• Ponencia

      AMADEUS: Towards the AutoMAteD secUrity teSting 

      Varela Vaca, Ángel Jesús; Martínez Gasca, Rafael; Carmona Fombella, José Antonio; Gómez López, María Teresa (ACM: Association for Computing Machinery, 2020)
      The proper configuration of systems has become a fundamental factor to avoid cybersecurity risks. Thereby, the analysis ...
    • Ponencia

      Definition and Verification of Security Configurations of Cyber-Physical Systems 

      Varela Vaca, Ángel Jesús; Rosado, David G.; Sánchez, Luis Enrique; Gómez López, María Teresa; Martínez Gasca, Rafael; Fernández Medina, Eduardo (Springer, 2020)
      The proliferation of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) is rais ing serious security challenges. These are complex systems, ...
    • Ponencia

      FM fact label: a configurable and interactive visualization of feature model characterizations 

      Horcas Aguilera, José Miguel; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Pinto, Mónica; Fuentes, Lidia; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (ACM: Association for Computing Machinery, 2022)
      Recognizing specific characteristics of feature models (FM) can be challenging due to the different nature and domains ...
    • Ponencia

      JPI Feature Models: Exploring a JPI and FOP Symbiosis for Software Modeling 

      Vidal Silva, Cristian; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Leger, Paul; Villaroel, Rodolfo; Valenzuela, Sebastián (IEEE Computer Society, 2015)
      Looking for a complete modular software development paradigm, this article presents Join Point Interface JPI Feature ...