• Tesis Doctoral

      On homotopical algebra and quantum field theories 

      Carmona Sánchez, Víctor (2023-07-21)
      Esta memoria está dedicada al estudio de la teoría de homotopía de álgebras operádicas y sus aplicaciones en teoría ...
    • Artículo

      Polynomial braid combing 

      Flores Díaz, Ramón Jesús; González-Meneses López, Juan (Oxford University Press, 2018)
      We prove that, for n ≥ 3, the minimal dimension of a model of the classifying space of the braid group Bn, and of the pure braid group Pn, with respect to the family of virtually cyclic groups is n.
    • Artículo

      Torsion homology and cellular approximation 

      Flores Díaz, Ramón Jesús; Muro Jiménez, Fernando (Mathematical Sciences Publishers, 2019-02-06)
      We describe the role of the Schur multiplier in the structure of the p-torsion of discrete groups. More concretely, we ...