Now showing items 122-141 of 168

    • Presentation

      Pairing interaction and reaction mechanism for one- and two-particle transfer reactions: a simple model in one dimension 

      Vitturi, Andrea; Moschini, Laura; Hagino, Kouichi; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías (AIP Publishing, 2015)
      We discuss the reaction mechanism associated with two-particle transfer reactions in a simple one-dimensional model. The ...
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      Pinturas murales góticas en iglesias de Eslovenia: el encuentro entre las corrientes italianas y norte-europeas. 

      Sánchez Soto, Pedro José; Ruiz Conde, Antonio; Križnar, Anabelle; Höfler, J. (2005)
    • Presentation

      Poloidal impurity asymmetry studies using the upgraded high field side edge CXRS diagnostic at ASDEX Upgrade 

      Cruz Zabala, Diego José; Viezzer, Eleonora; Cavedon, M.; Cano Megías, Pilar; Plank, U.; Dux, R.; García López, Francisco Javier; García Muñoz, Manuel; Pütterich, T. (European Physical Society (EPS), 2019)
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      Probing 6He structure from proton inelastic collisions 

      Crespo, R.; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Thompson, I. J.; Rodríguez Gallardo, Manuela; Gómez Camacho, Joaquín José; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel (American Institute of Physics, 2006)
      We explore the Hyperspherical Harmonics pseudostate method to describe the 6He continuum. The method is use it within the multiple scattering of the transition amplitude (MST) approach to study inelastic scattering of p-6He at 700 MeV/u.
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      Progress in geant 4 electromagnetic physics modelling and validation 

      Apostolakis, John; Asai, M.; Bagulya, A.; Brown, J.M.C; Burkhardt, H.; Chikuma, N.; Cortés Giraldo, Miguel Antonio; Elles, S.; Grichine, V.; Guatelli, S.; Incerti, S.; Ivanchenko, Vladimir N.; Jacquemier, J.; Kadri, O.; Yamashita, T. (IOP Publishing: Conference Series, 2015)
      In this work we report on recent improvements in the electromagnetic (EM) physics models of Geant4 and new validations of ...
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      Progress towards a quiescent, high confinement regime for the all-metal ASDEX Upgrade tokamak 

      Viezzer, Eleonora; Solano, E. R.; Cano Megías, Pilar; Cruz Zabala, Diego José; Oyola Domínguez, Pablo; Karagianni, C.; Meyer, H.; Hobirk, J.; Bielajew, R.; Willensdorfer, M. (European Physical Society (EPS), 2021)
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      Proton halo effects in the 8B+64Zn collision around the Coulomb barrier 

      Di Pietro, Alessia; Spartá, R.; Figuera, Pierpaolo; Tengblad, Olof; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Lei, J.; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Vignales, S. (IOP Publishing Ltd, 2023)
      The 8B+64Zn reaction at 38.5 MeV has been studied at HIE-ISOLDE CERN to investigate proton halo effect on the reaction ...
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      Quantum phase transitions in odd-A nuclei: The effect of the odd particle from spherical to oblate shapes 

      Böyükata, Mahmut; Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Fortunato, Lorenzo; Vitturi, Andrea (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2015)
      Quantum shape-phase transitions in odd-nuclei are investigated within the framework of the interacting boson-fermion model ...
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      Radia2: A New Tool for Radiotherapy Verification 

      Ovejero, M.C.; Pérez Vega-Leal, Alfredo; Cortés Giraldo, Miguel Antonio; Abou Haidar, Z.; Bocci, A.; Gallardo Fuentes, María Isabel; Espino Navas, José Manuel; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Quesada Molina, José Manuel; Arráns, Rafael (AIP Publishing, 2013)
      Radiotherapy is nowadays a proven technique in cancer treatments. Within the evolution of radiotherapy treatments towards ...
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      Reaction dynamics induced by the radioactive ion beam 7Be on medium-mass and heavy targets 

      Mazzocco, M.; Boiano, A.; Boiano, C.; La Commara, M.; Manea, C.; Parascandolo, C.; Pierroutsakou, D.; Stefanini, C.; Strano, E.; Torresi, D.; Fernández García, Juan Pablo (American Institute of Physics, 2015)
      We studied the reaction dynamics induced at Coulomb barrier energies by the weakly-bound Radioactive Ion Beam 7Be (Sα = ...
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      Reaction dynamics studies for the system 7Be + 208Pb at Coulomb barrier energies 

      Mazzocco, Marco M.; Boiano, Alfonso; Boiano, Ciro; Commara, M. La; Manea, Christian; Parascandolo, Concetta; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Sánchez Benítez, A. M.; Stroe, Lucian (EDP Sciences, 2017)
      The scattering process of the Radioactive Ion Beam 7Be from a 208Pb target was measured at three near-barrier energies. ...
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      Reaction studies with low-energy weakly-bound beams at INFN-LNS 

      Di Pietro, Alessia; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Figuera, Pierpaolo; Fisichella, Maria; Lattuada, Marcello; Torresi, Domenico; Zadro, Mile (EDP Sciences, 2016)
      The reaction dynamics of collisions involving halo or weakly bound nuclei, at energies around the Coulomb barrier, can be ...
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      Reaction Theory and Advanced CDCC 

      Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Casal Berbel, Jesús; Lei, Jin; Gómez Ramos, Mario (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2020)
      The Continuum-Discretized Coupled-Channels (CDCC) has been successfully employed to describe elastic and breakup of nuclear ...
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      Recent applications of four-body continuum-discretized coupled-channels calculations to 6He reactions 

      Rodríguez Gallardo, Manuela; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías (AIP Publishing, 2011)
      The four-body continuum-discretized coupled-channels approach using a continuum-bins scheme of discretization for three-body ...
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      Recent results in nuclear astrophysics at the n_TOF facility at CERN 

      Tagliente, G.; Aberle, O.; Andrzejewski, J.; Audouin, Laurent; Bacak, M.; Balibrea, J.; Barbagallo, M.; Bečvář, František; Berthoumieux, E.; Billowes, Jon; Cortés Giraldo, Miguel Antonio; Fernández Domínguez, B.; Guerrero Sánchez, Carlos; Lerendegui Marco, Jorge; Quesada Molina, José Manuel; Sabaté Gilarte, Marta (Sissa Medialab, 2016)
      The neutron time of flight (n_TOF) facility at CERN is a spallation source characterized by a white neutron spectrum. The ...
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      Relativistic models for electron and neutrino-nucleus scattering 

      Giusti, C.; Meucci, A.; Pacati, F. D.; Caballero Carretero, Juan Antonio; Udias, J. M. (AIP Publishing, 2009)
      Relativistic models developed for the exclusive and inclusive quasielastic (QE) electron scattering have been extended to ...
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      Scaling properties of the Lipkin model at the critical point 

      Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; García Ramos, José Enrique (American Institute of Physics, 2019)
      The influence of Franco Iachello in Physics during the last 50 years and, in particular, in the use of algebraic methods ...
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      Scattering of 8He on 208Pb at 22 MeV 

      Marquínez Durán, G.; Sánchez Benítez, A. M.; Martel, I.; Acosta, Luis; Rusek, K.; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Berjillos, R.; Borge, M. J. G.; Chbihi, Abdelahad; Cruz, C.; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Gómez Camacho, Joaquín José; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Fernández Martínez, Begoña (American Institute of Physics, 2013)
      The skin nucleus 8He is investigated by measuring the angular distribution of the elasticly scattered 8He and the 6,4He ...
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      Scattering of halo nuclei on heavy targets at energies around the Coulomb barrier: The case of 11Be on 197Au 

      Pesudo, Vicente; García Borge, María José; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Lay Valera, José Antonio; Nácher, E.; Gómez Camacho, Joaquín José; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; O'Malley, Patrick D. (EDP Sciences, 2017)
      This work reports on the scattering of 11Be on 197Au at energies around and below the Coulomb barrier. By experimentally ...
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      Scattering of the halo nucleus 11Li and its core 9Li on 208Pb at energies around the Coulomb barrier 

      Borge, M. J. G.; Cubero, M; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Acosta, Luis; Alcorta, Martín; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Buchmann, L.; Diget, C. A.; Al Falou, H.; Gómez Camacho, Joaquín José (IOP Publishing Ltd., 2012)
      The first measurement of the elastic scattering of the halo nucleus 11Li and its core 9Li on 208Pb at energies around the ...