• Artículo

      A note on K-theory and triangulated derivators 

      Muro Jiménez, Fernando; Raptis, George (Elsevier, 2011-08-01)
      In this paper we show an example of two differential graded algebras that have the same derivator K-theory but non-isomorphic ...
    • Artículo

      K-homology and K-theory for the lamplighter groups of finite groups 

      Flores Díaz, Ramón Jesús; Pooya, Sanaz; Valette, Alain (London Mathematical Society, 2017-08)
      Let F be a finite group. We consider the lamplighter group L = F ≀ Z over F. We prove that L has a classifying space for ...
    • Artículo

      K-theory of derivators revisited 

      Muro Jiménez, Fernando; Raptis, George (Mathematical Sciences Publishers, 2017)
      We define a K-theory for pointed right derivators and show that it agrees with Waldhausen K-theory in the case where the ...
    • Artículo

      Maltsiniotis's first conjecture for K1 

      Muro Jiménez, Fernando (Duke University Press, 2008)
      We show that K1(E) of an exact category E agrees with K1(DE) of the associated triangulated derivator DE. More generally ...
    • Artículo

      On determinant functors and K-theory 

      Muro Jiménez, Fernando; Tonks, Andrew; Witte, Malte (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2015)
      We extend Deligne’s notion of determinant functor to Waldhausen categories and (strongly) triangulated categories. We ...
    • Artículo

      The 1-type of a Waldhausen K-theory spectrum 

      Muro Jiménez, Fernando; Tonks, Andrew (Elsevier, 2007-12-01)
      We give a small functorial algebraic model for the 2-stage Postnikov section of the K-theory spectrum of a Waldhausen category and use our presentation to describe the multiplicative structure with respect to biexact functors.