Hall problem on Riemannian surfaces 

      Barros Díaz, Manuel; Cabrerizo Jaraíz, José Luis; Fernández Andrés, Manuel; Romero Sarabia, Alfonso (AIP Publishing, 2005)
      We introduce the notion of Gauss-Landau-Hall magnetic field on a Riemannian surface. The corresponding Landau-Hall problem ...